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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. SilverT He looks exactly like casper... Is that a Bichon Frise Malteze?
  2. I agree he's an excellent example of how comedians should be... on the othere end of the spectrum: George Carlin... who when he first started out didn't cuss either...
  4. FROM A 2ND GRADE LITLE BOY: Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, because everyone else in the class laughed. My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal's office. I told him what happened, and he laughed, too. Then he told me not to do it again. The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was. I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, just like she'd asked the other children. So I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken. She sent me back to the principal's office again. He laughed, and told me not to do it again. I don't understand. My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn't like it when I am. Today, my teacher asked us to tell her what famous person we admire most. I told her, "Colonel Sanders." Guess where I am now...
  5. silverT, "I like the looks of those Min Pins .... but I don't think they are classified as non-shedding or hypo-allergenic (or whatever that word is LOL) ... Nina is allergic to cats and dogs that shed, especially cats, so we're limited to what we can have. " Mine will be Hyperallergenic till he's about two then he will revert to Hypoallergenic.. as he's so full of himself , he and our Russian Grey cat run from one end of the house to the other, back and forth, backa and forth... makes me tired just watching them... Here's a list of Hypoallergenic dogs though: http://www.petwave.com/Dogs/Dog-Breed-Center/Hypoallergenic.aspx
  6. Google search for the specific breed . After much searching/waiting... I found a 6 week old white bichon freiz malteze I only paid $150 for Casper... owner origionally wanted $250 The owner thought he had a hernia. checked with vet and said thats a $100 operation negotiated price with owner, bought dog, had to wait till he dropped to get fixed. By that time the hernia had closed up. Vet said that was pretty common. Got casper in central pa... bout a 6 hour trip... but i saved quite a few hundred dollars as they normally go for $500-800! Now hes a member of the family...
  7. Bichon-frieze Hyperallergenic, very smart, non shedding, non barking, 10-15 lb dog, very lovable, males have the best personality Only downside was he was a real pain to house break...Strong willed just my 2 cents...
  8. Prayers sent and may she have a Quick recovery !
  9. First and most importantly I am very glad you are both ok. Your daughter sounds a lot like mine... She'd have wanted to ride back with me. I like riding bikes as the more I ride, the more defensively I drive my car. Must be that vulnerable feeling carring over. All in all it turned out to be a great day, noone was hurt, the bike can be fixed, someone here just may slow down and avoid an accident and you, will definately leave a little more distance between vehicles. I know it reminded me to...
  10. Dave77459, same thing happened to my wife. Luckily my 650 V-Star was 2 feet away and downhill from her. We can all use that example to become accutely aware of whats on both sides of the motorcycle as we're coming to a stop. Always put ones weight and foot down on the upper/higher side. Do not get into a habbit of having to put, say, only your left foot down. Make the decision which to use as your coming to a stop. Normally, if there are no uneven conditions, and I always, use both brakes to stop, I wait till I'm just about stopped and put both of my feet down. As its pointless to stop at a place where the left side is lower, to park...(don't) Stopping perpendicular to a Hill, beside potholes, driveway edges, mud puddles even wet ground can do you in, and you'd be surprised at how little of a drop will do it... momentum is a #$%^&! Which reminds me, I need a Kickstand puck with a nylon retrieval cord... for those wet/soft ground conditiones. Glad I read this post... Also, slow down towards dawn/dust. Thats when the deer like to travel. In WV around dusk, I've even heard of more than one rider striking 20lb turkeys. And that leaves a mark! Oooooouch! At least it did on the mechanic in PKB rv's in Parkersburg...
  11. I've been down many times to watch the shuttle Launches. What we do is stop at a subway and have them make us up a meal and we buy some drinks. Then travel north on A1A taking the cruise ship exit. Go past cruise ships and park at the bleachers (approx 1 mile) along side road. Its probably 8 miles away but you can see the shuttle on the pad, the fire and brimestone, and the sound is defening as it arks out over tha Atlantic Ocean. I believe they use a different pad for the satallite rockets. But you should still be able to view from there. After the launch we let the crazies sit in line all bunched up while we shoot the breeze drink our ice tea and eat our subway subs... takes about an hour and a half to clear out... If you like to camp... and since your going in August, another place you may consider is Jetty park: http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_2_Launch_Viewing.html To bad you can't make the shuttle launch in april. A few of us are going down to watch it and then hit Key West for a few days... If you never rode to Key West over those bridges your really missing it... just awatch out for the deer if you are riding late...
  12. Are you equally as hard on the left side of your bike? LOL
  13. You mean 265? if not you were SKINNY at 6'7" 165# dang
  14. Gadzooks Batman! Hey, maybe that could be the next bat Mobile!
  15. And It's not limited to wrists either. Although I only have a 30" inseam my upper body gives me fits when I buy shirts. Can't wear alot of em as the shirt tails are constantly pulling out. They just aren't long enough. My upper body is taller than most. Wish the big man upstairs had devoted a coulple extra inches to my leggs. Whew! I think I'm safe on that one... My late Uncle "Heap" Gorba was 6'6' played football for USMC and had a barrel chest that was so big that when his 4 year old son got on his chest, his feet didn't touch the floor. My mom use to tell us he also went after the AWOL's and when they saw him they went along peacefully... Seems we're all different..
  16. 1 pm EST... Demolition durby ... definately! What do you expect to happen when your drafting for 500 miles at 200mph? They may be on to something here...
  17. Trevor Bayne 20 yr old car no#21 What a race... WaHoooooooo
  18. Jet Skiing, snow skiing, water skiing heck anything that involves skiing and good times!
  19. I'm 6' 230 lbs. and according to the docs I should be 185lbs. When I graduated HS I was 192 lbs and wore 32 x 30 pants. Was so skinny in the legs that I had to wear plaid alot... I personally feel best at 200-205 lbs and wear 34x30 pants. sorry but sometimes the docs are full of it...
  20. all together now "kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya....'
  21. rowdy7 thats what i was thinkin also... the guy might not have walked away from midrsvs bike with an alarm going off...
  22. Nope, I never lie... It's not worth it... The Yes indicates, "willingness"... Your trying to get me in trouble with the wife aren't ya... LOL...
  23. As you don't appear to have a receiver, to tow a trailer... Just where do you put those little puppies when you go on a trip? It's definately not a frst gen so it goes without saying, you wouldn't have to trailer it... just curious...
  24. Oooooooooouch, those lojaks are expensive... Ill get a couple of these and carry my 9mm with extra clips...just in case... Im thinkin about getting a couple of these... [ame=http://www.amazon.com/SE-0304OR-Protector-Alert-Orange-White/dp/B000CRMPZY]Amazon.com: SE-0304OR Bag Protector Alert. Orange/White: Home Improvement@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41X2E8GkJML.@@AMEPARAM@@41X2E8GkJML[/ame] What do ya think?
  25. Happy Birthday Skid! Happy Birthday Warden! Hide the keys to his bike(not skids)... until he figures it out:rotf:
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