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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Hey Guys, I'm going to be installing vent(s) in my stock windshield and am just wondering if anyone has installed two Goldwing vents? Or do you think one is enough? I get very hot in the summer and need the airflow.
  2. 22lyons, Let me know when you figure this out, as, I personally know some bikers, that would pay good money for 'vibration" nformation like this...
  3. Zerks aren't necessary but it does make greasing the front end a couple minute job instead of a couple of hour job. heres an articule written up by freebird on greasing head bearings: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=511 go into second gen tech (read only) then do a search (middle of page right hand corner) that way you will just be searching second gen library. I'm guessing you have a second gen.. Perhaps when you get time you can edit your profile to include the type of bike you ride. It will help others to help you. hope this helps.
  4. "waddy think .... should I change my nick?? I been thinking maybe "SOUP-r-Star" .... but maybe "B!atch" is more appropriate?" Depends on the context in wihich the word was used.. In your example, I believe the proper spelling is "beeatch":rotf:
  5. One of the things I noticed early on abut the RSV is that 99% of what I wanted came standard on it. Whereas on the Gokldwing you had to buy them as options. As the Goldwing was already more expensive than the Venture I bought the Venture. I am perfectly happy with my bike with the following Mods, "personal preferences" Lowered front end 1 inch (have an 29" inseam) Hornet deer whistle saddlebag rails drink hoolders front and rear luggage rack trunk wing with led lighting reciever and wiring harness for trailer Need yet to add a "Y" to ensure both front forks are equal in pressure, and install grease zerks for head bearings. possibly do the casette to guage mod elec. tac, temp. None of these mods were necessary (except manybe the lowering) to be a complete touring bike. To be fair Honda Goldwing is the only other Touring bike I'd even consider riding...
  6. I was thinkin the LEO's might like that TNT compartment also. Nice trailer though!
  7. "Fortunately my wife doesn't watch the bank account too closely. " LOL... She knows my friend, She is just waiting for the right moment to spring it on you... Perhaps some time in the future when you balk at the idea of new living room furniture, new car, new carpeting etc... so on and so forth ... You know what they say about a womans memmory... Better have fun now:duck:
  8. Trying to find Freebirds thread on restricted viewing for non-members. Some of us have expressed interest in meeting up with others for rides to MD's and the International Rally. Would probably be a good idea to make these arrangements in a non public viewing area as I'm not really comfortable broadcasting that I'm going to be away from the homestead especially for a week or more... on all our threads we have our state and town and bike we ride so... it wouldn't be that hard to connect the dots... for an unscrupleous individual... So my question is... is there an thread area, members can view to see another members routes (if they want to list) and willingness to ride in groups? The most logical place would be the calander/ event area but not sure if that would be a lot of work for someone??? I believe Venterous had started a thread with the info that would be needed for these meetups...
  9. Is it true you can drill and tap for a grease zerk that is accessable for that steering head? I too would be interested in that.......
  10. Leaving out of Sandyville,Wv friday morning sometime. Riding up I-77. Good thought Goose. Anyone wanting to stay here thursday nite are more than welcome.
  11. If your taking I-77N maybe we could join up at exit 146 Ravenswood/Silverton. I live about 4 miles from that exit. Are you camping or staying in a motel? Let me know Joe Never mind man... Just got educated... there is an I-71 above Portsmouth Oh. When you do mapquest from you location it shows 28 to I-77 ... or 28 to CHARLESTON WV TO I-77 Your taking the scenic route... that will be much better. Enjoy!
  12. Surely, someone in your group is carring a netbook or laptop along.... That way you don't/won't have to print anything out as far as assistance goes...... Also: I seem to remember Freebird had that info available in PDF format... that one could download? Have a good trip, and be safe!
  13. The nice thing about using chains is, the more you twist them, the shorter they get... therefore no need to cut. also: I have always used the last link on end of trailer chain to insert a "chain link with threads" (don't know what their proper name is) but you essentially have a link that has threads onto top and bottom of one side of the link that a long Nut connects. Before you use cable I'd check to see what the law says. The ones I've read say saftey chains... Don't give an insurance compny any weasel room...LOL Ride safe guys...
  14. Hey V7Goose, You da Man... I didn't look far enough... Thanks Joe
  15. just for future reference V7goose, what pages of the service manual did you use to determine it was the vacum pump.
  16. See jugglers post to download service manual... sorry i couldnt copy pages 447-470?.. its an adobe pdf http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828
  17. Cool but is it very practical?... Believe I'd perfer the protection of a cage in that particular job... Way to many crazies out there... Not to mention the mirad of weather conditions your gonna encounter for 8-10 hrs a day... Besides, how ya gonna do a pit maneauver in one of those? LOL
  18. I hear what your saying, but I actually like to look thru the windshield "taking cover". Out west and south of here it gets VERY HOT... thus the reasoning for a true QD wind"screen"... Heck actually, there are quite a few days here, when I wish my windshield wasn't on at all.
  19. I think it all depends on the speed and duration of your ride as far as windshields are cncerned. Temperatures also come into play early and late in the year. Bugs and rain are other factors to consider. I can't imagine riding around lake Okechebe? without a windshield in peak black fly season.. (We need an emotioncon with a bug in it's teeth.) well, just imagine this one with a fly where that hole is for now...LOL If your on an interstate putting down some serious mileage a day (+500) at speeds of (+65) this ol boy is gonna want a windshield with goldwing vents to protect me from the wind buffeting/noise. If on the other hand, you just want to putt down back roads, my favorite, at (-55 mph) and put down (-300 miles)or less, I'd perfer not to have a windshield at all... I'm toying around with the idea of making a aluminum bracket that bolts into the area of the stock windshield. It could possibly be canted back to allow the stock windshield to shed rain more efficiently. It would allow you to quick disconnect you windshield. Then: I could take another stock windshield put a QD bracket on the bottom of it, and cut an area that would leave +- a 1 1/2" - 2" section of windshield on outer edge. Then streetch some screen door screen across and fasten. Have to figure that part out... Possibly rabbit a 3/16 grove around inside edge of windshield and use regular screen door cord so as to make it maintainable... My thinkin on this is if you get into an accident your gonna want whatevers in front of you to "breakaway". If you had a little container(to hold windshield or windscreen) above luggage rack you could swap them out in seconds. As our bikes are set up now it takes what, 30 min to take shield off and button fairing back up? Update... Actually I stand corrected. There are two screws on top inside faring to hold chrome topper on and 6 or 7 screws to hold windshield on... so maybe a couple of minutes to take off. Regardless, it's not something you'd want to do very often as it would end up rounding the mounts out...
  20. They make things that look like hockey pucks(although thinner and having a "V" on top) for under your stand if your worried about your bike sinking in soft ground/blacktop. Attach a small nylon cord to this "puck"? and you won't have to bend over to retrieve it! Which by the way, could be disasterous... I thought about buying a center stand and fabing up Freebirds attachment. When I went to jack up my bike, I found if I used a 2 x 4 cut down to 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 7? (have to measure), it will fit in between the exhaust pipes behind centerstand mount. With this in place I can use the stock Harbor freight motorcycle jack. I throw this piece of wood in my left saddle bag. If I want to check the oil I place it under my kick stand. It will make the bike almost perfectly straight up and down. Hence I eliminated need for centerstand. Don't use this wood for soft ground as it wouldn't take much to push bike over...
  21. I think it's ok now... went from 4 to six or pages... can live with that. Initially it was overwhelmed with ads and I didn't like the thought of having to wade through that every day. But as it is currently is, it's acceptable... should satisfy both parties. Good Job!
  22. Hey Freebird. Do you want our responces here or on the "classified poll" thread?
  23. I think it's ok now... went from 4 to six or pages... can live with that. Initially it was overwhelmed with ads and I didn't like the thought of having to wade through that every day. But as it is currently is, it's acceptable... should satisfy both parties. Good Job!
  24. Are you Dear Sir, Implying that some of us were "premature"?
  25. Although I didn't vote in the poll "sorry" I don't like it... Is there a way to block out the forum heading "links to classifieds, etc." when you do a todays posts. It's just to busy now. my 2cents...
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