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Everything posted by frankd

  1. Does anybody know if a 99 Venture starter will bolt in a first generation?? Frank
  2. Yes, it is only the 83's that have the frame problem. Mine broke @92Kmiles, and I purchased an 84 frame to replace (BTW, this is a big, time consuming job!!). The 84 frame was re-designed where the mono-shock and the center stand attach. It was made of heavier gauge steel, and had a couple of gussets added. It seems that Yammie must have discovered this in testing, but not in time for the 83's. The 2nd gear issue is for all of the 83, 84 and part of 85 production. I don't know where I put the service bulletin that tells what S/N is the dividing point in 85 production, but I'm sure you can find it on this site somewhere if you are considering an 85. The good news......the 83-85's are 50# lighter and the 1200's have hotter camshafts, so top end power is higher. If you wind them up, the 1200's are faster than 1300's. However, you have to shift a bit more on the 1200 bikes.
  3. The starter on my 83 Venture has developed a problem that isn't easily repaired (shorted field coil), and it's time to replace it. There was a dealer that was selling the 4 brush starters to us for a good price. Anybody remember which dealer it was?? If I remember correctly the 2 brush starter from the Venture, the 4 brush starter from the V-Max and the starter from the 2nd generation Ventures will all fit. Am I correct?? Is the 2nd generation starter the 4 brush type?? Anybody have a starter they want to sell? Frank
  4. If you have problems with the charging system, the voltage regulator probably was fried before the fuse blew.
  5. If you're talking about the rear and left front brake, you may need one addition. If you bleed them as directed and the brake pedal is still spongy, you probably have air trapped in the line from the rear master cylinder to the left front brake. To expell the trapped air in this line, just behind the triple tree, above the frame you can see a brake line junction. You have to remove the plastic tank cover, and the battery and the battery box. I can't remeber if you have to remove the air cleaner box or not. I hear that the later first gen. bikes have a bleeder there, but your 83 won't have one. Have somebody pump the rear brake pedal up, and then hold it down. While they're holding it down, loosen the connection. Then re-tighten it and then have your help release the brake pedal. Repeat a couple of times and the pedal will be much firmer. Push a rag in the area to catch released brake fluid, and be careful not to run your rear master cylinder dry.
  6. How old are your spark plugs??
  7. When I picked up a nail in the center of my relatively new back tire, I used my Stop-N-Go to keep riding until the new tire arrived. It worked great, the only problem was that every couple of days I had to put a little air in the tire. I probably rode 150 miles, and the air loss wasn't getting any worse.
  8. Jack, After reading your message, I went outside and inspected my 3 year old Avon with about 17,000 miles on it. There are no cracks showing.
  9. frankd


    If it's using that much oil, you would have to add some before too long. Do you?? (If so, how fast does it use oil?) If it's smoking due to a coolant leak (head gasket..) your coolant level will go down after a couple of rides. Does it?? If it smoking due to a rich mixture, your gas mileage will be lousy. Are you getting around 40 MPG?? Once the source of the smoke is positively determined, troubleshooting will be a lot easier.
  10. In the '83 sales literature, they said that it was supposed to increase the low speed gas mileage.
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