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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. I'm not sure if Dingy does this or not but it sure would be nice to have a camera small enough that you could take a picture while riding your bike. I normally strap tha camera around my left wrist and aim, but, you need a camera that has a really good view screen so that you can tell "when" it is truly in focus... The little HP I have, has this really small rectangular box that lites up when button is pushed halfway and it acquires focus. Problem is you can't see it because of sun glare or just the fact its dimly lit. That results in blurry pictures. Driving thru SD I missed a perfect 3 rainbows in a little valley. with my friends out front on their HDs. well... I gues it wasn't a total loss...
  2. Heres the Lift: http://www.harborfreightusa.com/usa/itemdisplay/displayItem.do?itemid=99887&CategoryName=&SubCategoryName=
  3. 'I had to stop going to that show since the last 2 times I nearly ended up bringing a new toy home with me.' Me To...
  4. It's not on the web... I just happened to walk in the door at the Vienna /Parkersburg store and inquire about it. I was gonna buy it for 199.............' It seeems they have 5 or six skid loads of them and they have to get rid of them to make room... HECK I STILL DON'T HAVE IT LOADED! and i've been working all day...
  5. The most important things in life are : your loved ones, your health and your friends. You've still got all three! You and yours, shall forever be our friends, and, in our prayers...
  6. Harbor freight High bike lift $179.00 Will lift 1100 lb. bike32 inches off ground Black 11 Drawer tool Organizer with castor wheels was 299 reduced to 199 managers special in Parkersburg $139.00 Now I gotta go put the organizer together!
  7. Not that's thinking outside the box. Excellent idea! I had a RD400 start to rust up on me, in my early years when I didn't have a pot to Pee in. Just hope the bag(s) are big enough. Would like to see a RSMV in one of those. Now that would be a BIG BAG!
  8. Ya just know he did that on purpose! Now we're all sitting here on the edge our seats waiting to find out if its a boy or a girl!
  9. Or... you could get the spot! Otherwise, peope are gonna think its one of those Kawasaki?Harley look alikes... Ouuuuch....:rotf:
  10. :buttkick:Ya gotta watch them old guys.... They got old cause they were SMART!
  11. :clap2:Thats what made me fall in love with my venture. I couldn't imagine ever going without a trunk now. I got too much stuffin it... Enjoy!
  12. Sounds like you just weren't seen. Until you get some additional lighting, you could just use your hazards. In a cage on a 70 mph road, I slow down to 65 in medium rain and 60 in a heavy rain.Personally I turn my hazards on anytime I'm going 5-10 mph slower than surrounding traffic. On a bike, if its anything other than a light rain I pull over, or just drive the cage.(when possible) You got me thinking though... Will have to look at back of my bike tonight. It's stock lighting except for a yamaha spoiler with a brake/running light led built in...
  13. Fromst where did you get these knoble adapters fot $12? In wood/metal shop we use to make screwdrivers and such out of plastic. Heat plastic pour into mold and walla! 12 dollars seems to be a reasonable price, for what, $2 worth of assembled parts if that... Takes a person that can look around and acquire the parts cheap. I had a defroster control switch go out on my pontiac firebird. Tracked it down to a .75 cent diode?. Problem is you had to order 500-1000 of them. So, I had to replace the whole fan, defroster, ac control unit for $200. I WAS P O'ed
  14. scope59, What was the speed limit on the section of I35 you were on? You stated you were going 55 mph. Most Interstates are either 65 or 70 or even 75, unless your in a work zone. If you were going 20 mph slower than the posted speed limit, you were not only posing a danger to your self but to others on the highway. The reason I described a ratcheting punnishment for speeders is because the wider the gap in speeds people are traveling at on a particular road, the more likelyhood of a pending diasater... A lot of roads have Minimum speeds posted...
  15. I guess it all comes down to, do you trust the people your riding with? How do you know someone isn't out back, smoking a joint or shooting up or popping pills? In a BIG MC club your going to have a cross section of society. Good luck with weeding them out. Can't see the fun in riding in large groups anyway??? Way to much DRAMA... Someones always complaining, or, trying to catch up, or, eatin someone elses dust... I won't ride with dope heads, alcoholics, or pill poppers. Therefore I do not ride in large groups. I just ride with people I Know in small groups. It's much safer and fun that way..
  16. Confused.... With the vast majority of states in financial difficulty, why do they not see this money making bonanza? Whatever the fines are currently they need to be raised to make people slow down. It's getting to the point some don't care if they wreck you or not, just so they can go as fast as they want. MPH (over) FINE 1-5 Keep same 5-10 Double 10-15 Triple 15-20 Quadruple 20-25 Pentuple? Take license for 30 days, restrict for 1 year, go to drivers school Above this.... automatic jail time, you get to pay all costs including your stay at our fine establishments, plus take license for 6 month, restrict for 5 years, go to drivers school, must wear a pink shirt that says "I like to speed" in public for 1 month. Community service can be substituted for fine at the rate of say $5 per hour. Although parent can pay your initial fine you must prove you paid back otherwise community service at the above rate.... (to many kids pass costs on to parents).
  17. Thanks Guys. Now I gotta pick one.. Hummm....
  18. Anyone make one? What I would like to do is plug in an adapter to my 5 pin "pentagon" shaped pigtail for my headset and then plug in a 1/8 inch male stereo jack. This way I could use the speakers in my Arai full face helmet on any bike... any thoughts? When I ride the 650 Vstar I use the same helmet and I'm having clearance issues if I use ear buds
  19. I just hope his girlfriend doesn't like to ride bikes.... What he is doing will catch up with him sooner or later. As long as he's alone when it comes time to "pay the piper", I'm OK with it...
  20. :starz:Tape deck? What in all the Blazes are you all talkin about??? My 07 Yamaha has this neat little slot to hold my IPOD and a little round connection for it, to the right, under a center lid/cover. Don't understand why they just didn't go all the way and make it like a docking station where you could just push your ipod diretly on a mount thereby getting rid of that wire.
  21. Riding and drinking isn't the smart thing to do, but, like smoking I really don't think I'd appreciate someone telling me I could not do something. With lunch most people can have 2 beers and not be affected by them. Your body will process 1 drink per hour. Plus the meal itself will help absorb the other. Don't get me wrong, I have been on rides, especially 4 wheeler outings, where every 15 minutes someone in the group is stopping for a beer. I only go one time with folks like these as they are there to drink and not ride. And I like to ride! Call me uncoordinated but I can only do one thing well at a time... I wouldn't make new rules, but would probably get up at the meetings, if you decide to stay, and point out all of the motorcycle wrecks that occur in your area and the cause. Then wrap it up by saying "lets be careful out there". I believe being constantly reminded to be safe is better. In conclusion... If there are heavy drinkers... they would be in front of me, not behind, or I'd find different people to ride with.
  22. There should? be an aticule here on how to clean your carbs. Basically you: 1. turn off fuel at petcock 2. take the allen head screws out of carbs and drain (need metric 6" socket allen wrench from harbor frieght) 3. Replace allen head screws 4. fill carbs with carb cleaner and let sit an hour or two or three 5. repeat steps 2 and 3 ( you dont want this stuff going into your heads) 6. Turn fuel back on 7. Add half a can of sea foam to 1 tank of gas for next two fill ups. My 07 sat for 2 to 3 years and this cleaned it right up!
  23. OOOPS! pardon my mistake about where you are located. Thought it was in Canada...
  24. Don't trikes use car tires?
  25. Again, Great start for being your first! Check your email. I contacted you with some suggestions, but, mainly commended you on how well you did in your first attempt at a web site.
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