Greetings fellas! been working with my father in law on his 1986 venture that we got him for chrismas (sheriff) we removed the gas tank and treated it with the epoxy kit, we removed the exhaust system and cut open the collector and took the baffels out (they where shot) basically rebuilt the collector, pulled the carbs and cleaned them and reinstalled, also we pulled the front brake calipers and are in the process of replacing them with some rebuilt ones. Ok heres where we are at, Got the bike started last night, just put the fuel tank on and hooked up the fuel lines and started it, it started right up, but when you wick the throttle it wants to die, so..... I turn the choke up to about half, and let the rpms build, then when you wick the throttle it seems to run fine, it seems that the left rear carb has a slight backfire. We are going to sync the carbs today and see if that helps, I dont recall seeing the mixture screw when we took the carbs apart to clean them, where do i find them? this whole project started when my buddy (the previous owner) used sea foam, and the next thing ya know, he clogged the crap outta his carbs, so he cleaned the carbs twice it would run fine for about an hour and then start choking, so it was determined that the gas tank was quite rusty. anyways any ideas would be appreciated!