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Everything posted by SC89Venture

  1. and at 11 seconds after 1:00 am it will be 01:11 01/11/11
  2. For those that are going Sunday, if you decide to meet after the show, post a place and time and some kind of hint of what the group looks like, lol. Maybe I will join you if it happens and my schedule is intact. Don
  3. Although I have not done this I would think a smaller bottle would be enough. I will check my manual to see if it list a quantity. You may want to post questions like these under "First Gen Tech" instead of Watering Hole, more folks would see it quicker. Good luck, Don
  4. Just an offering, I think you may be overthinking it a bit. I got my 89 about a year ago and read everything I could find on it. But I was not aware it had the integrated braking until I had to replace my front right master cylinder. Now I know it has it, I try not to overthink it. What I did when I first got the bike was found a big empty parking lot and just practiced a lot. I routinely will go and do figure 8's, stop and starts, low speed braking, ,hi speed braking, just to keep me tuned to the bike. That way I feel what is grabbing and how much, etc. With my bike, it is not in the best condition for a 22 year old bike. Not sure even if the linked brakes still work, don't care cause I feel for what is happening. My 2 cents worth. Thanks, Don
  5. Hey gunk, I arrive around 2:30, will grab the rental car and should roll into Novi about 3:30-4:00 pm.
  6. I have to fly up to Detroit on Sunday and I am staying in Novi. I will probably get in to late for the show but if you all meet afterwards maybe I can join you. Let me know if your doing this. Thanks, Don
  7. Wow, that is the bike I want and the trip I want to take!!!! We took off for Disney for New Years Eve, park was closed by 11:00 am and had to go to Epcot. Never again on a holiday, lol. Nice pics.
  8. Thanks everybody for the replies and suggestions, part numbers and links to purchase the items. I ended up using a piece of 1/4 fuel hose, cut it about 5" in lenght, split it the length of the hose and formed it around the metal tab the top lid fits into. Used an oversize washer at the mount near the gas tank and all is secure. Went on a ride today, alhough only 25 miles, but had speeds up to 65 and top lid was all still and quiet.
  9. I am looking for the name of the grommet that holds the top lid down in the front. I call the top lid the lid that you have to remove to service the air filter, (not the air filter box lid), it is held in the back by the one phillips screw and washers. My front lid is wanting to come up as I am driving, and I think there is supposed to be a grommet that it presses into in the front, or under all the wiring. Does anyone have one for sale or send me in the right direction with a part number, or that has come up with another method to hold the top lid down? Forgive me if I am calling the top lid by the wrong name, I tried searching using a lot of different phrases and came up empty. It is an 89 Venture. This is the one I am going to fix the fuse panel on this winter. Thanks, Don
  10. I have to ask, there used to be a place called the 747 lounge in Buffalo, is it still there or does anyone remember it? The reason I ask is I went to a programming class in Buffalo for Moog machining centers. Wednesday night was "drink till you drown night", and I did. This place was so cool, basically a fuselage of an airplane mounted next to a hotel, turned into a bar with disco balls, flashy lights, you had to purchase a ticket for admittance. Staff was dressed as flight attendants.
  11. SC89Venture


    Just a thought, check with your local high or middle school, see if they have a photography class or contact the staff that does the yearbook. Maybe you could donate it to a project like that.
  12. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu7YCBTP2g8&feature=grec_index]YouTube - Motorcycle engine for a USB hub[/ame]
  13. Congratulations, Breathe in and cherish every minute, before you know it he will be grown!!!
  14. I dont think even Seafoam can fix that!!!
  15. Michael, Hang in there with it, these are awesome machines. I don't have much to offer excpet this. Read all you can about these bikes in the tech sections and all the forums. The search engine works great when you figure out how to use it. I started wrenching on my 89 model doing tires and brakes, and well still working on the brakes. There are great people on here that will chime in. Keep us posted. Don
  16. Misfire!!!
  17. For what it is worth, we have a 99 Ford Expedition that we bought used with 75, 000 miles on it. I got it to pull our 32' camper with. Been the best vehicle ever, it now has 175,000 miles on it. It has the 5.4 engine with 4WD. Only complaint is the engine blew the #4 spark plug out of the head, had it heli-coiled and has not been a problem. Mileage is about 15-16 on the highway, drops to 8-9 pulling the camper. Also the back seat comes right out and you can haul a queen size mattress in the back. Great vehicle to haul the wife, 3 kids, and usually a couple of there friends to the beach with the trailer. I have put 8 people in this truck, and yes all had seat belts. If it blew up tomorrow I would go find another 99 model. Problem is this stupid cash for clunkers deal last year took a lot of these fine vehicles off the road.
  18. Like I heard a man once say, "I aint skeered of heights, but I am skeered of depth's" lol. Neat video, no way I could do it. Can you imagine trying to come down?
  19. Earl, Thank you for this information and all your help. I will tear into this this week, I need to address the headlight issue anyway. Currently it is held with wire ties, lol. Thanks, Don
  20. The sight glass on my front brake master cylinder sprung a leak from cracking, so I replaced it with an ebay m/c. When I took off the old master cylinder, the it had just two wires coming out of it and they were tucked in the fairing - not hooked up. Brake light did not work with front brake, now I know why. However, the replacement m/c has two sets of wires coming out of it. The two with the bullet type ends that connect somewhere, but there is another set of wires coming out that have a plastic connector on the end that looks like it should plug into something - anyone know where this goes? Thanks, Don
  21. Got the rear tire done today, now we have new front and rear tires for the Venture. H/F jack worked great, now I know why you need to remove the right rear bag, so you can get the torque bar off. Got new bolts for all the calipers, everything went back without a hitch. Also replaced the front brake master cylinder, put fluid in it and tied the brake lever all the way back. Ran out of time so I will let it sit overnight that way, will re-check brake fluid level later. Found out why I don't have brake lights with front brakes, wires were not hooked up. So we will see what we can do about that tomorrow. Thanks to all the encouragement from everybody, I am way more intimate with this bike now. Possibly a tune up in the future and fix non working turn signals? Oh yeah, will put brakes pad on right front, other caliper sets were in good shape with lots of pad left. I did start it up before I put the mufflers back on, sounded good except all the missing and backfiring. After I put the mufflers back on, it got better, but like I said a tune up and carb sinc are in the future. Don
  22. Okay, Friday update. Found out the rear axle nut was already loose, eeks. Got the bike up on the jack and removed the front wheel. Man these things kind of teeter totter don't they? Glad I had straps to secure the bike with. When front wheel came off, I lowered it (fast) but could not move the jack from under the bike. I don't have the Class system (yeah I am no class) but thought that maybe I am not supposed to remove both wheels at the same time. So I took the front wheel and had the new tire put and just re-installed it. At least the front wheel bearings seem okay. very smooth rotation, could feel no bump from a bad bearing. Got the speedo oriented right, that was kind of a trick also. Anyway, I am going to attack the back wheel now. I am thinking I can get it high enough to remove, with the front wheel on, maybe?
  23. I looked at a 95 RV Class C motor home in craigslist and emailed the person posting the ad. Price was like $3500 and the pictures appeared very nice. Anyway, I get a reply with a similar story as this one, but what got me was that this person wanted to complete the deal with a buy it now through Ebay. It was a scam.
  24. Yeah, I love it when a plan comes together if you can call it that. Man my arms are sore today from wrenching on that bolt, lol. Going to try to get the wheels off tonight, but it may end up being tomorrow.
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