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Everything posted by Motordog

  1. Thanks people, I knew it was a good idea to join this forum...
  2. I recently posted a querie about a ignition condition I have on a 1985 XVZ12D Venture Royale. I have since concluded that it is the TCI Module that has failed. Therefore, I am in need of one. Is there anyone that may have a known good used one, or maybe an aftermarket or new one for sale? Please reply, pm or email if you might have something that would work... Any help would would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hello, I appreciate any help in this matter. I am working on a 1985 XVZ12D Venture Royale with a no-spark condition on the front left cylinder. So far I have tested ignition coils, primary and secondary, spark plug cap ends, swapped the front left coil primary leads with the left rear cylinder coil primary leads and it did spark with this change. I have performed a very thorough continuity test on all of the leads from the TCI module to all four of the ignition coils and all of the leads from TCI to the pick-up coils. I did not find any open circuits or bad connections on any of them. I have checked ground and power circuits to TCI and they are good. I performed an ohms value test on the four pick up coils and found similar results as another user at this forum had found. One of the values was in range and three of them seem to be twice the value. The book procedure states testing all four leads individually, (black, gray, white/red and white/green), combined with the orange lead. I read a value of 115 ohm on the black lead and 220 + ohm on the other three. The front left cylinder lead is the gray. I have since removed the pick-up coil assembly from the engine, cleaned and inspected for any bad insulator or signs of trouble and have found nothing. They look as if they may have been replaced in the recent past. While inspecting them I noticed the common lead to both sets of pick-up coils is the black lead. I decided to perform the same ohm test as stated in the manual, but use the black lead as the common instead of the orange lead. After performing this test I found that all four ohm values are in within usable range and not doubled on three of them as when I use the orange lead as the common. Is the manual wrong on the color? Should I be using the black for this test? The orange lead seems to go to only one of the pick-up coils and not shared with any other! I could sure use some help here, I don’t want to condemn this part inadvertently. If I am correct on what I have found on the test it seems as if the TCI or CDI module may be at fault. Any thoughts? I sure appreciate any help on this. Our local Yamaha dealer is no help. I have just received great help from a member here that found that the manual info may be wrong on the test procedure... He found a schematic PDF file that is in the Tech area that has the "black" lead as the common. Very critical information if you are testing the pick-up coils on a first generation. Be sure the black lead is Y'd into both pick-up coils to ensure this is the common before performing a ohms test!
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