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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  2. If you ride long enough ...stuff... happens. I AM VERY GLAD TO hear you and the misses are OK! Remember, hope for the best .... but plan for the worst....
  3. GRINDO, Perhaps thats the reasoning behind the extra LOUD HARLEYS! You may have a point. Or, Perhaps we could introduce some oil into our exhaust system or better yet coolant as it stinks to high heaven .... Oh, heres the perfect solution. My wife makes this hunters concoction made with Skunk extract and vaseline. Just a tiny touch on a stick placed outside your hunting location overpowers the deers smelling senses. Now, take it to the next notch, introduce it into your tailpipe and PU ! If they don't back off from that smell, I'd be scared, very scared
  4. So .... FLB 78, Are you gonna loan me the $15K for my anti tailgater device?
  5. Actually I'd like to have the technology the military is experimenting with. It uses sound waves to desperse a crowd. You could put it on the back of your bike, turn it on and if anyone got to close they would become extreemely uncomfortable and back off. The people to the sides wouldn't even hear it as its directional and confined to a limited path...
  6. Truckers have a word for this, but it alludes me... Goes something like this... They get right on your bumper, to tick you off and most of the time you speed up, which is what they wanted you to do all along. You see the person up front is going to eat the speeding ticket...They get a "free pass' at your expense. Personally I will go up to 10 mph over although mostly only 5 mph over. If I can't hold the extreme left lane I move over one lane to the right. Never ride in the right lane as thats a good way to get run over as thats where people are entering and exiting. If drivers are being overly aggressive get a description of them and car along with license plate. Either call it in over CB or your cell phone. If enough people did this the tailgaiting would stop. Don't let them get to you as thats what they are trying to do. And remember your the one on the bike and if it comes to a fender bender your the one thats gonna get the short end of the stick. Two years ago some skin heads up in OHIO ran a harley rider that was tring to pass off the road just for fun. Since the vehicles didn't touch no charges were filed. They said the harley rider lost control of his bike. Go figure...
  7. Never though of using a log that way but it sounds like it would work. Although, I've never had a tractor stuck bad enough that i couldn't just pull it out with another tractor or bulldozer. ...
  8. You just can't get through to some people. Two yrs ago a smith boy was killed on a crotch rocket going 115mph on a back road (Rt# 21). seems he hit a bulldozer parked in a yard bout 1/2 mile down the road from me. There is another lad on a crotch rocket who seems to have taken up where the former left off. Its only a matter of time before the odds catch up with him. Way to many deer around here not to mention drivers going 45mph and if your going over 100 it doesn't leave much room for error.
  9. skzoid, "The Alaska Marine Highway (ferry) takes about 3 days from Bellingham, WA to Whittier, AK (just south of Anchorage). It might be faster than the Alcan but you're going to miss out on a lot of the reasons you want to take this trip. Work hard now, save a lot of money, sell needlesss stuff, hoard your childrens inheritance - and come spend some quality time... " That sounds like the perfect solution. Take the ferry one way and the bike the other.You could make the decision based on the weather. How much lead time (if any) do you have to give for the ferry?
  10. silent67, the Sikorsky Skycraney lifts approx 20000 lbs or 10 tons... might not be enough for this mess. A trackhoes gotta weigh at least that, not counting the vacum created by that mud. Those people are scre##ed!
  11. A very largr Bulldozer and long chain / crain cable should work. (but, who knows how big that Wet spot is) otherwise will have to use cribbage and planks and I can't even begin to imagine what a PITA that would be. I'm just glad it isn't my equiptment in that muck. Please stay on top of this and keep us informed as to how they get them out!
  12. Your in Penny and my prayers. Good luck my friend! Ya can always double up on the coffee:97: the next day!
  13. Freebird, I heard from Roy, here's his email: I charge $140.00. Just send me your mailing address and I'll have one in the mail tomorrow. Thanks for all your help Joe
  14. Thanks Freebird, I'll shoot him an email... Will let you know what I find out...
  15. I guess it pays to stay up late. LOL Well it's off to harbor freight. I can get the square hitch stock for $5. Just need to make some measurements...
  16. Make sure you use the relay provided or you will be replacing the horn switch like me...
  17. Condor, I never found one either. Believe I will make myself if, I can find a fellow member with one, to see how it is made. No use reinventing the wheel!
  18. Ok i'll bite. Whats OCC?
  19. I don't wish to see any American business fail. The baby boomers were the ones consuming all these bikes in good times. Now they are mainly buying the accessories and clothing. Who knows what the future will bring. I for one hope the economy recovers but until it does, a lot more business will go belly up.
  20. Well, what if you don't have any Hearin aids to take out? DangNaBBit!
  21. Many thanks Monty, Buckshot that'll make it a lot easier in the future as i dont get on for days and my memorie isn't what it use to be....
  22. Yup, Was searching under "where do you go 85" instead of "not meaning to nbe a smart..." Is it possible to search under a or all of a users reply(s)?
  23. Hummingbird, The PA turnpike loves to set a spotter with rader in the median in a yellow state construction truck and set up maybe 3 to 5 state police cars a mile ahead... They will welcome ya to PA!
  24. I have a SP friend that once told me if your doing 10 mph over and you slow down when you see him he probably won't write you a ticket... If you don't hit your brakes your in for a bad day... If your out in the middle of nowhere in sparse traffic I don't have a problem with blowing the webs out of the ole carberators. However the speeding problem has gotten out of control around all of the major cities in the US as far as I can tell they need to set up speed cameras (automated ticket traps) for our saftey. In an accident situation We "motorcyclists" are the ones that are going to get the short endd of the stick.... As far as drumming up revenue is concerned, I'm all for it. Just don't raise my taxes I'm already tax poor.. Back in the day If I wanted to race someone we went to the Hagerstown MD speedway. It was a controlled situation, fun and if someone got hurt it was the racers themselves. No need to "drag" others into the mess. Ok I done now, Sorry for venting but I'm still fuming over the +30 mph idiots on the fla. turnpike..
  25. Monty, What search criteria did you use/ how did you find it?
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