I hope you guys are ATGAT.
The problem isn't that the tire is gonna fly apart.
The problem is, if it goes flat in a turn....
When you experience that first hand, you'll change your mind.... and yes my back tire went flat in a sharp turn back in 1980 on a RD 400 Yamaha... Trust me, "You will go down. "
As far as rope type plug failure rates, I've had many fail over the years, on a vaiety of machines. I have never had a vulcanized patch fail.
The other thing that comes into play is your gonna be real popular when you take it in for a tire change and someone has to clean that stuff up in your rim... I bought a quick kut and PO had done this to one of the skid steer tires.... it cost me more for the cleanup...
Bottom line, Do what you want...
just go into it with open eyes.