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About clowe

  • Birthday 09/01/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    Chris Lowe


  • Location
    Nampa, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 Black Cherry Royal Star Venture

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  1. One of the really interesting things I discovered was that the sound was being picked up and amplified by the intercom. I usually run with the IC set to 11 and the "chirp" was very, VERY annoying. Setting the IC to 7 or 8 got rid of about 90% of the sound.
  2. I like Gallagher's take on DUMB drivers... Every motorist is issued a dart gun with a bunch of special rubber tipped darts. Every time we see someone doing something... questionable... we shoot a dart on their trunk that has a little flag on it that says "STUPID!!". After they collect a dozen of these things, the cops pull them over and give them a ticket for being an a__hole.
  3. Just got back from an "almost" cross country trip...Virginia Beach to Idaho. Great trip, so-so weather for the first half. Now planning for next summer's trip. Ship the bike to New York, ride thru New England to Halifax, Canada then back thru Canada to Vancouver ...coast2coast. Here's pics for any interested http://myweb.cableone.net/cblowe
  4. I ran mine between the handlebar mounts and along the left handlebar. It makes hooking the headset up very easy plus it keeps the cord off the tank when I am riding.
  5. Definitely want to take a camera. Here's some pics at the summit from a trip in early July '06. The goats were only about 20 feet away.
  6. Thanks for the offer or flying up here and riding it to Va but I think I'd like to keep the mileage down.
  7. My wife and I are planning to motor around the east coast next summer around June. In order to have more riding we are planning on shipping the bike to Va and working our way back to Idaho. Having never done this before I thought I'd see if anyone here has ever shipped their bike. I'd like to know Who did you use? How was the pickup done? How was the delivery done? Did you have to be there to meet it or could they hold it until you showed up? Were you satisfied? Anything I need to look out for? Thanks for any help.
  8. I've got an '06 with 24k on it. No trouble yet. Just the usual wear down items. Trip pictures at http://myweb.cableone.net/cblowe
  9. We used the epoxy paint with the decorator chips. Look really good and I can tell you that that is TUFF STUFF. I have dropped hammers, bricks and any number of heavy objects on it and not once has there even been a chip on the surface. Anything wipes right off and anything that does not, grab your favorite solvent and go for it. Won't touch the coating. The one thing I will warn you about is amount of concrete etcher they give you is usually not enough. Buy a second bottle. Prepping the concrete is EVERYTHING. Spend most of your time and care on that and you will be very satisfied with the results.
  10. I have a Sirius Starmate 4 with the universal mount bracket. That is attached to a mounting kit from J&M. Everything is a permanent mount and all I have to do is pull the radio from the universal bracket to move it to the car. Theonly problem I have had is that the antenna connector in the radio has become "loose" and I need to hold the radio in the bracket with a cable tie or the vibration causes the antenna connections to disappear. Other than that little issue, the thing has worked flawlessly on every trip. I have pictures of the entire installation process, I just never got around to putting them together into a "Hot-To" yet.
  11. Don't know if anyone has seen these or not but... http://www.mac-pac.org/temp/motivation.html
  12. Left side mirror is steady, right side vibrates to a blur. I have ISO-Grips on my 06 but the blur was there before I replaced the grips. It won't even go away if I lean on the bars.
  13. Buddy's cable is for the mic connector which is strictly an input to the Zumo. What I am talking about is the audio out from the Zumo which everyone has been saying to plug into the aux on the RSV, so my original question is still valid... If you have split the aux_in connection on the RSV with a "Y" connector (which many people have done) and have an mp3, sat radio, minidisc, whatever plugged into one side and playing, and the Zumo audio_out plugged into the other, it seems to me that it is not a good thing to have two different audio signals pumped into the aux at the same time without some sort of mixing/switching device in between. My suspicions are that there may be some ohm/load mismatches (sort of like and audio version of a ground loop) going on there that could damage the amp on the bike.
  14. Ok, but if you are plugging the Zumo output into a "Y" connector on the RSV aux doesn't that screw up audio if you also have another source coming into the aux (such a a sirius radio)? What happens when you are listening to the sat radio and the Zumo decides to pipe in with a voice prompt? Don't you need something like the Kennedy rig to either autoswitch or blend the signals?
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