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Everything posted by sho_greg

  1. What I did after using the peanut butter... I had some leather conditioner and applied that and it also does a marvelous job. Also the peanut butter is similar to polishing/rubbing compound and may help remove some small marks and scratches..
  2. Anyone in Fort Lauderdale? Thinking of buying car off ebay...
  3. Thanks for the replies-- Will give it a shot in a few.. Finally dropped bike off to get carbs worked out.. Fork oil when it comes back.
  4. I think you did awesome.. Just pulling the carbs is probably a $150- $200 job at dealer..
  5. Syringe? How difficult? I got some amsoil fork oil. Want to dr as in it this weekend, but nervous about getting it back in.
  6. So how much fluid in each fork? And I don't have mighty vac.. can I just pour fluid in?
  7. How easy is it? Anyone have a written plan? I'd like to do it with a drain and fill.. taking very little apart.. I also want a cushiony feel.. so what viscosity oil? Thanks for help...
  8. Yes you'll have to open fairing to unhook cables... or you could just hide them, and leave them hooked up... I've never thought them to be eyesore though... put front under plastic gas tank piece and rear under seat.. Guy named john put links together... if you want his info let me know.. think he's around $50 shipped.. no relocation kit... but I haven't had any issues.. plus the relocation kit is quite odd looking on the bike... he has a website but mine was a special project.. I think it's johnskits.com or something like that..
  9. I'm thinking just unhook it from radio behind fairing... but you'll lose cb voice communication and intercom..
  10. Should the contacts touch?? I have about a 1/32 or so of movement... I got a new fuel sender unit but it did not include the float and float contacts..
  11. That's kinda my concern...
  12. Has anyone else installed one of the small booster amplifiers?? I was wondering if you had good luck with them- I had one istalled with the stock system and couldn't tell much difference... but was thinking of reinstalling with my aftermarket... Any experiences?
  13. Did anyone ever put asubwoofer on the bike??? I ordered the one below- any thoughts??? Good idea or terrible idea? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TKGMZSK?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00
  14. I'll second the d2moto.. I believe the brand is Volar.. I used them on my Nomad. Amazon.com is where I bought them. Actually have a set that I purchased for the venture, haven't installed yet... I think $18ish for front and rear..
  15. Is there only one yamaha factory service manual?
  16. What do you all think would fit in the front fairing? Do you think I could fit 4x6 in there with some cutting? Id really like to get a 5x7 into it but I think that might be shooting to high.
  17. The one I got didn't seem to fit well.. I think it was going to be to low.. so I put it through shield... I really bought some LED amber lights to use instead of bolts.. but I think they may be to bright.. thought it would look awesome with 3 leds of amber lighting.
  18. I redid mine with adjure ice lights.. gives a better light projection. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a397/sho_greg/3e79eb93-1ca9-4126-bb84-06b33e76af45.jpg http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a397/sho_greg/Mobile%20Uploads/20160305_113739.jpg[/url]
  19. I am in shock they make that device.. I can't imagine much demand at all.
  20. With my aftermarket system.. I can talk at say 30-40mph.. but that's it.. anything more and the other person can't understand due to wind and cycle noise.. but with the headset in the Helmet it works fine.
  21. New rack.. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a397/sho_greg/Mobile%20Uploads/20160305_113739.jpg
  22. If you don't mind drilling a few small holes in your windshield.. Get the Pockets... Mine doesn't look to bad- I don't think.. I put chrome ornamental nuts on the outside.. I got the Xelement brand pockets for around $30-$40... Available at http://www.leatherup.com
  23. I'm about to install some Amber LEDs... I need a wire to tap into around the lower fairing area.. Don't want to take the front off... I am gonna install the lights around the highway peg area.. Give it that wide look. Wire colors would be great. images/smilies/smile.png
  24. I'm about to install some Amber LEDs... I need a wire to tap into around the lower fairing area.. Don't want to take the front off... I am gonna install the lights around the highway peg area.. Give it that wide look. Wire colors would be great.
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