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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Yesterday, I made my own from a galvenized "L" shaped shelf bracket from lowes that was 1/4 THICK 1 1/4 WIDE AND 10" LONG. Cut to size as per Freebirds instructions and drilled. If you take a little weight off rear tire the two bolts will slip out without having to remove anything else. i have a harbor freight jack(orange one) The jack arms are 2"w x 13 1/2" long, It is perfect to raise my RSV if you cut a 13 1/2" L x 1 1/2" W x 1 1/2" H board out of a 2 x 4 and put it right beside the tang you would bolt a center stand to. The other side won't need anything. I rode the bike today about 100 mile and she's a different Lady. Heck I'm thinking it handels better than my 650- V-star now...LOL
  2. Perfect fit, beautiful workmanship! Worth every penny. Only thing is the square stock is made of 1/16 steel that worries me a little but I guess he knows what he's doing. He certainly gets enough compliments!
  3. So wha'd ya do? My rear shock just bit the dust again. Still have over a year warranty and just installed hiomemade leveling links...
  4. Sweeeeet! What size/yer VStar is it?
  5. Wow, just realized I must be an oddball... I like all bikes European, Japenese, American... They all have their advantages and dis-advantages and YES THeY ALL COPY FROM EACH OTHER. and We all benefit from that... :fatsmiley:Cheeres to all bike Makers!
  6. You the Man Dan! I'd have given anything to see their faces! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, to be Young and foolish... Well, one out of two isn't bad...
  7. Looks an awful lot like a small Venture.... Just kidding... Whatever floats your boat my friend. The important thing is JUST RIDE!
  8. Go to your local WallMart and buy a $25 mini air compressor. Dimensions are Roughly 4"W x 6"H x 12"L which is easily carryable. It gets it's power off a 12 volt cig lighter. Will have to check the amperage.......... I know it works on my four wheeler as I've used it a time or two...
  9. Trailer your bike down there so you have an ESCAPE PLAN!
  10. CaptainJoe


    "Don't leave the keys where the wife can find them when she's PMSing." Your in for it now! Hope you don't plan on any relations for awhile...
  11. This just might be Do-able... Just checked with WV DNR and we're having a special anterless deer Bow season for selected counties... September 13-18th. Guess what......... Now if I didn't just jinx myself... Better get to Practicin! Penny wants to call it: Venture Riders Revenge M&E!
  12. Now if you could calibrate that, with say a rearward pointing 50 caliber... You'd really have something... Just sayin...
  13. "sounds like a meet and eat with deer burgers on the menu " Now thats a very good Idea! We could call it the: VentureRider Deer Payback M&E!
  14. CaptainJoe


    Since it's either a rental property, or, the guy just doesn't have any respect for anything whatsoever.... I'll have to agree with Squidleys suggestion: I'm Stupid!
  15. I need to drill mine and install. Have been putting it off due to lack of time. The slow speed handling sooner or later is gonna catch up to me (almost dropped the bike twice). Plus, if I understand what you are saying, it makes the bike even more responsive/sensitive in the curves at high speeds? That I could surely use as am use to the handling characteristics of my 650 V-star. The best part about this mod is, if it's too much of a change and you don't like it, your not out much money or time...
  16. no offense taken, my friend.
  17. "It is recommended that the actual performance be verified through testing experimentally in the proposed application." Sounds like a CYA caveot to me... Like : "Warning this coffee may be extreemely hot! " for all those dufffffesis that want to get rich quick without having to work for it. Do I believe these $3.15 breakers are as dependable as the $500 ones? Of course not... I'll research/test experimentally a little more , find out what applications they are being used in currently (Range Rover)? and buy a few to satisfy my curiosity. I will also keep origional fuses for backup. CaptainJoe the test Pilot!
  18. I'm beting on the CB227 Type III manual reset ATC footprint low-profile circuit breakers comply with SAE J553 and SAE J1171 for ignition protection. Color coded in amp ratings of 5, 6, 7 ½, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30A???? http://www.delcity.net/store/Blade!style-ATC-Circuit-Breakers/p_151.h_751807.a_1.t_1 $3.15 apiece???
  19. Just don't try to get on a military base/cross the border or anywhere near DC with that bike Habib! with all that cicuitry they may just think its a bomb! Just kidding, it looks good... you'd think one of the bike or car manfacturers would replace those fuses with something that was re-setable... One more for the Upgrade Wishlist!
  20. Ya know its a close call when you have to stop at a rest area to clean out your drawers ! Glad ya were ok!
  21. I'm with ya Bro... It's time for a little PAY BACK if you know what I mean. Believe I can get 5 deer this season and I'm gonna see how close to that number I can get. although this state is a little backwards as it pertains to crossbows...
  22. "The sweet spot for this bike where it performs at the optimum seems to be just over the 4K rpm mark. " Thats good to know . Now if only I had a tach to tell when I was going 4K RPM:whistling: want to do the cassette to 3 guage mod/conversion.
  23. Glad your ok! We will soon be in the worst possible time for deer accidents as when hunters start going into the woods the deer start to get very skiddish. Just start counting the number of deer laying on the road now as compared to oh... say mid October to the end of November. As a general rule I try not to ride my bike after dusk or before dawn... My deer wreck happened 4/28/2010 at 7 PM, a little before dusk.
  24. tx2sturgis, I've actually stopped completly stopped in my lane on a back country road and had a car stop behind me. This was after I dropped back behind my wife (a beginning rider) that was being tailgated. I walked back and very calmly said "Please stop tailgaiting " at which time she cussed me out and went around me. The funny thing was we were in a passing zone... Go figure... So, some people simply won't pass you just because we're feeling a bit uncomfortable. Humans have five senses : Sight , Hearing , Touch, Smell, Taste The smell and hearing part I've already covered. Lets have some fun with this. Who can come up with a way to creatively/SAFELY keep people from tailgaiting us? On the way back from Pittsburg I got one of my :lightbulb:moments. What would cause ME to follow at a longer distance to the vehicle in front of me? Well, I ALWAYS give a dump truck twice or even three times the distance because of what might fall off of it. So that would be sight. Hum... a 3 foot oak board with say 50, 16 penny nails driven into it facing up, laying on my luggage rack loosely tied (but unable to fall off mind you), might provide the incentive for others not to tailgate. Or a (tied down bowling ball) rolling around side to side in my hitch rack?
  25. As I'm not in the market for a newer bike I wouldn't buy a new Venture Or anything else for that fact right now... However being a busniess man I know for a fact that if "your not getting ahead" by making constant improvements in your product and investing capital, "Your getting behind". There are those out there that are looking to buy. Like stated above why buy a NEW bike that hasn't changed for the past 12 years? when you can buy a new 07 model with a 5 year warrenty? Yamaha better wake up.
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