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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Hety Dano, Just checking in to see if ya made it back in time for the Game, and, if turned out the way you wanted it???
  2. "There is no "perfect" solution for balancing a wheel other than to make all of the components (wheel, disks, tire, etc) perfectly balanced to start with." Now theres a concept.... Make quality parts to begin with...
  3. The tires spinning on an axel that is not pivoting around on one end like that plastic pop bottle video....
  4. Condor... Pegscrapper... I'd like to se the test done with an unfreezable liquid... Water would get interesting in the winter:whistling: Although I'd still want the wheel weights in place and unit balanced before adding the 2 or 3 ounces of antifreeze...errrrrrr.... Joes Dynafluid ? I will be selling it for $20 an ounce... errrrrrrr.... for my retirement...
  5. Yup, same here. Well perhaps you'll be able to make the 9/25/2010 meat and eat... May not have (as many) deer burgers as I would have liked, but we sure won't go hungry. It's a long story...
  6. Its like water in a pail... If you have a tire that is not perfectly round... the beads would (logically) congreate in that one spot. If the tire were "perfectly round" this congereation point would be random... But it still would occur at the furtherest point from its axis... I just don't see where this has anything at all to do with the fact that a "tire/wheel/rotor" unit can be out of balance for a number of reasons. The wheel can and probably does have a heavy spot, perhaps from drilling out the valve stem, and/or, the rotor is out of balance, and/or, the tire itself may have a little more or less cord/rubber in spots... In an eggshell, if somethings spinning around a fixed, unmovable axis in a perfect circle and the rotor has a heavy spot. How can the beads help? I believe the beads probably do help with the feel of a bike, perhaps, due to gyroscopic forces. I however do not believe the beads alone, can completly balance a "tire/wheel/rotor unit" by themselves..
  7. Sounds good looks like we're gonna have nice weather!
  8. Vista........ WOO HOOOOOO:cool10: In the same sentence??????????? I hope you like it.
  9. I do not know... But it would make a great name for an, ahhhhem.... adult movie company...
  10. I agree........ Family always comes first:backinmyday:!
  11. hey, CalhonWV Dano Pm'd me and said he and the buyer are just gonna meet us at J.P.Henrys. around 1-1:30 to save time... Should have good weather... Keep your fingers crossed:fingers-crossed-emo
  12. Me thinks they forgot? a 1 in front of the 3600.00:whistling: Otherwise I'll take 3! I'll drive up...
  13. I was set up...... that just ain't right!
  14. Dudes and Dudettes, I found the Perfect little Sports Bar/restaurant... A place called: J.P. Henrys 5106 Emerson Avenue Parkersburg, WV 26104 If your comming in off Interstate 77 take Emmerson Avenue exit 179 turn onto Rt 68 w towards Pburg. Go 2 miles they are on the left (going down a hill) Rt 50 joins Interstate 77 at exit 176 (so just go north 3 miles and your there) Hope to see you all there... I'll be there a little before 1:00. Look for the dude in a Black Steelers shirt.. my cell number is (304) 531-1840 This place is awsome! You will be pleasantly surprised...
  15. Might have to change the cocomos thing. Went there yesterday and they have two puny little tv's. Either my memmory isnt very good or they changed them out...... Going for a ride to pick up parts in Parkersburg later today. There are all kinds of sports bars along Emmerson Avenue... Just have to find the right one... Any Suggestions?
  16. Dang Nabbbit, I need SHIELDS for all this wildlife I'm encountering... Maybe 2030?
  17. I'm sorry but the only way I'd drive something like that is if it had an ejection seat and a retractable double bed over my Head...
  18. "Went over the bridge three times and under it once last month down there on a trip. I wished there was somewhere to stop on it to take pics from the bridge." Thats why they have a bridge day... But I know what your sayin, my guess is that it would be too dangerous with the limited room... I may try to ride down next month. It's pretty bad when you live 2 hours away from something like that for 14 years and have never been to bridge Day. Hey if its too cold I could always:mytruck1:
  19. I agree with what was written above... Suggestion: Buy the dielectric grease at Lowes.... Its like $5 and in a rectangular tube with nice resealable nozzel. :mo money:I was Paying $12 for the same amount at Goldfarb electric...
  20. Just about got a turkey in the chest today. He was gliding across the road about windshield height.... Luckly.... with the help of my horn and braking, we didn't meet up. It got me to thinking about the time I rode in to PKB on my bike and a Mechanic there showed me scars on his chest and shoulders a couple years back. Said it was from a 20 lb. turkey strike, He was on a harley, without a windshield traveling about 60 mph. Took him off the bike an busted up his ribs... Didn't quite know wether to believe him or not... I'm a believer now.... This was about an 8 on the pucker scale! Just be careful out there...
  21. Welp I just watched Steelers/Falcons game.... WooooooHoooooooo! I'm thinkin CoComos in ParKersburg for the 19th?...So we can watch the game... I'll be there at 1:00 . ThaT's the start of the Steelers/Titans Game. Will wait for everyone to get there to order... They have the most Excellent seafood/steaks:fatsmiley: Perrrrrfect place to get back on rt 50! Common Skid, Yammer.... other.... Na sayers....? What say you know?
  22. "Never know if Skid or the Yammer might swing up there for lunch! " Sunday is the start of NFL football. Wv'ers take football seriously. Also played on the occasional Monday, thursday. Then... theres college football normally played on Saturday but can also happen on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... Orange bowl on Monday... I have the same problem with my friends in Charleston.... Ya just can't tear them away from that DURN Television!!!! I record the games and watch later...
  23. Give Us a heads up closer to the time. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to meet up with ya around Parkersburg Sunday 19Th!
  24. That would NEVER happen to me.... Ya know why? Cause I bumped that Blame thing every time I was on the bike for the first coupla weeks. It sticks out to far and was getting caught on my glove.......even had it stop on me at a red light... So.............Now......... I just assume its the kill switch, if it doesn't start or quits running
  25. Ill take a set of knee wind blockers, black please.
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