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Everything posted by crowrod

  1. may be a bad battery ????
  2. If the stops are on the lower tree, all of it.
  3. 14k is not a lot of miles. I have 103000k on what I think is the original clutch,bought the bike with 49k miles. do you know the history of the bike has it ever been used for towing a trailer or camper or have you recently changed oil brands some oils will cause slipping.
  4. 553ccs=18.70 ounces. Use a squeeze bottle and a hose with a big enough id to fit over schrader valve.
  5. Any body hear any thing about Woody, His web sites are down and he sent back my seat cores (somebody else got mine I got the wrong ones) hope things are ok. I do not know if he is member on our site , If you are please contact me my name and number are in the members list
  6. you asked in a older post about programming it,did you get it figured out?
  7. did it come with a usb cord?
  8. try Buydig.com
  9. I think it is a #194 bulb,If you can get to it, no need to remove anything just pull the rubber socket and replace
  10. Rick, would you like to sell the speaker covers from that inside fairing?
  11. Ill take the seats, and back rest.Let me know!
  12. Has any one ever done this before? Is there write up any where?
  13. http://mic-mutes.com/
  14. You might be hearing the front ais filter , both front and rear valves have little filters in them. check to see if air hose is off the air box, some times when people change their oil they forget to hook them back up
  15. Will these work? http://www.ebay.com/itm/OEM-Yamaha-XVZ1300-Royal-Star-Venture-XVS1100-V-Star-Muffler-Gasket-4NK-14714-00-/361354774956?hash=item54226c49ac&vxp=mtr
  16. how about rear view mirror off a Chevy van?
  17. Try larsenlights.com, par-36s
  18. how hard was it to replace your universal joints? can it be done with out removing the middle gear assembly, I have a new universal setting on the shelf,but have been afraid to tackle the job. If not to tuff Ill get on it!!!
  19. There should be a small metal loop on the air box this slides thru. It sets in front of the D shaped air intake. This way any overflow gets sucked back in.
  20. that would be 95848
  21. It is the easiest one to get to!!!!
  22. I changed mine in November the biggest problem I had was finding spacer stock. Sonic might not furnish a length long enough for both fork legs. Lowes carries what you will need it is schedule 80 abs pipe.Any way you will be cutting spacers for a 1/2 inch preload on the springs. Insert new springs measure from top of spring to top of threaded section of fork tube ,this should give you your spacer length. Button every thing back up and take for a ride.
  23. Don can you put Cycle World new products & reviews back in?
  24. Found some schedule 80 @ Lowes bought ,cut ,installed pretty easy job. Now to reinstall the fairing.
  25. Thanks for the info on this, checked at Ace for longer pipe all they had was schedule#40 appears sonics is schedule #80 Ill wait for sonic to call me back and see about extra pipe!
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