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Everything posted by breezelasbre73

  1. do you run regularor premium gas in your bike?i will caculate the mileage tomorrow.i will fill the bike up.i would like a pic of the carbs so i can see if i can do it.i wanna check the diaphrams.,needles.send me a pic of it if thats possible
  2. i have been reading the fork seal replacement that was done by one of the members on the site.i was looking at the tools needed also.i saw some seals online at ebay or do i need to got do the dealer to get them,to make sure they are right.i dont know what it cost to let a repair shop do it.i am in the dallas area are there any good bike repair shop.let me know
  3. i cleaned the under the fork covers 3 times and put the covers back on.i pressed down on the forks a few times and the continue to leak.i also cleaned them again last night,woke up this morning fluid is still running down the forks.i was gonna drain them but i dont want fill them up with fluid and they still leak.i guess i could save the fluid by putting a bucket under them and save the fluid.and suggestions anyone
  4. i cleaned the fork oil from on top of the fork seal.i also cleaned the dust cover and replaced it.gonna go for a ride and see what happens
  5. i will try that,will let you know what happened
  6. you are right,those things can be fixed.i dont know how much it will cost.
  7. hi,venture gang.a couple i was going to go for a ride with my wife,i was airing up my front forks. the neighbor kids were playing around the garage,i hade just put the progressive pump on the valve and the wife called me in the house to move something.i came back outside and the neighbors kid was pumping the air pump.he thought it was a tire air pump.i was nervous the bike was sitting up pretty high,i thought it was ok.we rode awhile and came home.i woke up the next day fork oil was running down both seals.i think he blew both of them out.damn,damn,damn. whats next
  8. breezelasbre73

    bikes and cars of the past and present

    these are some of my past and present toys.i love cars and bikes as you can see.i still own the buick, jaguar, venture,vulcan the rest hade to go.
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