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  • Location
    Spring, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    MC, Bowling, diving, kayaking
  • Bike Year and Model
    07 RSTD

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  1. i know its an old question but... 2005-09_RSTD_Service_Manual-RY-L0-12-60.pdf RSTD_own_manual.pdf RSTDRSV_Supplemental Manual.pdf
  2. I have a Larry Lift adaptor for a RSTD (not Venture) available if anyone needs it. I no longer have the bike. Im in Houston TX area.
  3. This lift adaptor is still available. For an RSTD (not Venture) FREE if come get it. I'm in Spring, TX near Houston
  4. I do still have it. $75 plus shipping. it is specific to a Royal Star Tour Deluxe and from what I recall not compatible with Venture
  5. Carbon One lift adapter ( aka Larry Lift ) for 2007 RSTD is available for sale. $75 plus shipping. NOTE: it is specific to a Royal Star Tour Deluxe, and from what I recall, is not compatible with Venture I also have the original exhaust pipes for this bike somewhere in the garage. In the Houston, Texas area
  6. SOLD-- I will miss it... 2007 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe XVZ13CT 1300cc V4, Liquid Cooled, 5 Speed, Shaft Drive in Candy Red/Raven Quick Release windshield and backrest makes easy conversion from town Cruiser to Touring bike Low Mileage: <15,000 original miles. Always garage kept. Runs Great, No Problems. Located in Spring, Texas (Houston area) $5000 Accessories added: (>$2200) KromeWerks Slipon pipes for that perfect rumble (original pipes included) Modified (rescultped by Butler) stock seat with Utopia folding driver backrest, Rear Luggage rack (luggage bag included), Chrome Celestar Radiator Grill, Deluxe chrome saddle bag guard rails, Rear LED Chrome license plate bracket, Kuryakyn Longhorn Offset Dually highway Pegs, Tinted lower vent wind deflectors, Front Passing lights w/ switch under headlight, Wolo BadBoy Airhorn (with relay) and 6-gang fuse box as well as external Charge port Handlebars – H-bar wide max pullback 650-08783, Plus Avon Galindo Grips (more pullback than originals). Also Had front end lowered some by Yamaha shop (I’m 5’7”) Custom Gaffer braided front Brake Lines LarryLift adaptor for maintenance BILT Cover OwnersManual PDF
  7. There is this old (good) thread also where some custom adjustments were needed http://www.venturerider.org/forum/body-plastic-paint-and-seats/6365-improving-lines-saddlebag-guard-rails.html?highlight=Improving+Lines and more discussion here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/second-generation-venture-tech-talk/44588-saddlebag-rail-adjustment.html?highlight=Improving+Lines I had bought aftermarket ones off ebay years ago and had to do same to get the rails to look level and match the lines of the bags
  8. In '98 the wife and I quit our jobs and ventured on a 6 month backpacking Europe trip. Was looking for an email name to use to correspond with the families from the then popular Internet cafes. last name is Walker.. was going to be walking the globe .. so came up with Globewalker(s) (a play on the old Globetrotters except we aren't tall enough)
  9. I haven't participated in much over the years.. but even I have witnessed and received the giving side of Brad. I'm sorry that life has thrown you a temporary curve ball, but you definitely deserve some help from your friends. I'm nearby if I can help with anything. -Keith
  10. Was traveling in Croatia this summer and saw this toy tool set for sale. The Lost in Translation captions on it made me laugh. It must have been a Chinese import even there because everyone there speaks English..
  11. I also replaced my brake lines with the SS extended ones rather than try to stretch the old ones http://www.cyclebrakes.com/html/custom_lines.html This is the part number I order (back in 2010) K003D463-3+3 FRONT 3 LINE KIT - GALFER **+3 INCHES ON TOP LINE ONLY**
  12. My buddy Mark (Phoneman1981) on here posted some pics before and after in his album, I'm sure he wont mind me pointing you that direction. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/album.php?albumid=864 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?50878-Flanders-Bar-replacement-on-2005-RSTD&p=582983&posted=1#post582983post582983 And this is the good write up of instructions someone posted long ago..(except model # of the bars is incorrect for RSTD.. you have the correct part number) http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?37770-RSTD-Flanders-How-To-w-new-stock-end-weight-idea It appears by this catalog that the model quoted in the instructions 650-08373 could prob work since center measurement is wide but the pullback is less than the normal model that everyone is installing on the RSTD 650-08783 ... FWIW http://www.sideroadcycles.com/HandlebarCatalog1-28-2011.pdf -Keith
  13. Looks like a wind turbine wing ... a lot of them pass through here
  14. My wife snapped this while driving near Houston, TX a Mustang lover's MC Trailer it appears..
  15. 650-08783 is the correct model for RSTD Several of us had trouble getting the RSTD Flanders bars even back in 2010.. Lots of talk about discontinuing them, back ordered .. You can try this site also.. http://www.sideroadcycles.com/AmericanMotorcycles/Handlebars/Six_Bends/Flanders_Pullbacks.html oh but looks like the previous Flanders link brings you here.. they appear affiliated.. Good luck .. there is a good write up on this site on how to change them..
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