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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Dave, I liked the road's we did last time... (except for that gravel one... Just messing with you MIKE...) Before that ride, I can truthfully say, that I have never witnessed, the women passengers throwing up their hands, like they was on a roller coaster... (which by the way, Iron Mike was leading)... "It's all good!"
  2. Randy, Thanks for hosting this event... I had a wonderful time! Met Dan from Chicago... Truly a wild child...LOL I wish that we all can, Hopefully emulate his enthusiasm!
  3. Every time I install a new rear tire, I tear everything apart and inspect, grease and oil. I hear what your saying. But would rather be surprised at inspection, than on the road. Have close to 30 k on my 07 midnight and am on my third tire. The first separation was hard but subsequent separation's had nothing more than a "vacuum" feel. seals are still good (original) with zero leaks. Thing that really has me baffled is, although I wire wheel and grease the fingers as part of the tire change, there is a little rust on the fingers "every time".... Takes me about two years to wear a rear tire out... My 650 V-star let me sit a few years back as the spline on the rear of the driveline had zero grease on it... was nothing left of the splines but brown powder. Very expensive fix...
  4. That write up, by the way, is for an FJR... Lightly coating the spines will not hurt a thing....and in fact might save them in the event final drive oil cannot reach them...
  5. Prayers up after eating Scrapple this morning.... Yum! Pretty good ride back to WV with Dan and Jeff.
  6. fit's Black after 3k it's dino oil...
  7. I change dino every 3000 mi. or so. The Castrol 20-50 full synthetic is just starting to turn brown at +5000 mi. and I can tell the motor and tranny is starting to make more sounds so I will change. Not sure the synthetic is worth it at twice the cost...
  8. I agree... Even if you got it for $500 you'd have $1200 in it to get it in decent riding shape if you counted your labor... probably double that if you took it to a dealer... Just saying not to look at a bike if the buyer doesn't have a price ready...
  9. From his view it's an antique man! The cb350's were made from 68 to 73... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CB350 Sounds to me like you was the "Picker"... Not that there's anything wrong with that . I figure, If I can't get a price over the phone, I won't waste my time going to look at it. He could have said $5000 and that would have made you more angry... There are way to many people here in WV that state "price available on inspection" ... that's a red flag to me that says stay away...
  10. Just got back from Cumberland MD. hospital. Sitting here pondering weather or not to make the run down to Asheville tomorrow morning...
  11. $230 headset + $300 for helmet +$80 lower cord=$610 Their price of $620 installed +$80 lower cord is $700... with the $105 discount takes it to $595 Heck yeah they are paying you $15 for getting the privilage to install your headset!
  12. If I'm reading that correctly you would need this lower cord for 79.99 in addition: http://www.jmcorp.com/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=HC-ZC Plus the 619 for the helmet and headset/upper cord. "Nolan N44 solid-colors with J&M elite 629 series Integrated Headset Installed (includes Z-Series upper cord only)" $619.99 that's $700...ouch.... minus the 15% discount would be $595 Does this sound right?
  13. http://www.jmcorp.com/NolanN44helmets.asp
  14. Closely resembles this one... http://money.cnn.com/news/storysupplement/economy/gas_prices_by_state/
  15. http://www.chonday.com/Videos/biketruload2#.U8avtmaMqKk.email
  16. +1 If you wait till you get down to 1 or 2 mph and then using front brake only, you have the option of being able to use both legs. Would never recommend routinely using either leg as it will eventually get you into trouble based upon what's under it...
  17. Looks like skids gonna have a relatively dry ride this morning...
  18. Thanks for all he replies... Gonna pull the trigger on one if I can find a place between here and Ashville to try one on..
  19. Good news the hard part is over. Bet she glad to be back home... Now it's time to spoil her...
  20. I' gonna try to be there Friday, ENJOY!
  21. GM67, That would make for a good cold weather helmet, keeping your breath off the inside of the visor. The problem I'm having is the top of my head I getting hot... er... well... hotter than normal...LOL
  22. That's a pretty cool looking Bell helmet. Tomorrows the big day, Eh?
  23. Yup, Nolan is "top of the line"... Now I just need to find a place for a trial fitting... Wish me luck.
  24. Yup they're all Purdy...LOL The one I want is 314 on that site as well....
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