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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Buy a Bunn coffee maker. Pour water in and place cup under funnel... instant coffee. When your cup gets full 5-10 seconds replace with pot and do #6 thru #10! :ICshocked: Enjoy! Hey .
  2. EXCELLENT! And to think some off you thought this near sighted beer drinker was a SCUBA diver....
  3. Like I said before deer are wild animals. I wouldn't count on anything INCLUDING loud pipes to save my carcus. But I know for a fact any noise at all is better than getting right up on them before they are aware of your presence. I Emailed the Hornet company as a lot of places on the internet have references to Major Insurance companys endorsing them... Will let you all know. Also had references to the fact AAA endorses and in fact their travel stores carry The Hornet. As I don't belong to AAA I'm finding this hard to prove one way or the other... http://www.ridesafer.com/Hornet_Electronic_Deer_Avoidance_System_p/hnt120-bc.htm Maybe ECK could look into this:stickpoke: for us.
  4. For the majority of people on the road to see, it would have to be mounted in the vicinity of your headlight.... As seen through my rear view mirrors...
  5. SilvrT, "there ya go ...yer an idiot if ya do and an idiot if ya don't ... I guess that makes me an idiot regardless.... " Well think about it, riding a motorcycle isn't exactly the safest thing you can do.... But.... IT SURE PUTS A SMILE ON OUR FACES! Like a dog sticking his head out the window of a moving car! WaaaaaaaaaaHoooo!
  6. Air velocity whistles are based on the idea that compressed air traveling through the whistles generates frequencies that alert animals and cause them to stop movement. Air Velocity Whistles Electronic whistles are engineered to produce both an ultrasonic frequency heard by smaller animals and a sonic frequency heard by humans and large animals such as deer. The sounds emitted are supposed to alert the deer that something is coming and as the vehicle draws closer, the sound gets louder so the deer are less likely to be startled by the oncoming car and jump in front of it. Electronic Whistles I live in deer country where one can see between 20-50 deer EVERY EVENING along the roads. That being said... Deer are wild animals, they are UNPREDICTABLE... nothings fool proof. I'd still buy the Hornet and no I don't sell em. I also dress for the worst and hope for the best, but hey, thats just the boyscout in me... I also, try to be in before 6 PM as thats when they seem to be on the move. Personally though, people that place more emphasis on keeping money in their wallets than doing everything in their power to protect themselves are idiots...
  7. That sure is a purdy bike! Congrats! I'd like to have one also but am unwilling to shell out almost 30k for the airbag model outfitted with all the bells and whistles that my MRSV already has (less air bag of course).
  8. After my accident with that deer in March I installed the electronic Hornet Deer whistle. The deer all look up and some run away when I pass by. Believe at the very least it makes them aware of your presence, much like the loud mufflers on a Harley. LOL It's worth the $70 as far as I'm concerned. Figured if I can cough up $70 for a chrome drink holder... well you know what I mean. The $5 air activated deer whistles don't work below 55? and don't work at all if you get bugs in them as well as they aren't loud enough to begin with, so, I'd have to agree that they are pretty much worthless. Invest in good protective clothing, boots and the best helmet you can afford. If you pay for your own medical insurance and have a high deductable, some motorcycle insurance comapanies offer medical for $100 more a year.
  9. Come on now guys ... Just how bad could the weather get in Texas? Sweet car though... I'm thinking she got the better part of that deal. :happy65:What a Luck Lady!
  10. "the idea of taping is also to minimize splintering or cracking...it's not just to protect the plastic from the jig saw feet. " My experience with cutting plastic is that normally, it has a tenedency to just barely melt if you have it at the correct speed and are using the proper blade. Personally, I'd make a "Practice cut" ABOVE the line I wanted. If you slow jig saw down and have a metal blade(more teeth per inch) instead of a wood blade (less teeth per inch) it should not crack. If you are speed control challenged, you could also use a trick to cutting veneer by using your template to scour the surface of your windshield with a utility knife, then cut to one side of that edge. Again, its better to practice on an area of your windshield that you know is going to be scrap. Just make sure you leave at least 3/4 of an inch on the scrap side for the bottom of your jig saw to ride on, cause its a pain to try to hold one by prutting all of the pressure on one side.
  11. I know it's a little late now... An alternative to taping the windshield is to tape ( 2 layers ) to the bottom of your jigsaw. That way it can't pull anything off of your windshield. You just don't want metal to plastic contact. Plastic to tape is much safer
  12. i guess it could be arthritus. I don't know though never heard of creaking rear ends... :rotfl::rotf:
  13. They aren't from Yemen are they? If so, Please send to Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan I'll pay for the Postage...
  14. Sorry to hear about your friends. Just remember your not old. 52 is my age an I intend to do at least 50 more. So techinically we're middleaged. Steve, my ex brother in law is 65 and we have gone from WV to Eugene, Washington to Titusville, FL and just all over. His only problem is his prostrate. He did say that he wouldn't be able to ride the bike without his Airhawk. Met a 80+ year old with his 70+ wife, they had a Harley with a sidecar. When we were talkin bikes he was just as enthused as any young person I know. Was complaining the the durn side car wouldn't let him lean into the curves :crackup:but said the wife wanted the sidecar and he perferred the company.
  15. 1-up, I'd watch every single launch if I could. If another one is going to take off this summer I GUARANTEE I will be there. Love to watch the shuttle launch then go to key West. It is one of the most beautiful areas in the US. I know my ex-brother in law Steve will be there also. He at one time had the unique pleasure of training the late Willie McCool of STS 107 when he was in the US Navy.
  16. lilbeaver, And here it is: http://nasajobs.nasa.gov/astronauts/content/broch00.htm Hope this helps
  17. LILBEAVER, Be smart ask NASA, GET IT IN WRITING! Ignore everyone else.............
  18. LilBeaver, I'm no authority on the subject, just got info from: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/careers/q0178.shtml http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/09/nasa-approves-a/ Hope it helps...
  19. LilBeaver, Pilots astronauts must meet certain physical requirements. The applicant must pass a NASA Class I physical. Among the requirements for such a physical are 20/100 or better uncorrected vision that is correctable to 20/20 in each eye.
  20. LilBeaver, two words, lasic surgery! Go for it! I had it done outside Columbus Ohio 6 years ago for around $3000.00.
  21. Dano, I went to the east of Lake Okeechobee back in May of this year. The day it rained ...no problem. The next day... well.... that was another story. The black flys were so bad you couldn't see thru your windshield after about 10 miles. Really felt sorry for those without a windshield....Yuk!
  22. LILBeaver, To bad its too late to have a pay lottery for the general public to ride on the shuttle? It would definately stimulate public interest in the program and generate much needed funds. And, of course they would have to have minimum physical requirements for the people. Would I'd play? Lets just say "beam me up Scotty"!
  23. BuddyRich, guess I wasn't completly awake when I posted that. Mmmmmm, lets make that 2011 for all the dates. Will go back and correct!
  24. Don't think skeeters will be a problem that time of year. Also the closer t salt water you are the less skeeters. They breed in fresh water. Only one way to know for sure...
  25. How bout a 4 day work week for everyone! Exception: free labor provided by criminals on the 5th and 6th days of the week until their incarceration costs are entirely paid off.
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