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Santa Hal

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Everything posted by Santa Hal

  1. Have a GREAT ONE DON!!!
  2. Thanks guys:backinmyday:
  3. another prayer sent Justin's way. Hal&val
  4. Santa Hal


    From the album: Hal

  5. Santa Hal


    From the album: Hal

  6. Santa Hal

    securedownload (4)

    From the album: Hal

  7. Santa Hal

    untitled (2)

    From the album: Hal

  8. Thanks guys I appreciate it I had a good day. Hal :sleigh:
  9. Santa Hal


    Thanks you Hal
  10. Santa Hal


    Just picked up a 550 ZUMO want to know how to get to talk over the system with my phone. Need to know how to hook it up so I can talk on it with the intercom system. Thanks for any help I can get. Hal
  11. Yeah I did the dime trick and glued it on the inside of the cover with no leaks. The Yamaha dealer did not have any of the plugs. I did order the new plugs so I have them if I ever need them. I did this about 10,000 miles ago. This is real easy to do. Hal
  12. Which shelf was your Venture on? Where is your bar at? Don't' worry I don't have a bar either. I don't even have a man cave. Hal:cool10:
  13. Yes I dropped the bike once. My wife and I were leaving the mountains of Idaho, and my brothers dog ran out into the rode and started following us. I was dressed in all of my winter gear because it was cold. I did a u turn and the dog was right in front of me. We were going about 2 miles an hour and we layed it down. We did not get hurt and the bike was fine too. Only thing that was hurt was my pride. Two cars were on the road watching me lift my bike up by myself. I have come close a couple of other times since. Since then I have installed some leveling links and the bike takes take tight turns so much better. Hal
  14. I used Shell Rotella oil and E3 tires on my RSV. Hal
  15. have a great trip:cool10:
  16. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Hal&val
  17. superbikes I love this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Ph0SjLC_lqk&feature=endscreen
  18. Please take plenty of pictures on the way and of the trailer too. It sounds like fun. When are you going? Hal
  19. Thats ok glad to hear that you get to keep the trike. I was wondering what the heck was going on. We hope you had a good Christmas and a good new year too. See you at Kregger Doodles Maintenance Day. Hal:cool10:
  20. Our prayers and condolenses to Joe, his family
  21. Merry Christmas!!! Hal&val
  22. Santa Hal


    May Jack R.I.P. prayers sent Hal&val
  23. Hi Tom, This is Hal I have been in doing Body Work for 39 years. I have no doubt that the shop that you took it to, can fix this properly. But the value of your car is not worth what it would have been so they have this thing called deminished value. You have to find someone that will right deminished value claims. An your insurance will pay you that money of the diminished value claim. The body shop that you are going to should know about this and if you mentioned it right away they might even do a better job on your car. Good Luck & Merry Christmas, Hal
  24. 15w40 rotella work Hal
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