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Personal Information

  • Name
    Ronald Faith


  • Location
    Searcy, AR, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    bluegrass music
  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Venture Royale

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  1. I`ve got a used one for a MKII I will sell.
  2. My 86 did this last year and my problem was a loose wire in the switch.
  3. Don`t care for it...............Liked old one a lot better!
  4. Jrichard, I`ll take it. I`m in Searcy, Arkansas 72143. Let me know what I owe you. Thanks, Ron
  5. I have a nice one in the gold color I would sell................
  6. I have a pair of the ventureline driving lights and brackets that I would be willing to part with.............
  7. Thanks BigLenny, God was looking out for Searcy last night!
  8. Thanks for your concern, my family and I are all safe and the only damage was some trees blown down. Ronnie86
  9. 1 5 inch patch please............
  10. I`ve got one on my spare 86 fender I would be willing to part with............
  11. I have a pair I will sell, I don`t want to break up the set so you to purchase both lights and brackets.............
  12. Stock grips are the only way to go for me, the fatter ones hurt my hands on longer trips..........
  13. I`ve got one on one of my parts bikes but it will be a few days before I can check it out.......
  14. I have an 03 with 130,000 on it 18 miles to the gallon. run great, no problems..........
  15. I`ve got a couple of old ones laying around , just let me know..........
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