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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Best deal so far:$338.oo camera only http://www.amazon.com/gp/cart/view.html/ref=lh_cart_vc_btn Basic acessories $33.99 http://www.amazon.com/Soft-Digits-Outdoor-Accessories-Cameras/dp/B0169T94KC/ref=pd_rhf_sc_s_cp_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=61EX92Vbb0L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_SL500_SR135%2C135_&refRID=1B51X26M9RH713T2QB45 Dual charger at $21.99 http://www.amazon.com/Wasabi-Power-Battery-AHDBT-401-AHBBP-401/dp/B00OAAUZO2/ref=pd_bxgy_421_img_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0BG5G8Z7VW8S0H938EA3
  2. I'm not either...Want the Hero4 because it is 20 times better in low light.
  3. Might be but how do you do that? Roadtrip? I just received my passport.... I like it! where is a place around Niagra falls to do this?
  4. Found one on Amazon for $394.00 with two exra batteries and dual charger.
  5. That's the hero4 Black???
  6. Can get the Hero4 silver at Walmart for $399, hero4 Black is $499 Black has no LCD screen and you need a box to dive with it. although it captures 4K video 120 fps
  7. Am looking to buy a new go pro hero4 silver. Anyone seen any on sale, or, with discounts? Going snorkeling in Aruba this April and this camera is waterproof.
  8. Night crawlers and a very tiny sinker. I only had the one bite and caught him. They will be stocking in January. They are still selling night crawlers in Cowen.
  9. Imagine that with a lightweight Sporty Trike...
  10. Penny and I will, be praying for a successful 100% surgery and speedy recovery, Jeff.... Sounds like you should be, good to go, by the end of June...
  11. Larry, NO. Bubba, Sorry... Yammer, ya missed a good trip... could have picked you up as I drove the cage and went right past your exit on I79.
  12. 1. 6 miles up Cranberry River all uphill on bike (bicycle) past Cold Run 2. Parking lot Cranberry River campground 3. Williams River campsite 17 4. Leaving Sunday morning to watch Steelers game. 5. Older pic at Cranberry River with my 17 1/2 Rainbow trout
  13. I had a great time. Only caught one 12" trout, but the stars and quiet was worth it... Legs hurt as I foolishly rode my trek bike up Cranberry River trail for 6 miles (12 miles total) after not riding a bike in 6 mos... Will definitely do again. Learn something new every time I camp.
  14. It's getting late. As no one wants to join, will cage, camp and fish at the Cranberry River. Will be biking also but it will be pedal powe in order to get to the good fishing holes.
  15. Only happiness and good health for all my family and friends. Is that too much to ask for? LOL
  16. I have a heavy duty extension cord, 25' 12 gauge with three receptacles, got at Lowest tor the AC. Kind of triangular shaped. The heater is a variable heat 800-1500W. Should be good to go.
  17. Thanks for the warning, I have a ceramic heater. Does pretty at warming camper. will have to go to garag e and check watts out...
  18. Hopefully with the generator, it will be in the 70's at night...LOL
  19. Weather turns to **** this time of year. I believe us campers, have a chance to take advantage of a situation here...
  20. Will purchase a Honda 2000I Generator... For Heat.. LOL Tea Creek WV area.
  21. Ditto on not changing anything. There is some talk about creating chapters on the Venturers site in an attempt to reach out to new riders. I believe it would create a chance for a lot more rides and if it was open to all riders in the area, I'm sure more than a few would join. Actually, the non motorcycle related talk is what transforms people from being acquaintances to friends IMHO. Facebook has become the new norm for communication and I believe this is what gives the appearance of non interest.
  22. Hey Dan, just be thankful you are a vet. You have the skills that will be necessary when the stuff hits the fan.
  23. Tricia, Penny and I will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
  24. Maybe if I could split room. (two single/queen beds ) Wife will not take vacations and as much as I like my BIL I will not share a bed with him,...LOL Would be nice to bring my 2005 Seadoo RXP along though...
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