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Everything posted by crowrod

  1. For any one who has been watching this thread, I have found my problem!!!!. It is, drum roll, tada universal snapped in half.
  2. I bought a $20.00 dollar pump from e-bay lasted one week!!!! I now have a Mr Gasket model 42s, will need modified some what to fit. I cut the casing off and mounted it where the gas filter usually goes, so far so good!
  3. all new parts installed. Runs and shifts,but when I let off the throttle in 4th&5th I get chatter. If I down shift or brake no chatter only when no load.. I'm replacing clutch and drive hub next, maybe hub is in worst shape than I thought it to be!!!
  4. Do you have a clearview wind shield? the reason I ask if the rubber insert that goes under the outer edge is missing it will vibrate and make noise kinda like you are describing.
  5. I have ordered new pressure plate springs and all shift shaft springs plus a Stopper Lever wont be here till end of the week will report after install.
  6. Up date, new plates are in,still making noise,. shifts ok ,only makes the noise when not under load . The saga continues. shift shaft assembly suspect !!!!!
  7. Bongo, as for all those little pieces ,I hope they are stuck to my drain plug!!!!
  8. Thanks Don, ordered one today should have it Wednesday.
  9. Ordered new plates from Sky Doc 17 Will install and go from there
  10. These pic are a little clearer
  11. Started taking clutch hub off for inspection of shift drum assembly effort stalled do to lack of specialty tool (clutch hub holder) but after removing clutch plates I found this damage (see photo)could that be making al the racket
  12. yeah there is a lot of slop there but my pin is not not moving like the one in the video will grease that all up tomorrow ,then if that does not fix problem on to the shift drum linkage!!!!
  13. About a thousand miles ago,used same oil i always use.
  14. Left the house, went up the road got about 3 miles away then it happened .Stopped at a stop sign down shifted into first went to take off ,popped out of gear put it back in took off. shifted into 2nd slight grind,3rd ok 4th loud ratching noise went into 5th same noise contentious shifted back to 3rd rode it home. Does this sound like a trany issue or a linkage problem?
  15. GoPro is probably a different format(hevc 265) MIGHT NEED TO CONVERT IT TO MP4
  16. Try this, facing the twinky use your left hand, twist the twinky counter clockwise that should break the friction grip of the fastener then use a small blade screw driver to back it out.
  17. Shinko is a good tire rides very smooth.not to good in the mileage department lucky to get 8k out of it!! no radial tires in second gen sizes,that I have found,if you find em let me know
  18. I am pretty sure you will need to unmute to answer the phone. Every thing will be normal.
  19. Sorry no I dont, pull the new one, if not messed up to bad any bearing & seal distributor should be able to match it.
  20. Did you inspect the seal for any deformation before install? did you clean the shaft of any dirt or grit? does the seal have a spring load, the reason I ask is I dont think a seal would wear a shaft to the point of leakage .maybe you could try the same type seal with a springload any good bearing and seal distributer should be able to fix you up
  21. Yes, that includes the yolk, all you should need is the the universal. I saw them on ebay last year for $18.00 u.s. I think the Venturers web site has a cross reference chart for what will fit here it is [TABLE] Venture U-joint Cross Reference [TR] [TD]Manufacturer[/TD] [TD]Part Number[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]AEC[/TD] [TD] 1064 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Falcon[/TD] [TD] U392 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]GMB[/TD] [TD] 220-0028 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Neapco[/TD] [TD] 1-0028 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Perfect Circle[/TD] [TD] 1500 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Precision[/TD] [TD] 392 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Rockford[/TD] [TD] K1500 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Spicer[/TD] [TD] 5-1500X [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]TRW[/TD] [TD] 20128 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  22. Sorry but that is not correct. from my experience swing arm must come off to service u joint.
  23. does the main fuse 30 amp have a spare 30 amp fuse in the same block? maybe you are checking the wrong fuse. this is the block hiding inside the frame next to the battery box.
  24. Schrader is 19mm or 3/4 inch top shock nut is 17mm you will need a swivel for easy removal
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