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Everything posted by SC89Venture

  1. Another newbie question. Are Venture's prone to getting gas in the crankcase like the Yamaha Virago's if the petcocks leak or do not shut off? Just checking for overall impressions. Thanks again Don
  2. Change the bars, hmmm, not that brave. I did change the grips, but I wish I put on a set of Kurayakns, I put some chromes on from JC Whitney. They are okay, but shoulda woulda coulda. Now where did I put that 5mm extended allen wrench? Thanks guys. Don
  3. Another newbie question. There is a handle by the passenger seat, if I follow the cable it goes to the passenger backrest. What is this supposed to do? I pulled up on the lever and I think it is supposed to allow access to the rear compartment? Thanks in advance, Don
  4. Hey ddoggma, Thank you for the pictures sir, I really appreciate that. Now I can see what is missing and what I thought was missing.
  5. Got her up on the center stand with no problem. Used a combination of the 2 x 4, and pipe, and good shoes, lol. Thanks to all for the great advice. I like to keep my bikes on the center stand to help keep the carb floats all hanging hopefully in the same spot and not leaning off to one side. Also keep the engine oil level.
  6. I have another question, can the handlebars be adjusted, I want to raise them a little. Looks like there is an adjustment nut that pinch's the handlebars, can I crack them loose and bring the bars up, say 1/2-1"? Thanks, Don PS Forgive me for a lame question, just want to be sure I can do this.
  7. Hi barend, is that correct you are in Easley? Not sure if the 89 will fit an 83, but you are welcome to it. I can bring it to you after I change it out. I will be careful taking it out. Getting a little worried though, my replacement has not shown up yet.
  8. Hey sgn, I usually go to Johnson City on my way to Bristol. One of my customers, Bosch Braking, is closing but I still go that way to Bristol. Be up their possibly next week.
  9. Hey ddoggma, I have a favor. Anyway you could send me more views of your bike? Yours is the same color as mine but I have some pieces missing. Any pictures can help me identify what is their and what is not. My email is sc750virago@charter.net if you don't mind. If you can't, don't sweat it I am doing as much research on this bike as I can. Thanks, Don
  10. Man what great responses. Thanks everybody, I am going to re-read all these and come up with a plan. I know my air system does not work, so in a way it is a hardtail, lol. I will probably use the 2 x 4 method and use good boots. I really love this bike, but I am afraid I am going to have some issues with it due to previous attempts at proper repairs. Took the top off the gas tank to find out why my turn signals are not working, uh-oh. Not a pretty site. Gently put the top back on until the weekend. Time to brush up on the hand signals, lol.
  11. Good morning all, Anybody have any tips or tricks to get the Venture up on the center stand? On my Virago, I just straddle the bike and crush the center stand down as I pull back, that does the trick for the Vgo. I don't think I can do that with the Venture, lol. Thanks in advance. Don
  12. I talked to the boss about the Georgia meeting, we are definitely going to see if we can attend. We might be in the cage though, I hope that is okay. There are some items I want to double check on the bike before we travel the 150 miles to Woodstock. If I can get these items checked out, and I if I have the confidence in the bike, we will take the Venture. Good break in ride, lol. The windshield is in pretty bad shape, a lot of scratches and swirls. I got one of Ebay, when I replace this one I will donate the old one if someone wants it. I am on the second can of Seafoam, the previous owner did let the bike sit with some gas in it, so we are doing the "Oh my God I don't want to tear into these carbs" dance with the Seafoam and fresh gas. We will see. So excited about this bike and even this group. My job has me traveling through GA/SC/NC/VA and eastern TN, would certainly offer to buy a cup of coffee and meet some of these fine folks. I will want to pick your brain about these bikes, though.
  13. Hey Sleeperhawk, I think I misread your post, I thought their was a Georgia event. I went to the calendar but could not find that event. Can you give me more info? Thanks, Don
  14. Thank you all for the welcome and encouragement. Linda (wife) and I just went on about a 40 mile ride, again, this bike is fast. Very comfortable, wife really enjoyed the ride (except for the 46 temp). Bike runs pretty well, idle is a little high but that is okay. Ran second can of Seafoam to help clean carbs up, a little spit and sputter but not that noticeable once it got running. I attached a pic of the Venture, hope it comes through. I will check the event in Georgia, and see if we can schedule it. Thanks again. Don
  15. Hello to all, new owner of a 89 Venture located in Greenville, SC area. Bought the bike so the wife and I can ride 2 up. Also current owner of a 95 Yamaha XV750 Virago. Looking forward to learning all I can from this site. My Venture is a basic rider now, but after this riding season I may really get into it and repair a lot of things that need repairing. Just want to ride now. Took it out yesterday for the first time (on the highway, been riding around the neighborhood to learn the bike). Man these things are quick!!! Any other Venture riders in the Carolina's? Also be patient with me as I learn this site as well. Have a new windshield coming, any tips on replacing? Windshield is coming with a new gasket. Thanks, Don
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