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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Laugh if you want but I'm using the cassette player on my RSMV to listen to my Pilot Course tapes from years ago. Aviation rules & regs, radio frequencies etc. haven't change much. Gonna get Back into flying.
  2. "You probably won't ever run into this situation unless you are at a 1% event or 1% bar etc. If you are in a public place, even if there are 1%ers, usually they won't say anything." YUP! It's just good ole fashon COMMON SENSE... Just like going into rundown seedy looking bars, with motorcycles only, no cars. It's probably a gangs turf... There use to be the Hershey bar outside of Ripley WV. It got closed down due to the violent nature of the people that hung out there. Drugs, stabbings and shootings, yup, got er shut down permanent! Good riddance! Groups of people that don't work for a living and ride +$20,000 motorcycles is initself a SIGN! Just how do you think they make their money? Alcohol, Drugs and gangs... why would you even want to go there? Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully it will diswade a curious rider from getting EdUcAtEd thru experience. The movie WILD HOGS comes to mind for some strange reason LOL...
  3. bongobobny, where'd ya get the E3 tires?
  4. THATS FANTASTIC! Maybe 10 miles from home... Will have to make a trip to check out the prices... Thanks
  5. Black owl, "Not intended to open more debate on which is best. " Your a very smart man... LOL Without information on how you ride and a miriad of other vital information, it's pointless to make any claim on which is best. There is no frame of reference... I tried to collect some stats on this once but no-one was interested. That itself spoke volumes to me. LOL:whistling:
  6. Fantastic! May she have a speedy recovery!
  7. Do a compression test on all cylinders...
  8. I' have to agree with Micarl on this one get the engine hot. Dingy also has a point as if Red loctite was used the ONLY way of loostening it without breaking it off is with heat. So to kill all the birds with one stone/try: Spray bolt with PKblaster Heat the bolt Then take an ice cube and touch head of bolt. alum case will still be hot but bolt will be cooler. this also hardnens bolt head so you don't so you don't round it off. Then take a properly fitting phillips head screwdriver (one with a hardnened tip) and give it a couple sharp blows with a ball peen hammer... This will cause the screwdriver to seat itself into the screw properly as well as sendnig a vibration into the screw thereby loostening it. Next the impotant part...turn screw clockwise, just a tad as "you said it started to move" take turns clockwise /counterclockwise/pkblaster till you get it out or run engine till hot apply ice cube yada yada yada.... Bongobobby is on right track also... Im a slo typer,,,
  9. You all are overlooking the obvious... Let her drive and you get behind her... The advantages to this setup is rather obvious... In fact, It's elementary my dear Watson...
  10. I guess there's an advantage to being married to someone for over 27 years... I don't Need any of that crapola... The wife knows me better than I know myself... Theres certain things I will and will not do under any circumstance...
  11. I know Marcarl personallly so.............. I'm sure he meant it in jest.... ALTHOUGH I'VE LIVED IN WV FOR 15 YEARS AND IT'S STARTIN TO GET OLD! SORRY TO ALL FOR THE RANTS!
  12. Wrong Turn was filmed in Canada also! eh?
  13. That's an old joke... Someone swapped out Canada for West Virginia though. I personally thought it was funnier the the first way...
  14. You and Marcie will be in Penny and My prayers. May she have a speedy recovery.
  15. Does it come with AC?
  16. I've got 6400 miles on my 07 venture with dunlop 404's. Bout the only thing negative I can say about them is that neither one will see 8000 miles. Soft rubber tires good handling properties, although perhaps to soft... Going to the Darkside in 1500 miles.
  17. ediddy, "Most all real motorcycle riders started out riding metric bikes and later got a harley". I'm about as real of a motorcycle rider as you can get and I can assure you that I will never own a harley. You see, I will not promote, labels of any kind, or buy something simply to impress someone else. I've been around people like that and I want no part of it. I buy my bikes based on what they have to offer, the bells and whistles, saftey and looks. But, to be fair, I will not make disparaging remarks, about a harley or any other bike for that fact. As long as your riding, who cares what it is? And if you do care, well that says something about that person as well. In fact,the only other bike I would even consider beside the Yamaha Venture is the HONDA Airbag model. That would be for saftey reasons and because it's quiet. With my hearing loss I have to preserve everything I have left! Rentalguy1, enjoy the bike, a very good friend of mine Ray Boggs has the 08 Ultra. He will probably upgrade to the 11 model this year as it cures the heat problem for the driver. (actually I believe the 09 version did this.) It is a very nice bike. Just remember
  18. If the bike has been sitting any length of time, Do compression check first... If you do not have enough compression, you probably won't have enough vacume, that is what makes your carbs work. I could always tell when my 2000 RM250 Suzuki was approaching 100 hrs on a set of rings, as it would get difficult to start. But run easily after it was at highter RPMs. If your compression checks out, your low speed jets are probably gummed up/clogged. If you have to take your carbs off, take your air box off, twist the throttle and see if all four carb slides return at the same rate. If they don't, take your carbs off, take the 1 1/2" black cap off and clean/replace diagram. Sometimes people overlook this when they do a carb rebuild. If they don't return at the same rate your rpms will hang instead of dropping off quickly as they should... remember to replace the oring under the needle seat...
  19. Size 8 1/2 also. We've got a heel to toe shifter? LOL...
  20. As the weapon is not secured, you would have to take it with you every time you got off of your bike...
  21. I believe it was Condor ask the question "Why mount a rear tire on the front anyway? I also would like to know... Is/does the rear tire have more tread allowing one to get better life out of it? Or is there some other reason?
  22. bendtdj, I've got a 2005 650 Vstar Midnight Custom 24,000 mi, one owner, Mustang seat with backrest and pillion, small windshield, speakers, brakeaway cruise control, sissy bar with luggage rack ,...to many add ons to list, mature owner, oil changed every 3000 miles excellent condition $3200 I need to repace headlight housing due to a kamikaze Deer last year and put an new clutch in. If... a person changes the oil and filter every 3000 miles you will get over 100,000 mi. on a air cooled bike. Unless of course your running the urine out of it! Wife says I have to many toys... LOL Guess my point is you could probably get a better deal, if you shopped around. That tank alone is probably +$600!
  23. BUMP... Register online at http://www.ksclaunchtickets.com beginning March 2 at 9:00 a.m. ET through March 9, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. ET. If anyone is interested let me know as I have to be one of the first ones logged on to their site when the sale occurs as I want "causeway tickets". A couple of launches ago they were gone in minutes... a person can buy 6 tickets... Also: Anyone ever stay at Jetty park in April?
  24. 2005 650 Yamaha Vstar Midnight Custom:buttkick: it feels like your riding a scooter/mini bike when compared to my 2007 RSMV.
  25. Thanks Sling, I'll check them out in about one hour! Although the 11 th may be the best time as far as the clouds are concerned...
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