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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Ok, how'd ya do it? After all this we need to know... LOL Did someone stay at a Holiday Inn?
  2. Hey Yammer! what do you expect... I'm almost 53 years old...
  3. Skydoc_17, Took you advice and used my magnet... The parts that I thought were aluminium weren't... In all I pulled 7 pieces from the tank. There are 12 pieces above tank... I had 5.... Went to hadware store and bought spring, cut them down. made 1 rubber piece and 2 plastic pieces and put back together ... Folks I shopped around for a new 650 Vstar gas cap. It's the very same one that's on your RSV. When I checked the one on my RSV, both screws on it were also loose.... if it falls apart, you will loose the tiny springs and plastic pieces(which you can't buy) and A new gas cap is $142.00! Do yourself a favor and place your gas cap upside down on a cloth take the 2 screws out and put a drop of blue loctite on them and re-install. If you don't lift the angeled piece, that the screws hold down, it's a 2 minute job... "Never could find the articule about loose screws on a RSV, but, I know it will happen to the: Gas cap left and right Saddlebag lids trunk lid where is this list of loose screws? If gas cap isn't on it could it be added?
  4. Speaking of Kumhos... many places on the internet have the Kumho 758 Powerstar 165 60 r 15 listed around $56.00 but are out of stock... still! The strike has been over for some time now, whats the story?
  5. How bout some kick stand pucs? on a rope... I've been meaning to get one or two... Soft ground and an RSV isn't a good combination.
  6. Not to be the devils advocate, But... I personally wouldn't have killed him, or, for that fact any of the higher ranking ones until I was sure they didn't have any useful information to share with me.... You know, like their associates whereabouts, ranks, assets... and maybe their targets? Of course if they did this and they are caught, GITMO is gonna look like a picnic in comparison... On an ending note, wasn't it just plain down good ole timing that our "Get it done" General took over the CIA last week... Perhaps hes got something the other guy didn't.
  7. Don't know if this applies specifically to the RSV but here it goes. Took my brothers GMC Rotors off last week and had them turned on a lathe by an old timey Mechanic. He said to make sure to lay my calipers on the side, pull the rubber gasket up slightly and get some Bralke fluid behind that seal. Sure enough every one of them had a slight rusty colored powder behind the seal. He said most people don't do that part but if your brake piston rusts on the outside it will take out the internal orings. Another tip... Keep that high pressure car wash away from your calipers as you will blow the protective coating off the pistons. I did this to my Yamaha 400 RD years ago and had to buy the rebuild kit... Speaking of which ... do they even make rebuild kits for calipers any more?
  8. There is two philips head screws and an angled aluminum piece with springy tabs on both sides at the bottom of my tank... If it were just the screws I could live with them at the bottom of my tank and just replace them at any hardware store that sold metric screws. Just take the gas cap off your RSV... It's the same one... The 2 screws and aluminum piece will fall in but the rubber gasket, a brass piece and the chrome topper can't.
  9. I'll take care of it for ya... I've got Photoshop on my computer. Now, which side of the head was he shot on?
  10. "I'm afraid you may be mistaken.. we are way to relaxed, but I hope it is me who is wrong my friend... Many of them live within our boarders now, and there are many more coming over and setting up camp on our land. It's only time before they strike again...they wont stop just because this guy is dead..I'm wiling to bet they had a talaban meeting last night welcoming their new ,and in thier pain of loss, making plans on thier next move(s) against us. They will strike again..and when they do it it will be severe and impacting as 9/11... ........probubly much worse... " The threat, for the use of overwhelming force worked with Russia... If would also work with Afghanistan... It just needs to be conveyed... My fear is that it will not be conveyed... I hope I'm wrong.
  11. Well done! Now it's Time to pull out troops out of that rat hole. Let us leave on a high note. As far as retaliation in concerned, Tell em next time you think about killing our brave men and women, that we will target some areas in Afghanistan that they are especially proud of. Push a couple of buttons, bad news would be on its way... Did you know sand when subjected to intense heat makes glass...
  12. Just be careful to check load rating. Most jet skis are around 600 lb . I bought a RXP SEADOO 215 HP supercharged that was 900 lb. Ended up buying a harbor freight trailer rated at 1200 lb. and welded a rack together for her. Also extended/replaced the tongue made it longer and now accepts a 2 " ball. Added bonus is when I unbolt the rack I have a regular 4' x 8' trailer.
  13. While your in there use some blue loctite on the screws to your gas cap.... Mine fell apart while riding on my 650 Vstar and its the same cap as the RSV... I also have to take the tank off, to get my parts...
  14. I'll try to take a picture tomorrow.
  15. I'm a avid tea drinker and am constantly getting the urge to sip my tea going down the road. However since I purchased my Arai Full face Helmet I have found this to be almost impossible. Solution! Go to hunting section in Walmart. Look for 750 ML Sports bottle With lever sip cap BPA free. It's a 25 oz container that has a straw to the bottom and a 1 1/2" lever top that you flip open. Just open and hold upright and you can reach the top under your full face. No need to tilt your head back... Beside the bottles, are 4 Replacement straws for these containers. cut one in half and insert into your Sports bottle lever and it becomes even easier to drink. Note make sure you get the sports bottle with the round hole in the lever. Some of them are oval in shape... Enjoy your favorite beverage! "just as long as it's not carbonated"... Don't ask, cause I'm not tellin... If you need to know, dump 25 0z of carbonated pop in the container and take a drink as your travellin down the road... Good luck:buttkick:
  16. "I think I would just leave those parts in the tank and find new ones." If I did that people would be saying I had a couple of loose screws... It's the principle of the thing with me... they are comming out and getting a liberal dose of blue locktite!
  17. Never could find the articule about loose screws on a RSV, but, I know it will happen to the: left and right saddlebag lids trunk lid Now, for my story... Thursday I decided to take the 650 VStar midnight custom out for a spin and rode about 50 miles. Was going down a straight away when "sprong" the top of my gas cap came off and started to go to the road. I hit it with my right knee and it landed in my lap. Then, a metal/rubber section came up and i did the same thing. I slowly stopped and looked at pieces in my lap. In all 3 pieces. A brass piece a rubber piece and the chrome topper. I stuffed a leather glove down the tank hole and proceeded home. Out of curiousity I discovered my RSV locking gas cap fits beautifully on the 650. Probably the exact same cap. Now, I have to drain the gas tank and retrieve the two phillips head screws and the aluminum spring assembly that must have fallen into the tank. Guess what I'm saying is, the gas cap screws need to be added to that list...
  18. LED's LED'S are you talkin to me? http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/teledynelandinglight.php Thi is just a joke of course please do not install on your bikes...
  19. Just bought a GL1800 smoke vent at Country Chrome about 6 miles down the road, for $49.95. Got home took it apart and put up against the RSV windshield... Almost, a perfect match. about 1/16" of space at both ends indicating it could have been curved more. I'm betting the screws will be able to snug it down. (if not I have a heat gun and will bend it) Didn't do a thickness test yet. Will let you all know tomorrow how the install went.
  20. Here's the reply I got: The two vents are identical in construction (neither is heavier than the other) but they are definitely not the same shape. If you line them up side-by-side and look at the tops you'll see they fit two differently curved windshields. The vent for the 1800 has more curve to it, the 1500 vent fits a flatter windshield. If at all possible, I would suggest that you compare the windshield on a GL1500 and a GL1800 Goldwing to the one on your bike, then choose the one that matches the curve of yours the best. I'm expecting the 1800 vent to fit best because the Royal Star Venture's windshield has quite a curve to it. We have the 1800 vent in smoke and the 1500 vent in both smoke and clear and all are the same price. Thanks! - hhammons Sounds like I should go with the 1500 as per Freebird, Huummmmmmmm, Thats assuming the clearview has the same curve as the stock shield...
  21. The vents for the: 1500 (CL 1600) for $42 (hhammonds) 1800 (45-1252N) for $60 look identical with the exception of (4) rectangular openngs on the inside top edge of the 1800 vent. Sent hhammonds a email... awaiting a responce...
  22. Freebird, do you remember which GW vent you bought? "Ko, I'm a slow typer...LOL" As far as the cutting goes, your right, drill corners and jig sawto remove rest. I will mark windshield with a permanent marker, fine tip, and pre-cut with an exacto knife to get past the clear coat. Then I will put " Fresh " painters masking tape (blue) on the botton of my jig saw. This will eliminate the problem of seperation of the hardcoat from the windshield. A trick in aviation to stop cracks is to drill a small hole at the end of the crack. It will stop the crack from getting worse... l
  23. I agree, OEM is normally the best bet for quality... can get a 1800 OEM vent for $42 I just need to know if there is a difference which one to buy the 1200, 1500 or 1800?
  24. Naturally, It will of course not be as strong as it was before, but I intend to place the round vents above and to the sides of the Goldwing vent. So it should be strong enough.
  25. Hey guys, I ordered the 2 - cc3251 vents as per Squidley Lookin at the $29 vents from Saber Cycle Honda Goldwing Parts on ebay It says its not oem but will fit a goldwing 1500 windshield? I think Goldwings came in 3 flavors 1200, 1500 and 1800.. Which Goldwing vent is the better profile match for a stock RSV windshield???
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