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Iowa Guy

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Everything posted by Iowa Guy

  1. I am tired of putting a stick under the lid for my HF x-cargo trailer when I want to load or unload. What is the right type of shock to buy and how do I mount them? Iowa Guy
  2. I fixed the cracks in my trunk lid (I hope) and was reconnecting the wiring for the vanity mirror and the tail light when I noticed that there was a crimp in one of the wires where it was pinched by the lid. This has happened before on my bike. Anyone have a good way to protect this wiring and give it the flexibility it needs to open and close the lid? Iowa Guy
  3. I have bought an 05 Kawasaki Concourse and want to put a throttle lock on it because it doesn't have cruise control like my 89 RSV. What is the best to buy?
  4. Wonder if I could "color match" my home built HF Escargo trailer with my blue 89?
  5. Hey thanks, I will check out the post for those areas. I didn't know about YMCA there. Iowa Guy
  6. This summer, during last part of June or Early July, my wife and I are considering trailering the bike to Colorado, staying in a cabin or condo, and riding around to see stuff. We are looking at the areas around Estes Park/Rocky Mt Nat Park/Boulder for places to stay for a week or so. Anyone know of good reasonably priced places to stay and things to do? We are recent empty nesters and are looking forward to just the two of us. The boys and I can go some other time. Iowa Guy
  7. Install new fuse box. That fixed my 89.
  8. Okay, these two look like possibilities. I just have to look at ebay and Craigs List. Iowa Guy
  9. Before spring breaks loose, I am looking for a medium sized sport tourer for my son. He finished his season with the ninja 250 and I'd like to get him something to go on a trip with me. But he doesn't like the looks of a full dresser or the harley style either. He is at a fickle age so I'd like to get something that I wouldn't mind taking out either. It doesn't have to be a yamaha, just something that would be comfortable to ride all day. And I don't mind buying a used bike and actually prefer them. Got any recommendations for a used sport tourer? Iowa Guy:7_6_2[1]:
  10. Hey you southern boys, Hows the weather for riding now. Nice and balmy? :snow2::snow2:
  11. Sounds like you speak from experience. Well, I guess I will find out for myself. If you are right, do you offer an alternative? Iowa Guy
  12. I rode last Thursday 350 miles from Fairfield in SE Iowa to Minneapolis MN. The temps were i the upper 40s to lower 50s the whole time and it rained from start to finish. I discovered that my rain suit had disguised tears in the crotch so I ended up sitting in water the entire time. Despite this my Widder liner and gloves kept me warm the entire trip. I am a big fan of good electric gear now. I should really enjoy it when my new Frogg Toggs come in the mail. Then I will really feel like I am ready for the weather. BTW, does anyone have a recommendation for water proof glove covers for the Widder heated gloves? Iowa Guy
  13. And the front did not cup in an alternate pattern around the tire? I've had cupping on my second Avon on the front. Buying Dunlop next. Iowa Guy
  14. Yes, I let him know what a great, informative, welcoming, fun, etc. bunch of people are on this site and encouraged him to check it out. Iowa Guy
  15. Pulled into the parking lot at my son's soccer game last Saturday and at first thought someone had stole my bike. There was another big blue 89 Venture sitting there, accessorized a little different but still pretty close to looking like mine. I was able to talk with the owner after while. He had just purchased it with on 19K miles on it. It had come with a matching Yamaha trailer that he didn't have with him that day. I didn't know that Yamaha made trailers. Anyone heard of this or even better have pictures. I didn't think to get contact info from the fellow, just that he was from Washington Co., Iowa. Anyone have pictures of a 20 year old Yamaha bike trailer. Just curious. Iowa Guy
  16. Buckeye's higher output stator says it increases by 25%. If the Original was rated at 30 amps, then that would increase it to maybe 40 and this regulator/rectifier would work for the higher output one of Buckeye's if I decided to make that switch or have I missed something? Iowa Guy
  17. And if I had step by step pictures even I could (maybe) do it. Iowa Guy
  18. 46 degrees in SE Iowa this morning and I officially switched to my flannel night shirt for the season last night. Iowa Guy
  19. Good idea about cleaning and the small stainless steel screw in the hole. Man, I love this site. I seem to learn something every time I get on here. Okay, I am off to buy a fresh tube of JBW. Iowa Guy
  20. Well, JB Weld was what I was thinking of but I haven't used the stuff much before. Iowa Guy
  21. I took the fairing off of the ninja 250 that my son rides to fix a major crack in the fairing with plastexs. That repair worked great. Unfortunately, when I reinstalled the fairing, I missed one of the washers where the fairing attaches to the gas tank and screwed the bolt in too far and punctured the gas tank. So my question is "How do I patch a gas tank?" Iowa Guy
  22. Hey, no work at all. I bet they took it out on the road every two or three weeks just to warm it up and make it feel good. I'm kidding! Iowa Guy
  23. I hope someone here gets this bike. Item # 180399997116 Wow. Iowa Guy
  24. I jumped on this group buy because I trust folks here when they say something is a good idea for this 20 year old bike of mine. I'm still trying to catch up to what it actually does. So the stator makes the electrical power and the mosfet regulator/rectifier manages it better than the OEM unit giving me more power to use for my electric gloves, vest, running lights, rear light bar, radar detector, GPS, etc.? Does this mean that I may be able to have my running lights on during short hops around town without being stranded with a dead battery? Iowa Guy
  25. Sent Paypal just now. Can't wait. What is this thing? Iowa Guy
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