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Everything posted by crowrod

  1. check your tps a motor needs 3 things to run, fuel ,air and a spark at the right time if it isnt getting that it aint goin to run.
  2. sounds like a weak fuel pump. try with a known good pump, your sons pump may be weak also, being from a 99.
  3. Ruffy , sorry for your inconvenience I replied to a similar post by Wayne on or about 6-17-13 telling how to do them, I guess I thought you would see it.
  4. I need new foam/leather headphone speakers covers any one know were I might find them?
  5. try sycning carbs for that vibration, I also had a lowering kit on my 03, did not care for the way it handled,took it off and sold it.
  6. My Zumo 550 with a gxm-30 antenna will give me a 5 day local forcast plus weather warnings for surrounding countys its also has navi traffic shows construction ,accidents,traffic jams ect ect. weather and traffic are $7.00 a month with a xm package very nice for traveling.
  7. answer to first post. Remove ais pump reach up over swing arm pivot. Two 10mm bolts hold #1 coils take out the bolts both coils will drop out from the bottom.Reverse order for install
  8. I use a Napa #3011 about $ 3.50 give it a try
  9. That 03 is the poster child from Yamaha. be for I bought mine,I did a search for 03 reviews and that is the exact pic what popped up !!!!
  10. Sorry attachment did not work
  11. Are these what you are talking about?
  12. the brass cap covers a fuel/air mixture screw, the right one is a float bowl drain screw.
  13. try the green and yellow wires:080402gudl_prv:
  14. question, is that the correct size ? 150 is what the book calls for. The 150 seems like a tight squeeze in the swing arm! just asking
  15. Do you carry stuff in the trunk or in the side bags? maybe it is banging around in them. One other idea could be your side stand if the return spring is weak it will bounce causing a clunk.
  16. just put new e3s on 3 weeks ago ties say 40 lbs cold :301:front and rear
  17. Jake Wilson, F&R $278.00
  18. does carbtune have restrickers in the lines if so maybe they got turned or plugged did you check with another carbtune?
  19. was a valve adjustment done on the bike? may be a valve stuck open from wrong size shim?
  20. thanks for all the answers, question solved !
  21. Star fan, yes that is it
  22. Ok I will try to explain were this cap is. This is on a 2nd generation 2003 rsv If you are setting on the bike it would be on the right hand side behind the horn on the back of the motor, look in the space between the exhaust pipe and the oil filler cap on the clutch cover,you will see it. I can find no reference to this in the manual . They say the tranny is lubed from the motor oil ,Iam wondering if it is a gear lube bath?
  23. It is right under #3 exhaust manifold at back of motor
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