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About yooper

  • Birthday 12/16/1949

Personal Information

  • Name
    fred w saari


  • Location
    ishpeming, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    biking-fishing 4-wheeling
  • Bike Year and Model
  1. I used them but took them off cant remember Y. Yoop
  2. Got mine on order Cee Baily 132.00 to the door good price Thanks Eagle for the tip. Yoop
  3. Yooper needs new shield for the 93 after the accident, where to get the best price. Thanks Yoop
  4. Sure Happy you both are going to be OK, me also hit deer sept 22 88days to recover somewhat. See in the spring what happens. Thanks Yoop
  5. My 90 venture had 16.175 on it when bought in 04 it now has 205,349. Had a real fine 1993 sitting in the garage for two years waiting for Old Blue to crap and it did i think theres a leak in the oil pan but that is ok its my parts bike now and i really do appreiciate a parts bike . On my 1993 bought with 34,289 on it in 2010 it now has 127,402 as of Sept 22 when it finally happened i met a deer that almost took me out Thank God for the helmet. Paid 3500.00 for one and 32 for the other.These bike were in real good shape when bought but i ride lot of miles and they do brake down lots. 73 Yoop
  6. Please keep looking for us man we would like a pup(Bugg) one that is, Thanks Yoop
  7. Judy and me we looking for Bugg puppy--pug and half Boston terrier female black need help finding one Thanks Yoop
  8. You be in U P Jeff?? Lot of snow here, Have Fun Yoop
  9. Sounds like a HD rider. Hi Don---Yoop
  10. Sounds like a GD rider??? Hi Don----Yoop
  11. I payed my dues so im all set and thank you guys for the nice plant i was surprised and honored, also Thanks for all the good words and prayers it means a lot to have so many people pulling for ya, also thanks to the Vets. 73 Yooper
  12. First ride today 58 miles just a teaser but fun also 20 games of pool on the trip at buds house. Life is Good. Yoop
  13. So what kinda miles you talking about on these tires, i run avon on front that gets right around 30 thou and run 491 on back they get right around 20 thou. Yoop
  14. yooper


    Why, go out on the sled soon, because im retired. Why not.
  15. Heal up quick my friend, my ankle is bad to but going to wait as long as i can. 73 Yoop
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