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Everything posted by KISA

  1. Fuel level in the float-operated camera should be checked on the working motorcycle! At the working motor level goes down on 1 mm!
  2. http://bakerbuiltairwings.com/proddetail.php?prod=RAW1500 Excellent device.
  3. Rear speaker Visaton FR 13 WP/4 http://www.visaton.de/en/products/fullrange-systems/fr-13-wp-4-ohm-white amplifier MarineMaxx http://www.bluetoothamplifier.com/product/marinemaxx-500-watts-4-channel-class-ab-waterproof-marine-bluetooth-amplifier-with-marine-stereo-usb-mp3-rca-output-aux-input/ Materials: Polyester pitch and glass mat
  4. Hi! I look for here such protection of a forward fork. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1986-Yamaha-XVZ1300-XVZ-1300-Venture-Royale-Y618-front-fork-trim-cover-shield/292057976219?hash=item4400030d9b:g:gRAAAOSw4CFYvun-&vxp=mtr For me such option of protection is optimum. Whether you saw similar protection on sale?
  5. Only throttle position sensor for Ignitech v88! are standart MAP sensor!
  6. Amlifer and front speaker https://www.amazon.com/MarineMaxx-4-Channel-Bluetooth-Waterproof-Speakers-Black/dp/B01HV2SXGM Rear speaker https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/H-461-Heavy-Duty-Outdoor-Surface-Mount-Speakers-for-ATV-UTV-Motorcycle-Skidsteer-Tractor-Yacht-Boat/32410174911.html?spm=2114.30010708.3.17.SGt6Bk&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3_10039_10056_10065_10055_10068_10054_10069_10059_10073_10017_10070_10060_10061_10052_10062_10053_10050_10051,searchweb201603_1&btsid=e1869716-e0da-4f94-a98c-f47a78160d92
  7. Since 1990 digital TCI was established. Probably, he is steadier against loadings. At least for the last 3 years any digital TCI hasn't broken.
  8. The bad idea to combine COP and drain TCI. Even having set additional resistors. Time of a charge of the drain coil of 8 ms, COP - 4 ms. Remained 4ms will heat the output transistor. COP - only for Ignitech)
  9. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?108979-Ignitech-ignition-box-is-in-and-C-O-P-conversion-done/page2
  10. Your MAP sensor not work. It works in the range from 0 volts up to +5. Therefore your angle of ignition is not adjusted. Replace MAP sensor or check its connection. But the best choice installation of the sensor of a throttle shutter. It can be put on the coil cruise control. At this forum there were photos, but now they are lost(((
  11. TPS or MAP sensor present?
  12. Most likely it will not work. You can stitch only the ignition map. You cannot stitch logical part of the program. Also to you having had to change wires. You can be helped only by Ignitech (
  13. It is necessary to replace a mine with antipersonnel.
  14. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MAC-MUFFLERS-TURNDOWN-YAMAHA-Fits-Yamaha-XVZ1300-Venture-Royale-XVZ1200D-Ventur-/231836241498?hash=item35fa844e5a:g:XowAAOSwoydWtBhI&vxp=mtr
  15. It is Donbass) http://www.saper.etel.ru/mines/tm-62m.html
  16. The only problem is the sealing rubber. Bolt will either. The puck is used on cars. It is necessary to go to the store automotive parts. http://www.ebay.com/itm/90-YAMAHA-XVZ1300-VENTURE-XVZ-1300-YM102B-ENGINE-HEAD-VALVE-COVER-BOLT-SET-/291414927227?hash=item43d9aee77b:g:~6EAAOSwstxVA1R7&vxp=mtr good
  17. Ignitech v88 used original boost sensor. http://ignitech.cz/en/vyrobky/tcip/tcip.htm
  18. I look for information on a bag. I will be glad to the description and photos. Perhaps, it will manage to be made again.
  19. VR 1986 XVZ13DSC, 4 pickup coil, TCI 41R. COP (Honda CBR 929) kill 2 transistor)))
  20. It is necessary to check a condition of output transistors in TCI. http://s017.radikal.ru/i435/1501/d3/2b7a732be85et.jpg
  21. Replace. At me the faulty sensor showed 12 volts) The new sensor with an atmospheric pressure shows 2,2 volts.
  22. http://www.ebay.com/itm/400746005954?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&rmvSB=true This crane together with the vacuum gage will help to clean fluctuations of pressure.
  23. with guarantee only 1 tube doesn't approach. For a small circle. The others should be tried on.
  24. http://ru.aliexpress.com/item/Silicone-Radiator-Heater-Hose-Fit-For-YAMAHA-VMAX-VMX12-Black/32213640758.html
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