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Iowa Guy

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Everything posted by Iowa Guy

  1. I shoulda known. Always ask here first. Darn it anyway
  2. I have a Leatherman Wave Multitool and like to carry the two tool carriers with it on my belt. When I ride I always have it with me. Well, the sheath is wearing out and I am looking to replace it. Anyone have recommendations on what they have found to be good sheaths for this multitool? Iowa Guy
  3. Ebay item 160673145168
  4. Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship. You will see no cute little smiley faces on this ~Just the stone cold truth of a great friendship. When you are sad ~ I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad. When you are blue ~ I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you. When you smile ~ I will know you are thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in. When you are scared ~ I will rag on you about it every chance I get until you're NOT. When you are worried ~ I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining. When you are confused ~ I will try to use only little words. When you are sick ~ Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have. When you fall ~ I will laugh at your clumsy ass, but I'll help you up. This is my oath .... I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask ~ because you are my friend. Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth. Send this to 10 of your closest friends (including the one who sent it to you). Then get depressed because you can only think of 4.
  5. For a blonde, she looks pretty good. I myself, am partial to the old blue hairs. Iowa Guy
  6. Okay, I identified ones that I can keep and use on current vehicles. Iowa Guy
  7. I got some filters from my Dad after he died. I'm not sure if they fit anything that I got. I tried to cross reference but didn't get anywhere after 90+ minutes. How do I find out if the filters that I have fit the vehicles that I own? Got filters: Fram: PH3600, PH2, PH9A, Motorcraft FL-820S How do I find out if I have vehicles to match these filters?
  8. Yup I want 2 I sent you a paypal payment. Iowa Guy
  9. Yup, it was the ground. They are working right now, however, I plan to follow up with the suggestions above for a better ground, running wires from each light. Thanks so much for this advice. Another reason that justifies the membership fee. It seems that if this is a good idea, then better quality trailers would have this as part of the standard package rather than doing it ad hoc like this. Is this true? Iowa Guy
  10. OKAY... I will check the ground first and then look for a burnt bulb. Thanks. Tim
  11. This is not a motorcycle thread but I still need help. My utility trailer has not had working lights for a while and I feel like my luck is running out. I was stopped once about a year ago and given a warning. So, I bought a new wiring kit, put it on just like the old wiring, fired up the van, turned the lights on, turning signals, hazards and walked back and checked each stage as I went. Everything was working great. Boy did I feel smart. Just then my wife came home. She said, " do the lights work now?". I said, "yes". She said "let me see". I thought "uh oh". She said, "step on the brakes" and then she said, the driver's side light goes out when you step on the brake. (OMG, she is a jinx). So the question is - "Why would the left tail light go out when I put on the brake?" Help - I really hate wiring. Iowa Guy
  12. I have put dual Sebel Air hons on my 89 Venture and love them. They really get the attention when you need it. Afew years ago my wife was stopped behind a dump truck when it began backing up. She honked her puny ineffective compact car horn and the truck just kept on coming on up over the hood. There was no one hurt but it sure scared her and our son. I put a Stebel on that car and it solved that problem. Since then I have been replacing the wimpy horns in cars that I buy. I recently bought a 97 Toyota Rav IV and tried to do the same but I can't find the horn. I have looked everywhere that I could think of, put my head under the hood while someone inside honks away til i am near deaf. (the factory horns are useless in traffic but darn loud up close) DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE FACTORY HORN IS IN A 97 TOYOTA RAV IV PLEASE? I have bought the Stebel and it looks great in the box. Iowa Guy
  13. LMAO (laugh my ash off) Sorry, but I couldn't help it. I just had my Dad cremated 2 weeks ago. I truly think that he would think this was funny. DID YOU HEAR THAT DAD? Iowa Guy
  14. Wow! a prearranged service to get your ash shot off.
  15. Raising our kids, my wife and I took several car and tent vacations to the Black Hills and it remains my favorite place to go. You have inspired me and I will send your blog to my wife so we can do this trip again on the Venture. Iowa Guy
  16. Its terrible news. We all will be thinking of you and your family.
  17. Anyone have some experience with this bike? Local Yamaha mechanic bought one and is wild about it. Whats it like? Iowa Guy
  18. And hang of Effy if there is a hard cross wind.
  19. Sorry about the delay in my response. Price? IDK, $40 sound about right? They are just hanging in my garage.
  20. Thanks for the recommendation. I have struggled with finding a source for good ear plugs. I'd be interested to know what other folks use also. Iowa Guy
  21. We need to defend ourselves when others wish to harm us and yet when we must kill, I am saddened. I am saddened not so much for those we kill but for the price it costs those who do the killing. I treat PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in soldiers, soldiers from wars like Korea, Vietnam, Panama. Soldiers who were cooks and ambulance drivers and were special ops guys who did HALO drops with friends who bounced. Soldiers who set up Claymores, strung the wires and pushed the button. I have memories of soldiers memories. Memories of their questions of did I have to kill them or should I have just zip tied their hands. I have memories of their nightmares and hurt when their loved ones don't understand the changes that they have gone through and wives that go away. I know we must kill sometimes. I pray we will keep looking for another way. The price is very high.
  22. Hey thanks so much. I gotta keep up my appearance.
  23. I got a black leather motorcycle jacket about 5 years ago. The die is wearing off and looking poorly in the sleeves mostly. How is it best reconditioned? Iowa Guy
  24. Sorry to hear of this and I know the pain it can bring to those who are left behind. I am a counselor and frequently work with folks who are depressed and in pain. Over the course of my career, I have lost a few patients to suicide even though I was watching for signs and checking with them on a regular basis. It can be very difficult to predict and intervene. God Bless Iowa Guy
  25. http://www.raptorresource.org/falcon_cams/index.html
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