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Everything posted by KISA

  1. It isn't necessary to touch solenoid coils. I replaced contact pieces of the generator. Overdressing of the serviceable accumulator ~ 12.6V
  2. generator connect, under seat, left.
  3. I bought such last year. It is very happy.
  4. Cheap option - more solid bolts. Though a clutch from Royal Star-eternal the decision.
  5. Spring-Progressive Suspention. PVC-stock, oil 15W, ~400g*2, no pressure, no CLASS) Raider-120kg. All right)))
  6. At me the signal costs under the top trunk. Instead of the compressor. The wife is frightened))))
  7. http://www.clearviewshields.com/motorcycle-windshield/yamaha/venture-royale-1983-1993-shields/
  8. МК 2. С 1990 in MK2 install digital TCI. It is considered stronger. Only Ignitech with guarantee works with COP. Dyna 3000 burns instantly)
  9. Установил cop. Без резисторов. Проехал 5000 км. Сгорели транзисторы в стоковом tci.
  10. Vile tube. At the back cylinder the union of 18 mm, and ahead the union of 20 mm. It was necessary to do separately behind a knee on 18, and a direct pipe to take 20 mm, and to connect through an alyuminivy tube on 18. Rescued that rubber was soft, and 20 mm were quite dragged away on a pipe 18.
  11. Today I will try to establish a direct tube.
  12. Misters, whether are automobile analog of a tube No. 33?
  13. Prairiehammer, thanks!
  14. Where the pipe No. 44 is connected? From above only carburetors...
  15. Hi Doug! You couldn't provide the card of ignition which is written down on Ignitech CD? https://app.box.com/s/mtzjtlirkdynev2lbdj1 My card of ignition, it is received in September, 2013. It is interesting to me, whether there are changes.
  16. Rear speaker, H-D Road King exhaust, SuperBrace, http://www.venturerider.org/forum/photopost/showproduct.php?product=3&title=ignition-by-pass-relay&cat=19 )
  17. original v-max, old venture v.88 https://app.box.com/s/mtzjtlirkdynev2lbdj1
  18. They are already on sale about 2 years or more
  19. If the shock-absorber pure, it doesn't mean yet that it well works. At all old shock-absorbers the spring is weakened. It is necessary to increase air pressure. I last year put new Progressive suspention and is very happy.
  20. I didn't see this element in the original. How it joins the top fairing?
  21. Misters, thanks for care, but, perhaps, I meant not it. I need to know how these are connected 3 details by means of bolts. PS Permatex-мery good!
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