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Santa Hal

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About Santa Hal

  • Birthday 05/02/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    Hal&Val Cameron


  • Location
    Katy TX, United States


  • City
    Katy TX


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, M&E's, Riding play 8 ball
  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 Royal Star Venture
  1. Restrictions on motorcycle passengers. -- Texas. House Bill 3838, also called Malorie's Law, "prohibit(s) the carrying of or riding by a passenger on any motorcycle that is not equipped with footrests and handholds for use by the passenger." According to some sources, many Texan motorcyclists were not aware of this at all!
  2. Dunlop e-3's for great treadwear, the best
  3. Thoughts and prayers Santa Hal
  4. Hi Welcome to the website. I have an 09 RSV went out of warranty sometime this year. Under warranty I replaced the following: rectifier rear schock gas tank because of paint problems front fender due to paint problems the front rider seat due to tearing at the seams. depends where u live we have a good group in Houston where we have maintenance days and we work on each others bikes. let me know if u live in this area if u don't im sure you can find someone to help u with your maintenanance. Hope this helps you,
  5. Welcome to the forum.
  6. happy birthday tippy:cool10:
  7. Are prayers are sent good luck santa Hal
  8. Are prayers are sent good luck with your friend Santa Hal
  9. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery. Santa Hal
  10. Praying for a speedy recovery. Santa Hal
  11. Happy New Year!!!
  12. Happy New Year!!!
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