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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. PlaneCrazy, looks like the cable clamp(s) on both sides can be unsnapped from chrome rivet on handlebar, then zip tied. I measured 1/2"-3/4" clearance (maybe more) with stock risers. May go to Advance Auto or NAPA for 1-2" valve stem extenders. Might be able to point the valve stems more parallel to handlebars for more clearance? If not, thats about all I will be able to raise as you won't be able to get to end of valve stem. Planning on doing mine tomorrow. Wait a second... If I have to take the top triple clamp off, wont I need a steering head wrench?
  2. I made and installed the leveling links on my 2007 RSMV but is a little to high for me. Love the way it handels but with my 29 inch inseam it's a bit unnerving especially trying to push the bike backwards on my toes and I hate heeled boots. Impossible in gravel. Will take leveling links off and raise the forks about 1/2 to 3/4 in the triple clamps as thats about all the room I have. I can get rid of that cable bracket and use a black zip strip if necessary. Don't need to buy risers because of clearence problems and because handelbars are perfect where they are now.
  3. Confused... How would sliding your fork tubes up one inch make any difference at all with the clearence of the top caps of the risers and your ignition switch (unless you also put taller risers on). Now sliding the fork tubes up one inch may create a clearence issue between lower portion of handlebar and the top of the fork but since they are connected it shouldn't matter provided the air valve is obtainable.
  4. Ahoutzer, Although I only read the last post in this installment, it would seem there could be something more going on than bike riding at least in her mind.... Forgot her papers?... Comeon...
  5. A PA man thats against the Steelers? Might you be an Eagels fan?
  6. Man I'd love to go to cowboy stadium for the Super Bowl. But unless I hit the lottery between now and then... It just ain't gonna happen... Sure hope no#7 took note of how many times the Jets sacked Brady... At least the Steelers can RUN the ball... Also, It's gonna be interesting for Santonio Holmes to play against his old teammates. Just one more reason to let the legal system hand out the punnishments and not team management. They were STUPID to let this man go, in my humble opinion. Yammer Dan.... Would be worth more if it were black and gold : )
  7. As I mount my own I don't have access to a tire balancer. I haven't ever had any vibration or shimming. Of course I never run over 95mph... If I did, I'd get tires that were rated for racing speeds. And those ARE expensive.
  8. You answered your own question. The light spot on the tire is compensated for by placing it at the valve stem which is the heaviest spot on your tube. That's why they do it that way. Then you can spin the tire and add weights if necessary. Neither of my bikes have wheel weights from factory........ If you have a quality tire they should be close enough. There are a lot of places that NEVER balance motorcycle tires. How much weight are you putting on your Wheels? "If not, it doesn't prove anything. If the white dot on the tire is aligned to the valve stem, the tire should be FACTORY balanced. " Ment to say the "wheel should then be balanced." Perhaps thats the difference, my wheels were close enough from factory as to not require wheel weights in the first place? Who knows? ...
  9. there ARE gonna be SOME great gameS NEXT WEEK thats for sure. If the Jets can't SHUT DOWN Brady it's gonna be uglY. If the Steelers face the Patriots next week, you'll see some pay back for that guy. Well they sacked Brady twice in the first quarter. Thats a GOOD sign.
  10. left saddlebag lid is duct taped? anyone catch state on his license plate?
  11. Don't ya just love the games when its snowing? Although they do need to clean the lenses on the cameras more often... at times the TV picture is getting kind of blurry. And NO... its not the adult beverages... yet...:group cheers:
  12. Anyone besides me think Wanderer is trying to have it both ways... Ok ok since his last post said SeaHawks... we'll hold him to it!
  13. Dunlops have always done alright by me... Yes, the D404's are good quality tires, thats whats on my 65O Vstar. Haven't changed tires on my 2007 RSMV but I believe it also has the Dunlops. You can get a longer lasting Dunlops, but if your changing out tires yourself, why bother, save the money. I'm sure there are other quality tires out there but like I said before, If I'm happy with my Tires why start experimenting? As far as a quality tire "list" ???????? I never said I had one... Do You?
  14. Thats why I wanted the Packers to win.... it would make for one Heck of a brawL!
  15. "how to make a women happy" You won't need any beer thats for sure! Maybe wine though... And a credit card without a limit?
  16. i really really like RED BULL....... From the Yes Man movie......... It's getting weirder and weirder...I like it!
  17. Llke I said, you can never tell who's gonna win at playoff time. Just look at all the predictions the "NFL" announcers made............... Heck they always go with the leaders......... Watching the "Yes Man" now............. Very funny yet disturbing movie... Goodnight!
  18. SwEET! Sounds like Some good times to ME! GO PACKERS! Make sure you've got a safe ride home... Cab rides are a lot cheaper than the alternatives... BE SAFE! Don't ya just love this time of year?
  19. I know what your thinking, but, did you ever find out everything your wife got you for Christmas?
  20. Did you verify... the new tire and wheel.... was... unweighted... and... unbalanced.... before... you... put... the... beads... in? If not, it doesn't prove anything. If the white dot on the tire is aligned to the valve stem, the tire should be FACTORY balanced. I, have never put wheel weights on any of my bikes in the 40 or so years that I have been riding. Of course, I have always used quality tires to begin with...
  21. NOW, that was a physical GAME! Hope no one on the Steelers or the Ravens is hurt permanent! Now for the Falcons and the Packers.... Wa Hooooo! Plenty of adult beverages left... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
  22. You do know that is REally REally gonna hurt at that speed don't you? It is funny though...
  23. Wanderer........ so......... whats it gonna be ... Falcons or SeaHawks You know I can 't leave you go as posted... Too much wiggle room:no-no-no: Silent67, You get the Mudd Hens to show up after this afternoons game at Heinz field and we'll take em on... Although they are gonna look pretty stupid with their baseball gloves... and as MEL said , they are gonna be outnumbered and out sized... most Steelers are over 245lbs.... YIKES!
  24. Ouch! anythings possible...
  25. Just verify that the tire is in fact already out of balance Before you put the beads in and the dot is at the valve stem. Also, NO WHEEL WEIGhTS! until AFTER the results of "dynabeads only" is duely noted. just my two cents...
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