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Everything posted by SC89Venture

  1. Gonna have to change your handle to "IronMan"!.
  2. I don't think this bunch was in the Nice Harley Riders thread.
  3. Thoughts and prayers going up.
  4. nice job
  5. We have not met but I have enjoyed your past posts. Does that make sense, or you know what I mean? Hope you heal well. Johnson City is a great place.
  6. Trailer trailer trailer. Even rent a U Haul trailer. Getting in the truck is only 1/2 the problem, getting it out of the truck can be a bigger problem.
  7. try green bean casserole - that sticks to everything and anything when it dries and get's hard. :rotf::rotf:
  8. uhhh no.
  9. Mega prayers heading up.
  10. Wait until the machined parts from India start arriving.....................
  11. Love the Foo!!!!:big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:
  12. Hope everything goes well. Maybe there will be some cute nurses!!
  13. Amazing ride, amazing story, amazing pics. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Nice... congrats on new ride.
  15. Not sure if this came from this site, if it did, sorry for the re-post. If it didn't, you have to love this. Space Shuttle Discovery - 360VR Images
  16. My 89 did it. Scary feeling.
  17. yeah, you can't get out that easy. Where are the pics?????
  18. Hell our high school football coach's around here make 6 figures. Not high 6's but still 6's.
  19. Glad you got home, sux about the water bill. I had to force myself to pay the water bill 2 weeks early due to the same silliness. If you are able to maybe go down to talk to them, explain what happened hopefully they will give you a break.
  20. Just my opinion that is one butt ugly bike. Again, just my opinion.
  21. Uh-oh, after all these people with out power I wonder how many Irene babies were gonna have in May-June?????? :cool10::cool10::cool10:
  22. Tom, Good luck on your continued recovery.
  23. Dog's have masters, cat's have staff.
  24. SC89Venture


    FYI you can buy used phones (ebay) and not have to go through Verizon. That is what I did for 2 phones my daughters messed up. I don't know if you can do this with a Droid though. But you should be able to get a smart phone and use that on your plan.
  25. Not sure if you were there when Hugo hit, people got stranded on I-26 between Charleston and Columbia due to waiting to long to evacuate and really bad planning on state officials. Just keep that in mind if you decide to head inland.
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