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Iowa Guy

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Everything posted by Iowa Guy

  1. Whats a good windshield pouch for a 1st gen or maybe theres no difference and 2nd will work for 1st? Iowa Guy
  2. Welcome, I got an 89 two tone blue. Its all in the balance and getting to know the girl. You are going to love this ride. Iowa Guy.
  3. Say, what is the best way to get the glue residue off plastic windows?
  4. Iowa Guy

    Radio Flyer

  5. In five years, as soon as my last kid gets out of college, I will be looking at the same issue. It looks to me that the BMW is the closest thing to the 1st gen and I will be looking at them then. Of course maybe Yamaha will come out with a completely new third gen by then. Iowa Guy
  6. You saw and experienced some very difficult stuff. I treat trauma witnesses with PTSD and I recommend that you go to see a therapist very soon. It may only be a check-up or it may be a brief treatment that could save you from nightmares, flashbacks and jangled nerves for years that could be difficult for you and those around you to cope with. Treatments are very good now. My heart goes out to you. Iowa Guy
  7. Looks good. I'll send you mailing info. Iowa Guy
  8. I switched from Avon Venoms to E3s this summer. The Venom front tire was cupping after 4-5K miles causing the bike to wobble. Also at higher speed they were unstable. I like the E3s very much so far. My mechanic runs them on his 87 VR and gets great mileage. Iowa Guy
  9. Good explanation. Thanks. Yes, I will replace my own plug wires. I am making a upgrade list and that will be top of the list. Iowa Guy
  10. Its time to replace the cheap driving lights that I put on 5 years ago. I'd like to stay consistent with the square headlight but don't know if anyone makes them square now. Anybody know of some good quality square driving lights that would look gook on a 1st gen? Iowa Guy
  11. I stopped in at Iowa City Motorsports to buy gloves, glasses etc and sitting out front was this 1985 in really good condition with low miles. I wouldn't promote a dealers bikes but these older bikes seem to be getting scarcer all the time. Here's their web page if you want to take a look. Sales guy showed me a blond 83 in back that has even fewer miles and in even better condition but they haven't put up on the site yet. http://www.iowacitymotorsports.com/pre_owned_detail.asp?sid=02512628X9K8K2010J9I33I44JPMQ841R0&veh=1799554 Iowa Guy
  12. Why replace wires? Do they wear out? Iowa Guy
  13. I saw five 1st gens at the same time this past weekend... at Pork in the Pines Rally.
  14. Here are pictures of the brackets that I took off my 89
  15. I'll see what I can do this afternoon. Iowa Guy
  16. When I bought my 89, my wife complained that she had too much room and didn't feel secure. She did seem to be leaning back too far. I got to looking and there were brackets that moved everything back. I took them off and she fits in nicely right behind me. She hasn't grown any in the last five years so I still have them if anyone is interested and would make me an offer. Iowa Guy
  17. Gen One
  18. Scared myself today. Instead of my 89 venture, I decided to take my Kawasaki Concourse out for a ride. I bought it for my son to ride so I haven't been on it that much. I was in the middle of a corner doing 65 and three deer are walking across the road. No problem. Plenty of time to slow down. So I touched the brake pedal like I would on my Venture with its integrated brakes. They do a good job of slowing you down in a controlled way. Ooops! These are just the rear brakes and they are a lot touchier than the Ventures. I hear the rear tire lock up on me just as I start to fish tail back and forth about 3-4 times. I pulled my foot off the brake pedal and thank God, it straightened out. I would have stood up on the pegs to shake the stuff out of my shorts but the pucker factor was well into the upper 8s (0-10) and I couldn't raise my butt off the seat. Well, I will be conscious of that issue from now on. Whew!
  19. Mine would come open when there were a combination of factors some of which I probably haven't identified yet. If I was riding hard say 80+ mph into a head wind and I had tried to put to many accessories connected to the battery then the latch up front didn't extend far enough into the grometed slot. Going west on I-80 across Iowa two summers ago, I finally gave up and ran a bungee cord across the top from one pouch bracket to the other. It felt better knowing that the darn thing wasn't going to flip up in my face. Good ideas here. I think I will buy a new grommet. Iowa Guy
  20. Is there a sway bar for a light motorcycle trailer or has someone made one? I wouldn't think that it would have to be much. Iowa Guy
  21. Not enough garlic in the diet. Bed bugs run away from you if you eat garlic. I discovered that in the Peace Corps.
  22. Thanks, that is something that I can do: follow ignition wires from the spark plugs to see how they are doing. Iowa Guy
  23. I am having noise from the ignition (a ticking sound that varies with the rpms) in my radio or intercom. There is an item on ebay # 330302485789. Is this what I need and if so, where do I put it? Risky question but I'm willing to risk it for a good answer for this tech dummy. Iowa Guy
  24. I like that last item listed. I'm sure it will help the ride out alot.
  25. Hey pics would be great. I am trying to determine what size to buy and how to mount them. Iowa Guy :depressed: And it is still raining here
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