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Everything posted by robertbob

  1. No Whiskey or beer?, "come on" I've all ready done that this year, in the 1st two week of Jan. Just kidding doing most for them, But no# 27 & 14. This one hunts #32 I love my wife very much. 42 years I stall like her. Mary.
  2. "the police are seemingly "powerless" to do anything about the problem?" Yes you are so right! the dad is in jail, But the kids under 18 still sell. they don't seem able to stop them. side note--maybe i can get my Brandy for less money from the kid, he's got to be Dumb?
  3. I likd it. it fun to watch
  4. There is a real story here that goes back 18 years. this is sad, but not over yet. This is there house Friday night about 8:30 p.m. No one was in there. This is next to Mary and me. Sending a few pictures. I will tell the story some day if one would to hear.
  5. how did you fasten to bib I used two sided tape.
  6. 1 Small bag, cellphone on side. I've got more things in there then one would think. O.K. "Pictures":cool10:
  7. Coors Light,
  8. [attach]14552[/attach] [attach]14553[/attach] [attach]14554[/attach] [attach]14555[/attach] [attach]14556[/attach] [attach]14557[/attach] :stirthepot:
  9. Thank you for the info. I did not know! It is been some year that i been looking at VentureRide.org BUT I didn't know that I was that old. A lot of water under the HIRAM WALKER CHERRY BRANDY. Let my say this " I do not when I ride. charging dues, no to free. to give is from the hart. I will do so when I can. when the time come I will. I have land so must from this group i will own a lot.
  10. Welcome Palimini # 4000 I think that i may be in thousand also. Don can we have # too.
  11. http://www.mamarocks.com/if_i_were_santa.htm
  12. Sorry Squidley, I don't have a clue as to what you are taking about! ""The eyebrows on the front fairing are even worse to get off"" The tank stickers on my 05 came off with the hair dryer in three min.
  13. Way not use a hair dryer. :rotf:
  14. Maintenance Day is Great. It would allso great if you moved it a round the country and Canada. One week end at you house if you like, and one week end some were else. Those that would like it at there place can get on the list for a vote. Are house is always open, just name the week end. Two times a year. Ohio is is to far for us on a week end for us. Texas just of north Dallas is our places, for a maintenance day week end. At that we may be-ably to go once in a while. From the east coast to west coast, From the north to the south. Move it around, Mr. Freedird you will have free room and board. two times a year. What do you think?
  15. Look at the tag don't buy if it says China.
  16. Sneakers, shorts and white dress shirt in summer, or till the temp gets down to 68. I were a 1/2 helmet. When the temp gets below 68 I were levis, shoes or boots and a 3/4 helmet and a light jacket. At 50 degrdes and below a Full face helmet and bicycle ridng shorts long. levis, boots a Maberick jacket blue 9 in one, got at mal-mart for 29 dollers, a very nice pair of riding leather gooves. At that I can go down to 35 degrdes. I live in Texas I ride till the tepm gets down to 35 or 40 it all depend on if the wind is blowning hard.
  17. What is your definition of being retired? "Not having to work to make a leaving."
  18. Your tire on the rim may not be seted right. look at the tire as it spins
  19. http://www.sampson-sporttouring.com/fuel-cells.html Here is a good place to go for Question On aux gas tanks
  20. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKZFxW4pvIo]YouTube - Mack the Knife![/ame] she is good
  21. :mugshot:go to http://www.tourbuddy.com/bikes.shtml or http://www.streetchopperweb.com/tech/0702_stcp_tour_tank_installation/index.html or http://www.tourtank.com/parts.html The last one is were I got mine. I can put it in the trunk and it will still work. Out of sight out of mind. Life is to short to worry about the litter stuff. I have incresed my mile from 200 max? to 320?. You will have to stop two time to my one time. I got to quit now the Cherry Brandy is getting in my way.
  22. doesn't it exceed the weight limit for the trunk rack ? Yes about 5lb. The aux tank with gas in all weigh about 30 lb. With beer about 27.98 lb lite. Here are a few more pictures for the road. I think (not sure) up here that would be illegal. Every thing is Illegal if you think about it. Some times you got to go for it. The tank will come off in less then 5min and put in the truck if I need to.:cool10::
  23. :080402gudl_prv:My new aux gas tank, it holds 3.5 gls. On the kick stand all I can get in it is 3 gls. I get 37.6 mpg. around town. Hwy I get 40 mpg. I got 113.5 miles with 3 more gls. That is a total of 260 miles per fillup. I use the 3 gl. first then swith over to the main tank. The main tank is turned off till I need it. this is done with out stopping. When the 3gls, is running out I flap the main tank on. 260 miles around town or 280 on hwy on 7gls, of gas. I still have my reserve gas of one gls. in the main tank for 37. 6 miles or hwy at 40 miles. I now can go 320 miles befour I run out. The aux tank can be tanken off or on in less then 5 mins. I do like stoping a lot but not for gas. I know youall like picture so here is some.:cool10:
  24. Good luck for the next year 2008. In your short season you put on a lot more miles thin I did. I did about 15000 miles. Nice film and picture.
  25. This is what i do: I have a fax on my house phone and a caller I-D. I look to see who is calling if I don't know who it is the Fax will pick up in six rings. The bad calls will stop in a week. This was so nice that I left it that way. Call my house and in six rings you will get the fax with no paper.
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