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Everything posted by SC89Venture

  1. Repeal Obama care, roll back some of the regulations from the Fed, so we can be more competitive.
  2. What is the saying, "Only a mother could love?", it is ugly. IMHO
  3. 2011 has been a rough year for injuries for sure. Getting to the point of "Oh God, who's next?" when you log in. It's all good.
  4. This is awesome
  5. I don't know, this can also be spun the other way, say if someone is lost you can backtrack the trail. Basically, you have to be on your guard at all times. That reporter would not come any where near my house as well, the mom did the right thing.
  6. that's just corny:rotfl::rotfl:
  7. or put your glasses on
  8. Now THAT sounds like fun.
  9. Very nice.
  10. Happy Birthday man hope you had a great one. Sounds like you did!
  11. No offense, I just lost my appetite.
  12. Than the best place to hide it is in the phone book by the phone. Or did I just date myself?
  13. Nope.
  14. Seems like a lot of IL riders are members here, maybe somebody could drive it home for you?
  15. Heard today Apple is going to release Steve Jobs V2.0 next month. :scared:
  16. or even of human form? This is just bbbaaaadddddd!!!!
  17. We love Carnival, going ourselves for Christmas. If this is your first cruise, you probably have a departure time of roughly 4:00pm, you can get on the boat earlier and enjoy lunch and all the ship has to offer for the day of departure. Also, you can order more than 1 dinner at the sit down dinner. Ask me how I know.
  18. Had my daughter help me paint an outdoor fireplace with Rustoleum spray can paint. Of course first step was to shake the can until it stopped rattling. This went on for about 10 minutes before I let her in on the little secret.!!!!!
  19. Wow
  20. Get a can of PB Blaster from your local Auto Zone, spray, let it sit overnight, spray, than rap the bolt with a hammer to shock it. Keep working it, eventually it will give. Had a rear caliper bolt that gave me fits. Oh yeah, don't use Harbor Freight sockets on something like this, they only compound the problem by not being hard enough.
  21. That's NO BULL......................................:rotf:
  22. Trust me guys when your at a week long sales meeting it gets very l - o - n - g. Have a great vacation.
  23. I could handle an hour of Angie!!!
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