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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Glad to hear your ok... Penny and I will be praying for a full recovery... Perhaps a Miata is in your future?
  2. Hey guys, Ride safe, you may hit a little rain on the way down.. Rest of weekend is chilly but Sunny! I'll keep a light on...LOL
  3. Well the drizzle finally stopped...Prayers Up!
  4. Motorcycle cover... Also keeps the inquisitive types away...
  5. Well, tomorrow is the big day ... Looks like good riding weather... FriOct 17 http://s.imwx.com/v.20131006.215227/img/wxicon/70/30.png 70° 50° Partly Cloudy Chance of rain:20%Wind:SW at 11 mphDetails SatOct 18 http://s.imwx.com/v.20131006.215227/img/wxicon/70/28.png 59° 39° Mostly Cloudy Chance of rain:10%Wind:W at 13 mphDetails SunOct 19 http://s.imwx.com/v.20131006.215227/img/wxicon/70/30.png 57° 37° Partly Cloudy Chance of rain:10%Wind:WNW at 7 mphDetails
  6. Riding a motorcycle is like making love to a beautiful woman... I do not like to talk about it. Nike say's it best with it's logo: just do it
  7. Geesh.. Pull the trigger already... That could haul a lot of firewood...LOL
  8. T-minus 4 days and counting...
  9. While I agree, that would be the lightest possible solution, it requires something in close proximity to tie it to and I still wouldn't be able to use it as I NEVER sleep on my back. Prefer to sleep on my stomach with my feet hanging off the end of the bed.
  10. Prayers going up - rain coming down...
  11. Have a 2000 4x4 Chevy.. I'm Running all season Cooper LT245 75r16... 80 lbs. load range E Yeah I know... It rides like a brick wagon. Stay away from aggressive tires. +1 on what Puc said. I drive mine 55-60 for best gas mileage. Your not gonna get much better than 17-18 mph, IMHO
  12. Your cheating Vulture boy... Everyone knows there's a universal language translator built into Seven of Nine... Geeeeeesh!
  13. You can't see through smoked part. You won't have any trouble seeing thru clear portion and you should be looking well below the top of the shield. I'm 5'11" and can look over top if i really raise up but very rarely do so. Besides, you can always trim a few inches off the top if needed.
  14. 11 days to go... Come on guys, you didn't put your bikes away for the winter already, did ya? I ride year round... as long as there is no white stuff on the road.... (that's why they make heated clothing)
  15. mine fits on top of battery and is zip tied in
  16. John & Lisa, don't give it another thought. If my dad was still amongst us, I wouldn't hesitate to take him any time, any place he wanted to go... "(and his girlfriend) ".... At 92?... OK, you've got my attention... LOL Any time your in the area, look me up...
  17. Ok Leo... Fess up! When were those pictures really taken? They have todays date on them??? Questioning minds need to know..
  18. Sorry for your loss. She will truly be missed. There is no stronger loyalty, than between a Good Natured dog, and, her family... Annie knew where she fit in... I'm quite sure she showed it to all of you, every day. They are much smarter than people give them credit...
  19. found it... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=79351
  20. Thanks for the write up ECK... been there many times, even did a write up on this forum on what to do and where to go while there. Like a lot of things, it got buried in the data...LOL They will have the bridge shut down all day Saturday (shuttle buses only) no way to ride bikes under bridge. Just got off the phone with Cindy and she assured me the under the bridge route would be open for a bike tour all day Friday. So, like I mentioned in the initial post, for those attending, a decision will need to be made on what day we travel to the bridge. The leaves will be at peak so this will be an exta special treat! Bring your cameras and go Pro's. Waaaaah Hooo!
  21. Dave, This is going to be a good one. I've got some Harley bikers that stayed at the park earlier this year that are going to ride along. Don't bring any wood, I've got that covered. EEEERRR.... at least I think I do... ya never know the way some people go thru it... Right Jeff?
  22. No Way, No How...LOL Just like to watch the crazies though...
  23. WV Bridge Day, This event will be October 16th thru the 19th 2014. That way we can get two full days of riding in... (Friday, Saturday) First ride will be to North Bend SP via back roads: http://mapq.st/9-PZo6oOh6 Bridge Day is October 18th: http://officialbridgeday.com/ Based on who shows up and their preferences we can tailor our rides to suit. May want to do the bridge Friday instead of Saturday as it will be CROWDED? Checking on this as I've been informed they close the bottom of bridge off the day before the event... Update: Cindy informed me under the bridge would is accessible on Friday... Yeah! Second day(Saturday bridge day) Route: http://mapq.st/8-uZYuR6W2 From Hico, WV we will travel south on 19 to the motorcycle only parking beside Canyon Rim visitor center. Route home will be adjusted based on how much time we spend at the Gorge. **************************************** There are a number of motels in Ripley WV. I have a small campground (20sites)/mobile home Park. Sorry no Cabins... Will offer a 20% discount for camping for our group which will make it $20 per night. No reservations necessary... Ruby Lake Park 4 Ruby Lake Rd. Sandyville, WV 25275 ***Phone no. is in my profile*** Hope to see you, Joe
  24. And that PIG doubled as a pillow? Yeah Right!.... ************************************************************** Had a lot of fun camping out this weekend! Great to see my old friends, as well as, meeting some some new ones(John and his wife). Ready for the next campout! *************************************************************** Established greetings and salutations, standard Etiquette! "For those that attended ... You know what I mean"!
  25. I believe it's Sherries berries that packs it's products in dry ice...that way it doesn't have to be overnighted... Just a thought ...Joe P.S. Ben How come you didn't bring some of your cheese to the international? I'm sure it would have bee a Big Hit! All the best to you and yours for this start up!
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