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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. sorry Rick but this poll is for people currently running on the Darkside. Understandably, MOST motorcycle riders use motorcycle tires... Perhaps a poll could be started "what MC tires do you use on front and back"? then we could see what the majority of riders are using? Thanks Joe
  2. 2/3/2011 7 - Poll on current Darksiders 2 - Poll on people that tried but Didn't like darkside. Please... If you want to "participate" in these polls, go to the aforementioned links. However, Comments can be made here and are welcomed. I am just trying to get an idea of user satisfaction for running car tires. Will try to update daily for about a week or so that anyone that wants to can add their input. Thanks joe Disclaimer: I am in no way condoning the use of car tires on a motorcycle... Use your own judgement...
  3. Logically, a four wheel setup would provide more stability than a three wheeled vehicle, provided of course the wheel spacing is adequate. I seem to remember all atv three wheelers being outlawed... You can't buy an ATV three wheeler now, as they were inherently unstable. That configeration must have been modified to allow that setup on three wheeled motorcycles? As both, are kit's for a "motorcycle", seems to me they need to change the laws to allow them. There is no way people could have forseen the advances in technology so our laws are built in a way that allows them to be changed. Contact the representatives in your area and get them worKing on it. Citing the Pittsburg police using these kits would be a good start. (personally verify first) Good luck!
  4. TSIGWING, I did but I cant keep them together and if one overflows to page two it won't get seen... At least i hardly ever look at page two:whistling:
  5. There are: BFG Kumho Nexen vredstein Federal Classic in that range. I was kinda leaning toward the Kumhos as they look like they have the roundest profile of all, at least from the pics. Do you guys find you have problems with raised patches or groves that run parallel with the bike? TSIGWING, whats your front tire?
  6. ARE YOU CRAZY! You should have had the surgery done in good riding weather! Two weeks off, Jeeeeeez Meathead! Seriously though... Surgery is not that bad as others have said... I had laysic? surgery back in 03 and was in and out in a matter minutes...... I'd wait to have the other eye done though...
  7. How many Ventureriders actually tried and why they didn't like the darkside? What front tire do you use? For informational purposes only. Not trying to start something. Please do not reply unless you have actually tried a car tire but didn't like the darkside? Thanks Joe
  8. How many Ventureriders are currently on the darkside a.k.a rear car tire? What front tire do you use? For informational purposes only. Not trying to start something. PLease do not reply if you are not running on a rear car tire a.k.a. the darkside. Thanks Joe
  9. Actually there are three scheduled : Discovery on 2/24 4:50 PM Endeavor on 4/19 7:48 PM:cool10: Atlantis on 6/9 3:48 PM
  10. Four questions. Where's the best place to get one? What size do I need? 2007 second gen. Whats the best MC front tire to use with the Kumho? (I like the dunlop 404) or will the dunlop elite II or III going to get me that much better milage? I have 3/16 tread left on the Dunlop 404 rear and 5/32 on a Dunlop 404 front. Am heading to Florida in April to watch the launch... about a 3000 mi ride down and back... So don't think they are gonna make it the whole way...
  11. So that's what you really look like!
  12. MarCarl, Do not fret about the puller... Go to the local hardware shop and buy wideest hardned (black) nut the same size as what the end of your puller "use to be". Then have it "mig" welded to the end of the puller shaft... Hey, It's all good You can also buy (2) nuts and weld to one to the inner side of puller and one for the end of the center shaft. Make sure you thread center shaft thru nut and puller, and finger tighten, before you weld. Do not tighten more than finger tight! This will give more threads bearing the load... oiling threads helps tremendously...
  13. OOOOOOOPS sorry bout that.. You'll probably be getting yours within the next few days... I hope... Just wanted to give you guys a heads up... Now, I have to read up on this, and find the posts here, to pull it off... Gives me something interesting to do tonight and especially "tommorrow"! with my sweetie...
  14. Guess what I got in the Mail today? Wooooooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooo! A Morgan Carbtune in a Black Manly Man Pouch! I've been waiting since 12/22/2010... It feels like Christmas again!
  15. I think this dude watched TITANTIC one to many times.... I'd say it was a waste of a sailboat but it was to small anyway...
  16. Ok here we go again! PROBOWL 7:00 pm tonight EST AFC or NFC? Of course I'm going with the AFC! An then we have the Superbowl...Next week!!! What say you ??? I'm stickin with my STEELERS!
  17. and along with that the women!
  18. I second that!
  19. Same suggestions as above especially make sure the nut is loose... You can also take a babbot (lead) hammer and hit dead center the joint of your cheater bar while you or helper applies pressure. You just need a lot of vibration. !/2 air wrench with 150 lbs air would be best as it would come right off (or break your puller) They also make electric impact wrenches.. Believe they sell em at harbor freight. Just be careful what your beating and heating...
  20. In Florida , an atheist created a case against Easter and Passover Holy days.. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring,"Case dismissed!" The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, How can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays.." The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant." The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists.." The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that, if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned.."; You gotta love a Judge that knows his scripture!
  21. You could always install an Eyebolt on the front of your fairing so SKID could hook up a towing strap?
  22. No, but I have that 5 x 7 photo. Dang I'm gettin old! Thats why I will attempt to ride down and watch the last three shuttle launches. One in February, April (night launch) and last one in June a week after Freebirds MD.
  23. Ben prayers sent to you and yours. Lost my father 8 years ago. It does leave a hole, but that's a good thing as you and others will always lovingly remember him. Sounds like you're already quoting him. My dads favorite was "Do it right the first time or do it over!"
  24. We thank you for all the well wishes and prayers. They must have worked as we're home now and shes eating jello and cottage cheese...YuK! Woman Dr. told me she is not to do anything thay will raise her blood pressure. No sneezing, blowing her nose, lifting weights, running. The most strenuous thing she can do is go for walks around the lake. Thank God she likes to quilt!
  25. My wife is going in for surgery today at 8:30 to correct a broken nose that she got playing baseball as a little girl. Please wish her luck and keep her in your prayers this morning. Thanks Joe
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