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Everything posted by KISA

  1. There is an opinion that 1 it is necessary to connect to the sensor of absolute pressure of XVZ, and port 2 to ventilation of crankcase gases.
  2. Hi! Prompt what is done by tubes 1 and 2? There are no instructions in Russian (
  3. 140 main jet - 7L / 100 km
  4. Protection of feathers of a fork. A leg from a table and arms of turns.
  5. It was passed by 100 km (a photo 1) on the route and 10 around the city (foto2). Main Jet 140. On it I will also stop. Goes well, about 170 km/h dispersed and there was a gas reserve. [ATTACH=CONFIG]116960[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]116961[/ATTACH]
  6. Average speed is 110 km/h (68,35 mph) . to measure a compression there is nothing. 130 km/h - 4000 turns. The throttle is open on 1/3. I will tell so that it became worse not)
  7. Fuel consumption of 7.5 liters on 100 km on the route.
  8. Original main jet 127.5 I installed 150. Motorcycle worked well. Later check the spark plugs. Fuel consumption will report later.
  9. In the near future I will invite an experienced mechanic
  10. Stainless steel welded intake manifold. The carburetor is not yet configured. A motorcycle often stalls when you add gas. Drove 8 kilometers to the garage. With a fully open damper, the motor worked at 5000 rpm.
  11. Solex 34 PICT 3
  12. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Car-H4-LED-Fighter-Headlights-Super-Bright-H4-Integrated-Headlight-Far-Near-Lights-Bulbs-for-Cars/33009206102.html?spm=a2g0v.10010108.1000001.11.507fda0d9ms07D
  13. The top part of the sensor disturbs.
  14. Does not approach!!! The head disturbs. It is necessary here such!
  15. acura integra 1985-90, rover 200 1985-89
  16. https://gho.co.za/index.php/new-products/3396/111/electrical/fan-switches/P-hella-thermal-switch-fs7920 and Fae 37450
  17. Tell me, from which car can I install the fan sensor (termoswitch)? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-V-Max-VMax-Royal-Star-YZF1000-YZF600-FZR600-Fan-Switch-NEW/333176253524?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3D27d5b09db8c747a49b1405d7bff5b326%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D15%26sd%3D333176253524%26itm%3D333176253524&_trksid=p2481888.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3Ab3140d05-76b3-11e9-9ca6-74dbd18058af%7Cparentrq%3Ab92e45dc16a0ab4573d407e3ffe8750f%7Ciid%3A1 This termoswitch is clearly from the car.
  18. 1. To bring closer a light-emitting diode to a lens on 10 mm 2. To cut off a rubber ring between a lens and the case 3. To establish a restrictive curtain from a foil on the top part of a lens.
  19. Only LED https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-Pair-4-5-Chrome-White-LED-Auxiliary-Spot-Fog-Passing-Light-Lamp-For-Motorcycle/322695556926
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