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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. The N44 has upgraded the way the face shield detaches(easier), increase airflow, installed an air deflector to eliminate the wind noise from around the bottom of the helmet and two settings for the shades. (smaller Bluetoothport)? Otherwise its basically the same helmet... That's exactly what I wanted to hear... Thanks, joe
  2. Pretty much, except for being a solid color... which isn't a deal killer. Was looking at the two tone white. The face shields aren't too bad My Arai face shields are more than that. Thanks!
  3. Mainly want it for the cooling, the removable chin guard and the chin blouse for noise reduction. Worries me that I have yet to find a price for a face shield for it...
  4. Anyone here have one? http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/nolan-n44-tech-helmet?utm_source=nextag&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=sc&scpid=9&scid=scsho4659480
  5. Try to "make" myself take at least two nice rides a week. Besides, I know If I don't, I will be working...
  6. No worries... Dave and Robin were the only ones originally set to come down this weekend but after talking a couple days ago we decided to put it out there in case someone else wanted to ride this weekend. He pm'd me yesterday that he was down with a bad back and was trying to get it better before the Asheville rally... Had some campers here on a Vulcan from Florida so I took them on the grand tour via backroads to Reedy, Spencer, Cisco and North Bend State Park. In fact we just got back... Hey, It's all Good!
  7. Heather, Congrats! Very few could do successfully what you just did.. Next time we meet I'll buy you an adult beverage.... Joe
  8. Fantastic!... Glad to hear it Penny and I will keep you all in our prayers.
  9. here's one for problem resolution. Similar to one I had on the wall when I programmed...
  10. Puc....Buddy... "She had a strange tone to her whimper this time,, " I was about to remind you this is a family oriented site...Whew..........
  11. Jeff, That's exactly why I want them on the bunkhouse. Have found if you are in a congested area and leave a gap, the cars will pull into it. There's no way to leave a space in front of you, short of mounting fifty caliber machine guns on the front of your bike...and that reminds me of Rat Patrol....LOL
  12. Dan, You could cancel your appointment on the 15th and ride down with me.. I'm in the same boat taking my brother to his heart Dr. appointments...
  13. Jeff, was looking at installing 7" electric brakes on his trailer. I also want to put them on mine. There should be a controller that limits how much they brake. Of course I'm pulling 450 lbs. in my bunkhouse... Don't know that it would be necessary in a Bushtec as you would be unlikely to haul half that much?
  14. Jim, Will be the October 16th thru the 19th. That way we can get two full days of riding in... Yes, bridge day is on the 18th... http://officialbridgeday.com/ Nice to see you again. Had a Great time at the IR this year...
  15. I hope you guys are ATGAT. The problem isn't that the tire is gonna fly apart. The problem is, if it goes flat in a turn.... When you experience that first hand, you'll change your mind.... and yes my back tire went flat in a sharp turn back in 1980 on a RD 400 Yamaha... Trust me, "You will go down. " As far as rope type plug failure rates, I've had many fail over the years, on a vaiety of machines. I have never had a vulcanized patch fail. The other thing that comes into play is your gonna be real popular when you take it in for a tire change and someone has to clean that stuff up in your rim... I bought a quick kut and PO had done this to one of the skid steer tires.... it cost me more for the cleanup... Bottom line, Do what you want... just go into it with open eyes.
  16. I'm going the other way... Flat Black rules... Might just have a Jonny Cash bike before long
  17. mine has been coming up slow the last 2-3 days
  18. I hear ya.. And a rear Dunlop E3 is a pain in the you know what to spoon off... LOL To be fair, motorcycle shop's won't patch a tire because of their liability... Way to many sue happy people out there. I bought a front and rear dunlop e3 last month for under $300 from Dennis Kirk.
  19. Some people here would disagree with me on this but I would not run on a plugged tire any distance... You don't have any members close to you with a jack? If you did I'd take the rim and tire to a car tire shop and they remove old and install new for $10. or patch old for $15. Motorcycle shops charge to much...
  20. Sounds good Dave. I have a camper and his wife from Florida that are thinking about staying for the weekend to join in. He's riding a beautiful purple Vulkan...
  21. If it was mine, I'd take it off and have it patched at a tire shop...IMHO
  22. Congrats on the trailer Mike! When is the maiden voyage?
  23. Might work out, if everything goes well Thursday...this is suppose to be a routine procedure???
  24. It's people like you that gives me night mares...LOL My campground was designed when camper's were 20' long.. Damn you! NOT Just kidding... But I do agree with the "Tail wagging the dog statement!" Enjoy!!!
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