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Iowa Guy

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Everything posted by Iowa Guy

  1. I have a 2014 BMW K1600GTL. I tried to stay with Yamaha but the BMW was the nearest bike to the 89 Venture I'd had before. Anyway, the 1600 was due for a service mid May of this year. I took it into Fun and Sun Motorsport in Iowa City, IA. When I came to pick it up the service manager appeared panicked. He told me they were in the middle of ordering parts for my bike and they should be there the next week. This was confusing because I'd just brought it in for a oil change. I discovered that just a few minutes before I'd arrived to pick it up, they'd dropped it on it's right side. There was nothing broken but there was 6-8 dings and scratches. I live an hour away so they promised to pick up my bike at my house, take it to their place, replace the parts and bring it back to me. Three weeks later they'd not contacted me. When I stopped by, they said they were still ordering parts. Now it's early August and they haven't contacted me. I'm in a quandary because even if they did call me to say the parts were in, I don't trust them to do the work right. I've added several things to the bike. What half-ass job will they do? I'd rather have some slight imperfections than some glaring differences that will never go away. I could give them a crappy rating on Google or Yelp or whatever but I've hear companies that are suing people that leave poor ratings. And oh yes, they charged me for the oil change. Iowa Guy
  2. On a trip to Arkansas, I didn't notice my kill switch till I'd bummed an unnecessary jump-start. I just held the cables and hoped the good Samaritan didn't notice how big a fool I really was. Gee Whiz, the bike started right up and I thank my rescuer and was on my way.
  3. I vote for #3, although the smiles on #4 made it very close.
  4. 89 Venture
  5. Watch out for the difference in the braking systems. I am used to the integrated Venture system and have had a couple near misses on the Concourse. First was a sudden deer on a corner at 60 mpg. The secound was just stupid. The Venture spoiled me. The Concourse's rear tire will try to pass the front tire if you let it. Just saying. Iowa Guy
  6. I was told by Bagger Shield they do not make a product for 1st gens. anyone know of a similar product from another company?
  7. I have two of the bicycle cup holders on my 89 and they work great. They are adjustable for different size cups and are CHEAP.
  8. Now there is a staunch committed Republican.
  9. For all the dog lovers in the world. First time I saw this, I risked serious injury due to laughter. http://dogshaming.tumblr.com/
  10. Has anyone made an adjustable windshield similar to the Baggershield? Would it be difficult. It looks to me as if an old shield could be cut, drilled and sanded and then affixed to an existing shield with wing nuts and bushings. But then again, it might not be worth the trouble. Iowa Guy
  11. Whatever you use, get it on asap. If I hadn't had wire connectors on my top, I'd of left it by the side of the road half a dozen times already. Just the other day a redneck in a dually ford pickup came up fast in my mirror. I remember thinking what the heck when he pulled upside of me with a gap toothed grin. Then he held out my new Frogg Togg rain gear and I looked down to see the top of my bag dangling by the cables. Right, then who was the one looking stupid. Get em on. They won't stop the stuff from blowing out of your side bags but at least you won't be leaving the tops behind. Humble in Iowa
  12. Magazine is Beretta. Safety lever jams in the down position with the red dot visible and can not be pulled up. Sending it in for servicing will be my next option. Tim (Iowa Guy)
  13. Bought used from a dealer
  14. Good advice. I WILL keep it safe.
  15. Iowa Guy


    I have a Beretta 84F 380. Its a nice little piece except for one thing. After I have shot about a hundred rounds, the safety will not come back on. I have tried cleaning and soaking but nothing seems to help. Are there some good web sights I could go to that would help me understand what to do? Otherwise my next step is a gun smith. Iowa Guy
  16. I use one of those for my 89 and it works great. Be very careful and avoid loading it too heavy. When the warning sticker says 10#s it means 10#s or you will be fixing cracks. Iowa Guy
  17. Funny. I'd forward this to my wife but I know better. Wisdom is earned through pain.
  18. So the over-sized plug worked for awhile but now it too is stripped out. I can't get a double over-sized plug. I could use the kit from Time-Sert as recommended or I could replace the oil pan. Is it much of a job to replace the oil pan? Iowa Guy
  19. I took my 89 into mechanic. He replaced the rear bearing. Now afterward, it doesn't sound the same. There is a grinding rumbling sound that is not noticeably until the bike is about 45 mph or if you let off the throttle suddenly and brake with the engine. I took it back. He double checked everything and said it was okay. I don't know, whadda ya think? Iowa guy
  20. I'm looking at boots to replace my Danner boots. I'd like some that are water proof with a side zipper. Any of those recommended have that? Iowa guy
  21. WOW..it was new for me.
  22. Thanks All Lots of good ideas. I didn't know that it was charged by the foot. I will look into it. Tim
  23. Many thanks to all who responded to this thread. I've listened to the experiences, the ones that they could tell, of vets from Korea, Panama, and the Middle East. It has given me a profound respect for all who have been in combat, all who didn't see combat but might have been called upon to at anytime. And so thank you to all those in the military who have served, been separated from family, and risked their lives for our country. tim lantz
  24. I hired a friend to do some dry wall for me this winter in his spare time. He is a rascal and will only give me his hours and not his hourly rate. He is an engineer who normally does large project management of hospitals colleges etc. but is between jobs right now. Its a little bit like hiring a doctor to give first aid. I'd like to pay him a fair amount but not engineer rates. What would a fair amount per hour be in a small town in Midwest Iowa? Tim Lantz
  25. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Iowa in private practice. I treat a whole variety of conditions, one of which is PTSD in Vets. I've recently been told by an Iraq Vet that the VA treatment he has received has not included exposure therapy or desensitization. I know that there are many Vets on this sight so I wanted to ask peoples experience with the VA and what treatment they or someone they know has gotten from the VA. Tim Lantz Iowa Guy
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