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Everything posted by SC89Venture

  1. I like it, but what I really like is the great canvas these bikes give you to work with.
  2. That is one sweet ride. I think I know the feeling your talking about, I got to ride in a Kingair twin engine turbo prop. Traveled with the president of the company I was working for. We left Greenville, SC to and made calls in Charlotte, Asheville, then jumped up to Roanoke, VA. I got to sit in the copilot seat, but I had to promise not to touch anything. What a blast.
  3. Thank you Hipshot, Earl, and Evan. Man, I got the bolt out. Wow what a rush. First of all, the head of the bolt was still intact enough to get a good grip. I did not explain that in my haste. Did the following today. Went and got a can of PB Blaster, soaked it and let it sit. Came back a couple of hours later and hit it again with the PB Blaster, and gave it a good rap on the head of the bolt with the trusty hammer. Came out tonight with a proper Craftsman socket, 12 mm, 3/8" extended persuasion bar, 12" pipe, and worked slowly and steady until it came out. Threads are not to bad. Note to self: Friends don't let friends use Harbor Freight sockets, it completely rounded out. Now I am going back to Earls instructions and do the next step. Thanks again everybody. Don
  4. Okay, it is Sunday night and I made this progress. Right and left muffler removed, removed front calipers, got to the rear caliper and I have one caliper bolt that will not turn. It is the one on the left, looking straight at the caliper. Any suggestions on how to remove this bolt? 12mm 6 point socket just slips, went to 12mm wrench, that baby is locked. Seems like every bolt and nut is crapped up somehow on this bike. Anyway, any good penetrating liquids that can be used on aluminum calipers? Ideas, suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  5. At the international m/c show in Feb 2010 in Greenville, SC I asked the factory Yamaha rep if he had any dealers he could recommend, only one he came back with was Lumberton Yamaha.
  6. Okay, got the new front master cylinder, looks great. Tires have shipped, so I may get lucky and do the deed on Saturday. I have read and re-read the replies numerous times, ready to get home and go to work. Thanks for all the replies, I did practice lifting the bike, only I did it from the left side, will do the right side next time. HF jack does come down quick!!! Again, thanks to all and this goup, I will update as I go.
  7. Hi everyone, hope all are well. A couple of months back I had asked for some advice on what do with my 89 Venture, it had fuse panel problems. headlight problems, etc. Thanks to all that responded. Shortly after that I had to go on the down low for awhile, had a medical condition come up and I should be relased from the doctor tomorrow. Anyway, I want to thank everyone that responded to my earlier post. I may end up having someone work on this bike for me, but I am going to do what I can. Pushing the comfort zone, as you may say. I have new tires coming for the Venture, planning on removing the wheels and getting the new tires put on. Should I use a m/c jack for this, or use the front wheel dive procedure found on this site? I also need a new front brake master cylinder, the sight glass developed a leak - actually a section of it chipped out and I lost the brake fluid. Got one coming from ebay with a good site glass. After these two fixes I am planning on replacing the fuse panel with Skydoc's kit. Anyway, sorry for rambling. My question, is there a good way to use the m/c jack, suck as either side to mount it from? Thanks in advance, any tips appreciated. Don
  8. Regarding my other post related to fuse block, I have an 89 Venture that needs the attention of a professional. A lot of things have been hacked up, and I have decided to see if there is a mechanic that would be interested in repairing my bike. These are the things I need done that I can tell so far. New tires front and rear Brakes front and rear Replace all fluids on bike Repair fuse panel and get turn signals working Grease splines on drive shaft Inspect and repair any other items to make bike safe and reliable Some maybe wondering why not just dump it and get another bike. The thought has crossed my mind, and it may come to that. But the plastics are in real good shape and the bike looks amazing. Linda and I both fit comfortable on this bike, and it just pops for the cool factor, you dont see a lot of these on the road. I would prefer someone that is in a 250 mile radius of Greenville/Spartanburg, SC (upper northwest corner of SC). I have about $1800-$2000 total to spend on this, but that is not concrete either. I want the person or shop that does this to do it right, and charge a fair hourly rate. Let me know what you all think, and I appreciate all responses. You can contact me at my email sc750virago@charter.net Thanks, Don
  9. Now I don't care who you are, that is funny, lol.
  10. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement. I am worried it is to far messed up for me to even begin to repair. Ugh, time for a beer or 12. Let me ask this. Is there someone on this forum in the Southeast that I could trailer this bike to and have them go through it? I am looking at the following: Repair the electrical system Replace front and rear tires Replace brakes front and rear Overall check to ensure safety and reliability I really like the bike, it fits Linda and I and these Ventures look really cool, and face it, you don't see these that often. If there is someone who could do this, send me an email at sc750virago@charter.net Thanks to all, Don
  11. Aw come on, don't hold back, lol. This and a lot of other things were done by po, not me. You should see the hole drilled in the frame to hold the side panel. Oh well, I put a message into Sky Doc to see if he has any new fuse block kits left. But I love the bike and I want to make it right or as close to right as I can. Best as I can tell yes as far as hard wired. I will be asking a lot of questions. Thanks, Don
  12. Here is a pic of the fuse panel. What do you think? Bike runs, but no turn signals. Thanks in advance, Don
  13. Got brave today and removed the side panels, tank cover, and seat. When I removed the seat, found this plug on the left side of the bike. Any idea what it is for? Thanks in advance, Don
  14. I work hard for my money, so when I walk into a m/c dealer, I would like to be at least acknowledged while I am there. I refuse to beg to buy a m/c, lol. At the International MC Show in Greenville, SC this past Feb, I asked the Yamaha rep if they had any dealers that did not suck. He kinda laughed out loud, but did not have an answer.
  15. Very nice, thank you for sharing and Thank You for your service.
  16. For what it is worth, in SC the Department of Agriculture is responsible for verify pump accuracy.
  17. Works like a locating beacon for a boat? Is it a transmitter?
  18. What needs to be done is to send the Pickin boys to the Hoarders, than you could combine the two shows into one.
  19. University of SC Gamecocks and who is ever beating Clemson.
  20. I would call there bluff. Go down and there and threaten to turn it in, let them try to find another buyer in this suck ass economy. Maybe then they will work with you. I would think any payment is better than no payment.
  21. What they said, verify clean title.
  22. If you want to go the cheap route, JB Weld to the rescue and Rust O Leum paint. That would make a temporary fix until you resolve the matter with a new tank. Just saying....................................
  23. Be interesting to see what the replies on this are. I am glad you asked, I experienced the same thing on my 89. A couple of weeks ago I was coming to a stop at a light, and briefly shook both hands down to just kind of wake them up. Handlebar started wobbling side to side really bad, fortunately I was able to grab them before anything bad happened. Mine is an 89.
  24. Looks pretty cool indeed. Now I wont have to cut the bottoms out of any more Wal Mart buggies.
  25. Great bikes for sure. Starter problem should be resolved on the 86 model. Make sure you have a good hot properly charged battery. Google virago owners club, great people willing to help. There are 2 forums that are pretty active. Check your electrical connections at the battery and electrical components as well. Some folks even assigned a 2nd negative battery cable for a more secure ground. 1100 model had a fuel pump, make sure crankcase is not full of gas. These bikes were bad for the float bowl needles not shutting off resulting in a crankcase full of gas. Do a sniff test and if you smell gas, dump the oil and replace oil and filter. On oil filter, replace with hole sticking out or facing you, some folks installed the oil filter in backwards and that will starve the upper end of engine. AIS systems are easy enough to disconnest and plug, it is under the left pod cover. Right pod cover covers the air filter. Plenty of info at those two sites.
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