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Everything posted by Globewalker

  1. I did the Flanders bar install last summer about the same time as Phoneman1981. They were on backorder for awhile but got mine through Phats for $139.95 Here is the thread with usnmustang's great pictoral writeup http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37770 but the p/n he listed is possibly a typo as for the RSTD it is 650-08783 as Phoneman said. usnmustang and Phoneman have come up with unique ways to get the bar end weights back on.. but my bike didnt have them as the previous owner had installed Kurykans.. I did change my front brake lines to SS and extended it by 3 inches. Got them from Cycle Brakes p/n FK003D463-3+3 for $150. Yamaha recommends the rubber ones be changed every 3 years anyhow I believe. I still want to change the back ones one day.. The other cables were easy enough to extend. Kreg, since you have a RSV it would be a different Flanders model, but I hear RSTD stock bars work and give you more pullback. I would give you mine but already promised them to Squidley. -Keith
  2. +1 for Onkyo and +1 for monoprice.com - cheapest cables and decent,, espec for just reals of speaker wire. Had some component cables from them that were too stiff and would back out .. but for the most part much better than the overpriced big box stores checkout Crutchfield.com also for home theater systems, they have a very educational website.
  3. Looks like Crocket area is getting hammered again tonight... Good luck up there...
  4. WOW.. and we are all whining on this side of the pond because it is approaching $4/gallon. I also get about 150ish to the tank I believe. Good luck
  5. You didn't notice a vapor trail behind you huh? ;-) There is no Fuel light for the RSTD.. not sure about the Venture.. Are you riding in ON or RESERVE? Per the Owners manual there are 8 lights: 1. High beam indicator light “ ” 2. Cruise control indicator lights 3. Oil level warning light “ ” 4. Turn signal indicator light “ ” 5. Engine trouble warning light “ ” 6. Overdrive indicator light “O/D” 7. Coolant temperature warning light “ ” 8. Neutral indicator light “ ” Low Fuel indication is per the gauge: Fuel meter The fuel meter indicates the amount of fuel in the fuel tank. The display segments of the fuel meter disappear towards “E” (Empty) as the fuel level decreases. When the last segment on the right starts flashing, refuel as soon as possible. When the key is turned to “ON”, all of the display segments of the fuel meter will appear one after the other and then disappear in order to test the electrical circuit. NOTE: This fuel meter is equipped with a self diagnosis system. If the electrical circuit is defective, all the display segments will start flashing. If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical circuit.
  6. Good thread. Hope this isn't a dumb question even if there are no dumb questions Will the Shock absorber 0-60 hand pump inflate a tire if you had to, or not enough leverage? Or best to just get a small compressor? Has anyone tried the type that inflates from a spark plug cylinder? Are they more trouble than they're worth? Thanks, Keith
  7. Thanks for the replies guys. I have been wondering what makes the biggest difference Most people that comment on the great handling improvement typically did both, lower the front and installed the performance springs and valves. I am sure both have some degree of effect. It is still on my list of things I want to do....
  8. Was this ever answered? Does this bolt problem only apply to 1st Gens? Thanks
  9. Globewalker

    Moly 60.

    hmm maybe not.. I just bought some recently from local Honda car dealer and it was $13.10 for a 3oz tube!!! It seemed high for the size for sure. I think BigBoy you may be wrong about the 8oz because I got the same part number on my invoice that you listed. But that 3 oz tube could last a very long time.. I greased the rear splines, etc.. at a recent maint day and barely made a dent in it.. And I used someones acid brush idea and that worked good.
  10. Well there is one upside to this long Winter.. you guys can lose weight so you can eat more ice cream.. :ICrolleyes: 'Thermal Dieting'
  11. Sweet. By your pic i figured you for 6ft though Did you do it yourself or have the dealer do it? Considering that also on my RSTD and wonder what the labor cost should run. Did you go with the Barons kit? Thanks, Keith
  12. And still waiting on delivery right?
  13. I left the heat of houston looking for snow... In Tahoe skiing right now and it's even warm here.. You guys sure have been hammered this spring.. But I am sure we will be envious of you guys this Summer when we are riding in 100+ heat.. Hope you all can get out soon.
  14. Hoping for the best outcome for you Don, good luck. Have an Uncle who opted for the surgery just recently.. seems to be doing ok.. So they seem to be making great strides there.
  15. Here is mine in combination with the Wind Deflectors. My feet really burn up behind those lower cowlings in the Texas summertime heat. The Wind deflectors didn't seem to help that much... but using the pegs to get my feet out in the air really does. The deflectors may do more good in the winter to close them and keep the heat at the feet than they do in the summer to direct air at them. -Keith
  16. Thanks for the thread Boomer. Very enlightening.. I've been to a few rallys where the prevalent MC of Texas has a booth setup selling Tshirts and what not.. thought it strange.. Probably also recruiting.. Haven't seen any trouble at 'em yet though.
  17. of course it didnt work on the iPad .. dango flash thing but it worked on my windows desktop w/ Firefox.. made me hungry and its 120Am.. better get to bed before I start up the pit.
  18. Wow lots of good info here Brian. I actually am responding from my iPad. I have had it awhile but slow to understand how useful it can be. In the Windows world on the desktop so not real integrated together yet. The flash thing does bug me ... This Dropbox app you speak of have a windows version or only for a Mac? Anyhow I will look into your other tips and see if I can get more use from it. Thanks, Keith
  19. Thanks. I expect the surge when it is trying to climb uphill.. but this will even do it on a flat straightaway.. once it's starts it just keeps on doing it.. I end up having to just turn it off..
  20. Yea thats what I figured.. found my receipt.. $105 for 1.5 hrs to diagnose/inspect cruise control and adjust all 5 cables.. Claims that the exhaust system has been 'butchered' altering the airflow and therefore affecting the cruise control. recommends clean the carbs and rejet. First and only time I brought it there...
  21. Does an exhaust change affect the warranty? I've been considering a change also but concerned about the warranty. I have stock pipes and did the mod to drill out the baffle.. When I took it in to have the cruise control looked at.. (surges up and down +/- 5mph once set).. they balmed it on the fuel mix because I punched out the exhaust and charged me $100+ for 'adjusting the cruise'.. Still didn't fix my problem. And of course it was already doing it before I punched the exhaust out so that was not the cause. Thanks, Keith
  22. And then there is this ..hmm.. odd idea.. just drill where it says DOT eh..? Ponytail Helmet
  23. Yea but that's for the RSV.. he is talking RSTD, which doesn't have the pillow top. And I didn't notice an angle difference with the Mustang passenger seat, just a little wider.
  24. It is definitely different for everyone.. I have a new Mustang Seat w/ backrest for a 05-09 RSTD I need to sell. It's a nice seat but just didn't work for my body type.. only has a weekend trip on it. I am small guy.. not sure if that factors in. I have a Corbin on my 750 Shadow and like it. It is a no-pad seat for sure but that's their philosophy. I went back to the stock seat w/ Butler mod and a Utopian backrest.. so far so good. Oh and for passenger, the Mustang passenger seat is a bit wider and more comfortable than the stock one.. I haven't seen or tried a Corbin on a RSTD yet.
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