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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Newventure... You did the right thing. If we would all take the time out of our busy schedules to report these dangerous activities, it might just save someones life. Maybe your own...
  2. When I ride in groups it is understood that : 1. A motorcycle owns the entire lane that they are in. Only exception is when they are at a complete stop. This allows the person behind them to come up alongside(and gabe). 2. The the 0ne thouand one, 0ne thouand two, 0ne thouand three rule applys at all times for following distances. If a car gets in between you and the other bikers, the people up front simply slow down. They will pull out and pass. 3. Some cagers think its fun to ride in the passing lane and stay in the middle of the group effectively blocking the group in. The group in front get in passing lane and the last man slows down allowing people in right lane to pass and get over in front of him. He effectively brings up the rear. 4. Absolutely no stops on side of the road unless its an emergency. Stop at a gas station where you can kill two birds with one stone. 5. People in front should flash their brake lights two or three times in quick repitition to get the people behind them attention. 6. I personally always get on one one side or the other and look in my mirrors while at a stop so I can bug out if I determine the people behind me aren't going to stop in time. I've seen wy to many people getting run over by inattentive drivers...
  3. Drink plenty of GatorAde G2, replaces lost electrolytes. Wear light colored evaporative clothing. Armour makes some. Believe its mainly polyproplene. It's a very light material that helps the evaporatative process. Also works in the winter if you wear cotton clothing on top, keeps you warm as it wicks the moisture into the cotton and away from your body(old skiing trick). If on a bike, get a 20 oz. spray bottle from Wallmart and fill with water. Spray yourself going down road and ENJOY. It WILL make you cooler!
  4. kartattack, How did you ride an RD400 at only 75mph? Most of the time I didn't... but, if memory serves me correctly, when I went over 110 ... the speedodemeter had a nasty habbit of twisting off.... and that bike would do so easily... As far a the plugs go... If its a small even hole caused by a smooth nail a plug would would probably be ok for the life of the tire in 99% of cases. If however its a larger or uneven hole I would definately go for the Patch or new tire. I have had plugs on my four wheeler fail when addressing the larger or uneven holes, but have NEVER personally seen a patch fail.
  5. I'd have to agree with Eck on the rate of failure of these plugs when done properly. That being said, I still wouldn't consider them a permanent fix and would not ride 70mph on them. I would proceed to the closest motorcyle shop and have a tire patch applied to the inside if a fairly new tire or just change out completly. I've had a flat on the rear of a 400 RD Yamaha at 75mph (+- 400lbs), and believe me, it was a handfull to maintain control and get er stopped without laying her down. Felt like I was riding over about 3 inches of axle grease as the rear tire was cavatating from side to side. I can't even imagine trying to control a 900 lb. bike with a flat tire. Since then I change out my tires when they hit about 3/32 nds.
  6. possible air in lines but this is a big construction rig. Normally will get rid of air quickly as it pushes everything thru, like right now! Not like my New Holland tractor ...its a PITA to get air out of uydraulica and the fuel system...Betting its crud and it's my own fault. I own / operate Ruby Lake Park. it's a mobile home and RV park here in good ole WV. I've got a 130'L x 16'w x 20'h bridge that I upkeep along with creating new caming sites. Got a deal on this at a PA. state auction 12 yrs. back. $14,000 with all new hydraulics. got a smallernew holland with a 6' backhoe for digging in the dirt, but, as you know it's worthless when digging across a gravel road. This 680H CASE can litterally pick my 3/4 ton pickup up and throw it. It laughs when cutting across a road and keeps on telling me "Is that all you've got? give me more" never found something i couldnt lift or cut through. To top it off it has a clamshell backhoe bucket that is perfect for loading trees onto a trailer. A 580 would have been a little more transportable but i just use it here and Bigger is better in this C.A.S.E....
  7. Outriggers go down fairly well but take about 10 min to raise. Problem at loader end as well, but reversed. loader will raise normally but bucks around when lowered. Went to shop and got new Hydraulic filters and fluid. Hope this will solve the problem but I'm not counting on it. Also got primary ad secondary fuel filters as well as engine oil filter. will replace all fluids incuding and antifreeze since I already have it in the shop. I burst a Hydraulic line last week and placed a pan under boom. Emptied pan back into hydraulic tank being cafeful not to get anything into it. At least so I thought:confused24: Immdediately started having problems. Next time i will make sure i pour thru a filter before attempting to put something other than new hydraulic fluid into the hydraulic tank. Live and learn:detective:
  8. Thanks guys, Didn't see any manuals listed in first site...mainly parts. I found the parts diagrams online thru case.com Just got back from Parkersburg at Cases State Equiptment Inc. The service book costs $399 ... So....... That's not gonna happen Saw one on Ebay this morning for $199...Will continue to look for the online site with the downloadable PDF. Thanks again
  9. I know.. I know... this is definately not Bike related... BUT... If I soon don't get this thing fixed, I won't be riding anytime soon. Looking specifically for a free online download. Ebay sells service manual for around $200. I've seen them online but can't find the links anymore. Am having Hydraulics problems in the outriggers and need to tear apart.
  10. Variety is the Spice of life... If you can afford it, get one of each. I personally have the 3/4 inch sheep skin, and the AIRHAWK AND soon will be getting some beads. I modified a motorcycle seat once and inserted a one inch gel pad (like the kind on wheeelchairs) and it too was comfy as all getout... "WARNING --- IF YOU DO THE GEL MAKE SURE YOU COVER IT UP ON A HOT SUMMER DAY AS IT WILL BLISTER YOUR BEHIND WHEN YOU ATTEMPT TOP MOUNT THE BIKE:" Other than that, they are ALL good. Change out/swap them at fillup/reststops and you'll be a happy camper.
  11. denniskirk.com - they will ship them to your door for about half the cost of buying them from a motorcycle dealer... I'm sure other places will as well just check around, enough said...
  12. Diane B. considering that this bad, bad, BAD canadian used my phone to commit this crime...I think punishment is appropriate and necessary! He MUST be taught that scaring "old" people is NOT NICE! So, Don....my 2cents are to make said canadian wash, wax and fill your beautiful motorcycle up with fuel!! And that's just a start......... Is it just me , or do I detect:bobby: that Diane B. was in on this from the start? :witch_brew:I say lets gather up all the culprets and let the punnishment begin!
  13. Oh yeah ...way to go... Freebird! You couldn't just put hot pepper on that canucks seat , no, you had to send a BiGGER message, "A"?
  14. Don't ban him.... Better to get even. How bout sprinkling his seat with some Hot Pepper Powder and giving HIM a call in about 30 minutes?
  15. You could buy a Goldwing vent for about $49 if you don't mind cutting into your factory windshield. http://wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/3916_Factory_OEM_Honda_GL1800_Windshield_Air_Vent I know others on this site have installed them. Maybe they could verify that this is in fact the one you would need as they sell different ones for the 1500 and 1800? Thats what I intend on doing. Just keep it low (close to the dash).
  16. I've used mine once in the 6 months I've owned my bike. Dosen't bother me one way or the other. Leave it alone or unbolt it and put back when you sell your bike.. Best to keep as origional as possible.
  17. Well then Thank you Kbran You the Man! My bikes running better than ever. Will check milage when I get all the Seafoam run through....
  18. Whats the guys screen name in the third picture top row... I owe Him... and others, a Big Thanks for my carb tune! A very Special Thanks to Don and Eileen(happy belated b-day) for hosting this event. It was awsome! I'd like to thank ECK for sharing his accommodations at the Comfort Inn. Also: Thanks to the people at the event that helped me work on the bike: Walter, Travelinman, V7Goose and BoomerCPO...Hope I got all your names straight and didn't forget anyone... (Is it just me, or, does V7Goose look a little bit like Jeff Bridges"STARMAN") What a wonderful group pf people...
  19. Well Pennys not gonna be able to make it. Shes got other things planned she cannot get out of. I will be leaving sometime friday morning. Anyone else heading up friday on Rt#77N or other route? Oh.............. I was "thinking about camping this weekend" but when I saw the weather forcast of 90 friday and 96 Saturday... well... let me just say, I'm going to go with the air conditioned Motel room... I know ... Go ahead and call me a wuss... At least I'll be a Cool wuss... Besides I have avalid excuse, My wife gave away our sleeping bags two years ago!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by captainjoe I agree with tx2sturgis. If "your" animal causes harm to anything, you personally, are held responsible. If your dog kills your neighbors dog, your dog should be put to sleep and you 'at the very least' get to buy your neighbor a new dog. I wish it were that simple, but I don't want the $40 I paid for her, or the money I invested in vet fees for shots, checkups, and treatments. She was a bargain bin puppy that nobody wanted because she was 'ugly' and had an overbite... It's impossible to replace Taffy, she was just like one of the kids. Innocent, sweet, and almost 18 months old. I just want retribution. An eye for an eye. Their dog BRUTALLY killed mine. It was a bloodbath, and my dog didn't even stand a chance. It was like an adult with 12 gauge vs. a toddler. She was completely defenseless. I'd be content with shotting their dog in the head with my .40, but since it's tucked way in the back, I'll have to deal with a couple 100 yard .17 cal shots in the chest. Even then, it won't solve anything, other than my personal twisted desire for revenge... I'll feel that much better. Yeah I hear you, you can never replace what is lost... My mother is 72 and I know for a fact she would have gotten between her dog to save it and the doberman, and, I really don't want to think ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES OF THAT. You see I really don't want to go to jail, but, if anything ever happened to her, because of an aggressive dog and owner, well, lets just say I believe in "eye for an eye" and leave it at that. And no I don't need a gun to neutralize a dog, a shirt around ones forearm offered to an aggressive dog with the thumb up so they cant puncture any veins while grasping the back of its head and pushing it into the ground solves the problem equally as well. Probably would give the "victum" more satisfaction as well.
  21. sheep skin cover...
  22. Although It's been awhile, I seem to remember all brake pads use to come with a 'anti-squeal'? lubricant that you applied between the back of the pad and the cupped end of the brake piston as there was always a certain amount of play there as well as a metal to metal connection.
  23. A small stone in your tread? Depress your front brakes sightly, if sound goes away its your calipers. If you've got creative kids, they may have put a plastic zip ties on the rim so it clicks and drives you crazy... We use to do it to our bike tires although I can't seem to remember what we used.
  24. I agree with tx2sturgis. If "your" animal causes harm to anything, you personally, are held responsible. If your dog kills your neighbors dog, your dog should be put to sleep and you 'at the very least' get to buy your neighbor a new dog. If it kills your neighbor, you need jail time as well as replacing the wages to your neighbor to their family, for starters... People need to take responsibility for their actions. My mom had a neighbor that moved in and had a very aggressive doberman pincher. Every time she took her dog for a walk in her back yard the thing went beserk. I started taking her dog for walks for a while and was hoping the thing would jump the fence while I was there(I had a surprise for him:no-no-no:). Bought mom a 38 cal as I couldn't be there all the time. Ended up resolving itself as the guy was a drug dealer and he went where he deserved to be, for a very long time. He had trained the dog to be the way it was. I'm not for getting rid of all dogs of a certain breed, but, if one harms one of mine, it's gonna get a HOLE in it, afterwhich people can feel free to discuss it in any manner they so choose.
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