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Everything posted by Nodaker
Checked the "Audio" fuse at right front location. It was good but I swapped it out anyway. Checked the "Back Up" fuse at left/side location. Also good but swapped out anyway. I've attached a couple photos of the pigtail harness that used to power the cassette deck. I was in the process of finding a switched power source for a relay, thinking I could use the Red/Black wires in this pigtail ( since it wouldn't be used for anything else anymore.) My problem started (no Audio) when I cut the two wires at the same time with the key switch off. Not sure why, as when i was confirming those two wires as a 12v source I made sure they were on/off with the key switch. Still looking for solution. Thanks!
This could be a long message, but I'll ttry to get to the point. Doing a cassete player delete. replacing with a usb charge port, aux. dash port and Bluetooth receiver. In the process of identifying an acc. switched power source for a relay for the before mentions add-ons, I identified the 12v +/- at the pigtail that used to power the cassete. Figured I was on the home stretch at this point..... I turned key switch off and proceeded to cut the two wires so I could connect them to the relay. When cutting the wires (both at the same time,-not recommended-brain fart) I notice an ever-so-small spark from the red wire. WTH, I double checked and the key switch was still off! (residual voltage?) End result, nothing related to the audio system powers up now!!! I've checked all fuses, side of bike and behind the front/right fairing. Did I blow something inside the radio module? is there a fuse link inside of it. If this had not happened I would be finishing up this project today, instead of spreading more bike parts around the shop. Thanks in advance for any assistance, Nodaker
Thanks for the explenation Rick, it all makes sense. I see no need to go to stiffer springs unless you are be setting up for a heavier payload than what the bike is rated for. Stock springs should be fine unless they are worn out, then replace with the same. Parts should be arriving any day now and then the fun starts. I'll let you know how it turns out. Thanks
Thanks for the tips. I've got a list of parts to order and once the job is complete I'll try to post the parts list for others to use.
I'm about to rebuild front forks on my '04 Venture (blew a seal-oil everywhere-road trip soon:confused07:). Is there a listing somewhere of what parts to replace/not replace, stock and/or aftermarket. The schematic shows all the parts and I'm guessing you only need to replace a handful per side. I've read about some of the members changing from stock to aftermarket springs. What is this suppose to do for the handling? I haven't had any issues with the way the bike rides. I deffinately don't want a harsh/stiff ride for the long hauls. Any help would be appreciated.
Check out the below thread about the Radiantz LED tail light change. Well worth the few minutes is took to install. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13349]New Handlebars & tail light - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
Thanks for the suggestions. Still wondering about the Honda filter, which I had already picked up. I'm guising I'll be deciding whether to take it back or try it out and let everyone know if it works or not.
Stopped at the local Honda shop today to get a filter (yama shop 70 miles away). They crossed to a Honda #15410-MFJ-D01 by way of a K&N 303. Does anyone know of a reason I shouldn't/couldn't use this filter. It appears to be a new number starting back in 2007. Looks to be the correct size, same as what's on my bike now. I've not been able to cross this on any of the referenced charts I've looked at. Dealer said the new goldwings are running this. If it's OK I'm thinking most of the cross ref. charts out there need an update. Helpful replies much appreciated .
Here's a few shots of our I-pod set-up. Works well and keeps it from skipping by not having it hard-mounted. Either I or the wife can keep it around our neck or in the backrest pouch. The little FM transmitter was part of an accessory kit we purchased at Best Buy, but you can by them or similar other brand transmitters as well. This model runs off the Ipods power but we haven't noticed much power drain. We use this in all our vehicles and it has a transmitting distance of well over 20 ft. An open air test I did with nothing in the way I was able to receive the signal over 100' away. We keep a rubber band around the unit to make sure the transmitter doesn't come unplugged from the Ipod.
I purchased the "kit" consisting the Flanders bars and stainless breaded lines/cables consisting of both throttle cables, upper brake & clutch, lower front brake line and rear brake line. This was my first time digging into the front fairing so I gave myself several weeknights to take my time. I also documented every step of the way with about 100 pictures. If you're familiar with your bike and know how to turn a wrench I'd plan for a couple of evenings or one full day. It always seems like there are other things you might want to dig into when you've got the front off and the gas tank off. You might want to change your headlight and/or the spark plugs. Just little things but they all add time. The install was pretty straight forward. Make sure to run the lines through the same locations as the stock lines. My throttle cables were a little on the snug side but with a little adjustment and after a putting on a few miles everything is working smoothly. For more details on the parts and what you need and what the options are, give Rick at Buckeye Performance a call or email . Rick Haferkamp Buckeye Performance 513-779-2447 fax 513-779-2615 info@buckeyeperformance.com There's some helpful information on the install at the www.venturers.org website in the tech. library. Just do a search for Flanders and you should find it. Unfortunately I didn't find this until my project was nearly complete.
Just finished up the Flanders handlebar install last week in time for a 600 mile trip. All I can say is "WOW" what a difference! Like many others I would get that nagging pain between the shoulder blades after an hour or so. Went the whole 600 miles without any discomfort. Highly recommend this upgrade if you're having the same problem. And by the way, Rick at Buckeye Performance is excellent to work with. Another change to the scoot, I installed the Radiantz LED tail light. Wished I'd done that when I got the bike. I recommend this as the first tail light upgrade and then go from there. Having a light bar up higher is also good, which I put on first. But get rid of that dull stock bulb and put this bright one in before adding all of the other little add-on's. I've had good comments on the brightness from others. It's now brighter when brakes are off than the stock was with brakes on. That make three big improvements this year. First - installing Avon's which greatly improved the handling, Second - the Flanders bars which greatly improved the comfort and Third - the LED tail light which hopefully will help keep people off by backside while I enjoy the first two.
I'm about to install the Flanders and new lines that I ordered a few months ago. Can't seem to find the install instructions I thought I'd printed off. Anyone know if there's installation instructions posted here or where? I've sent an email to Rick as well since I couldn't remember if he'd sent them to me...........good grief the memory ain't what it used to be... Thanks for any help!