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About cimack77

  • Birthday 07/13/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    Carlos Asencio


  • Location
    Wendell, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1988 Yamaha Royale Venture
  1. Thanks everyone for their help. cimack77
  2. Has anyone just changed the fork oil on a 1st Gen without removing the forks.? I know there is a drain plug at the bottom of the forks.
  3. This is an update to my previous front bearing question. Here is the general info on the bearings:file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/user/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-2.png http://motors.shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=yamaha+venture+front+bearings&_sacat=10063&_dmpt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&_odkw=&_osacat=10063&bkBtn=&_trksid=p4506.m270.l1313http://motors.shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=yamaha+venture+front+bearings&_sacat=10063&_dmpt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&_odkw=&_osacat=10063&bkBtn=&_trksid=p4506.m270.l1313 All the bearings and seal required to refit a wheel in one convenient package. -Premium high-speed bearings feature low drag, double lip seals on both sides to provide superior exclusion of water and dirt and improved grease retention. -High performance Chevron SRI-II grease features special rust inhibitors for the most demanding applications. -Type TC, Nitrile Elastomer wheel seals are specifically designed to keep out water and dirt. The rubber coated outside diameter creates an optimum seal at the hub. -Made by All Balls. Hope this clarifies my question. The blue seal can be removed and reset. cimack77
  4. Just got a set of sealed bearings for the front end of my 1988. Question is the bearings are pre-greased but seem so very little, should I pack or use them as is. Thanks cimack77
  5. Need speedometer cable for 1988 VR. Thanks
  6. I have used the re-solder circuit board twice. The problem is as follows: I can set the front air pressure and then get an E1 error, I wiggle the white plug behind the control unit and it will be functional enough to set both the front and rear pressures, but once I turn off and secure everything, I get E1 error again.. Question: If I set the pressures front and rear, then turn off unit, will the system maintain pressure until the next time I have to wiggle the white plug which feels lose. cimack77
  7. To be more precise: the rust through is at the junction of the tappered portion, which connects to the tip and the main muffler body foward of the weld. Both rust through are directly underneath. I found them while examining the brake pads which have plenty of life. I suspect the PO did due some maintenance, just do not know why it sat so long. This bike had been stored outside for sometime, so my restoration is finding small but annoying issues but overall the bike is in good shape. Just trying to pass inspection so I can finish and take that first spring ride...
  8. Looking for set of mufflers for 1988 venture, found holes at the connection point of the muffler & tips...she won't pass state inspection.... Anyone have a set in the corner of their garage we could work out a deal.... cimack77
  9. Looking for trailer hitch for 1988 Venture 1300 DU. Restoring bike and found complete wiring but hitch had been removed. Anyone has a used one or source..
  10. First, I would like to thank Monty for the basic idea which I then modified. I have attached pictures of the the final product: somewhat crude but functional..the back plate is removable for winter riding. Currently, vent pointing downward but can be removed and turned 180 degree for warm air upwards..... Material: Aluminum flashing----$10.00 Aluminum Vent-------$ 2.00 Hardest part was making a template: first paper and then basic template in aluminum...and lots of patient and trimming.
  11. cimack77


  12. Thanks fellows for the leads...
  13. Anyone have a lead on obtaining a rear rotor for 1988 venture?
  14. This maybe a simplistic question but I have to ask. I have been working on putting a 1988 venture back on the road after some neglect. My question is: the rear rotor is a two piece design with bolts/studs holding the outer and inner ring together, does the ring normally have play or should it be locked down? The rotor is in good condition no nicks or excessive wear----so is this normal or another piece to replace.. Please let me know...
  15. Tim: Thanks for the tip. Will get some and replace current foam. Cleaning-up and bringing back to life, newly aquired 1988 Royale Venture 1300 DU. cimack77
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