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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Well, I for one applaud that " magistrate or somebody else" That is WBC's goal... to make an ordinary person(s) to react in an unacceptable way. I see no difference to what they are currently doing as compared to someone shouting "fire" in a crowded area, or holding signs with racial slurs. The bad part, about the whole thing, is that someone is going to get hurt seriously if not permanently... I believe in freedom of speech but we must respect our recently departed and family. And if they don't, the tv stations should not report it...
  2. That would make for one heck of a trip though!
  3. Here's the link: http://web.venue365.com/ksc/index.jsp?ic_campID=4&ic_pkw=GH_STS134_Feb211 registration is only open for a few more days... currently targeted for Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 7:48 p.m. ET. I'm hoping for: NASA Causeway: Admission ticket* to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex and a Launch Transportation Ticket to view the launch from the NASA Causeway. You can purchase up to 6 tickets per transaction... Anyone else interested in going?
  4. Maybe stupid is a self correcting problem. MAYBE? LOL... Maybe... she also didn't notice her keys were still in the ignition and the dash lights were still on?... Or, do you think she always just left her keys in the car? Comeon....
  5. jonesy, Thats how I always went... but then I was starting out from Chambersburg. The time you loose in miles will more than be made up in time saved in traffic jams, especially if you are unfortunate enought to hit a major city at 7-9am, 11-1pm, 3-6pm , I really hate city traffic and always try to time it so I'm not there the during the aforementioned times.
  6. Freebird, Riverrat and Bill Ingraham Happy Birthday my friends! Perhaps this is the year the Cowboys and Steelers will make it to the Superbowl... LOL
  7. PGR new members yesterday 55 PGR new members today 855 Guess that Supreme Court ruling had an impact : ) Just signed up under Jhermsd ... long overdue Yes we do have freedom of speech, but it seems to be " lopsided"... Perhaps....... We (PGR) should hold a non confrontational national rally at WBC headquarters?...
  8. nada says: 2737 avg trade-in 3262 clean trade-in 4937 retail you could start at $3500 but i doubt you get it for that. If it's in very good shape I'd offer "up to" $4,000.
  9. Mustang seat on my 650 Vstar. VERY comfortable! haven't tested a Corbin but dome swear by them. The stock seat on my 07 RSV is perfect... It's gonna staY!
  10. BigDawg, Don't know for a fact that it will void your warrenty, but, I sure as heck am not gonna give the dealerships any ammo... If you know what I mean... If it's motorcycle specific oil though, you'd 'thinK' the oil manfacturer would stand behind their product. I just don't want to find out...
  11. No Problem... Im just a little curious as to why it says 1 unconfirmed message and when I select that the message says unread?... It would appear you read it, but, what desiganates a confirmation? a response perhaps? Personally, I'd buy a GM/Buick product or Toyota...The wife bought a Toyota Corolla S. Camerys are good to go also... Shes in love with that car... Just my 2 cents... Oh one other thing ... look at trade in and retail price in NADAGUIDE. I always split the difference between the two and thats the MOST I buy and sell for.
  12. Yammer, Sent you a PM on a 2002 Pontiac firebird Whatever you do Yammer look at: www.nadaguide.com that way you'll be able to make an informed decision.
  13. YammerDan, I agree, people that actually do anything, are bound to make mistakes. This cost BP, ahem..., BO KU money.... Bet if a do-over was allowed, they'd take it and run... The costs to BP are in the millions if not billions
  14. I love castrol oil in all my cars and trucks... But until my warranty runs out in 2012 I'm sticking with Yammalube... As far as BP/Castrol is concerned, you couldn't ask for a better products. I regularly put 200,000+ miles on vehicles. Superior products indeed. Changed at or about 3000 miles my vehicles do not burn a drop of oil... I just refuse to support either middle east oil or Venezuala.
  15. Cut back on the cabbage...
  16. I believe the most important feature of a handgun is how they shoot, for "YOU". A friend of mine had a .357 smith and wesson SS that made a believer out of me. It only had about a 3" barrel but at the rifle range at about 50 yrds all you had to do is point the revolver at what you wanted to hit and it did... That my friend, is not the experience I have had with most revolvers... They are all different and perhaps this particular revolver had some "work" done to it as the trigger bull was unbelievably smooth. You could shoot it double action and you still got what you aimed at... just my 2 cents...
  17. WhoooooooHoooooo! Time to celebrate!! Here's wishing that she heals quickly!
  18. "CaptainJoe Wisconsin is one of the 2 states that does not allow CC, so that is not an option, YET." Flyinfool, Your are still allowed to defend yourself. She may not be allowed to carry it concealed, but if she knows how to use, and more importantly, when to use it "hence the training by a law enforcement officer" she could have it at home for protection. The six most important words to remember are, " I was in fear for my life", and they better be the ones you use if you have to shoot someone. Hey, you'd have to decide wether or not that was in her best interests as everyone is different. My wife Penny was the first woman to graduate from the Armys 101st Airborne. Let's just say, she doesn't have a passive bone in her body, and, "Pity the fool that tries to kick in our front door ". To borrow a term from BA baracus...LOL
  19. "Just finished using 32 oz of Hydrogen Peroxide on my German Short Hair after my other LAB opened her like a can opener. We were shooting HP with a water gun into wounds that were 3 to 4 inches deep. Taken nearly 6 week to close the wounds due to NO STICHES due to infection that was the stinky part. Neosporin is good too for shallow stuff. Looks like composed reply nearly same time. LOL" Frogmaster... guess dogs are a little different than humans... LOL I'll definately defer to you as your a vet. Couple years back the dr. gave me heck for putting HP on a pretty good gash on my arm and advised me I was killing the good cells by doing so. told me to use the neosporin only, and cover it up with gause bandage so it could stay clean and breathe. It started healing rapidly after that. Guess dogs are different as they are constantly licking things and such...LOL
  20. +1 for the great dog T-bone steak! Clean wounds initially with hydrogen peroxide then neosporin afterwards... Remember hydrogen peroxide "nukes" everything including live cells so don't use after initial cleaning.. Have your GF take an officer taught small weapon class... and obtain a permit to carry. These punks are getting bolder and bolder. My wife perfers a Smith and Wesson .38 Special Airweight... with hollo-points:whistling:
  21. CaptainJoe


    Any type of berries in a plastic bag.
  22. Keep your warm weather down there ...I just rented out a condo at seven springs... LOL:stickinouttounge:
  23. Change the pistons, rings wrist pin and needle bearings and grind or replace valves and you''ll be good for another 40... Don't let her go too long burning oil or bad things WILL HAPPEN... By the way... I have a John Deere 440, 1959 model that I rebuilt... Not the motor its still tight. The undercarriage and painted everything, clutches, throwout bearings, and brakes... I just love the old girl... Ooooooooooooops! What anm I sayin... Shes one year younger than ME! YIKES!
  24. Neatsfoot oil and shoe trees... same thing they use to soften up baseball gloves....
  25. Handsom little fella... Did ya name him yet?
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