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Everything posted by DkKnight

  1. I still contend that we have to look at the INTENT or lack thereof in the majority of accidents. I agree that we all probably have periods of inattention or do more than one thing when we are driving, professional driver or not. If we have a crash or accident, we usually didn't intend on it happening, but it did..... stuff happens. Should we all be held to the fullest extent of the law in every instance. Don't forget that the majority of those in accidents or crashes where someone dies merely made an error, unfortunate as it was, it was still an error. Their lives are probably ruined in many ways without putting them all in jail. It is sad for all parties involved. We need to hold people accountable in ALL aspects, lets start with the true criminals and work our way down from there. The lynch all "cagers" who make an error mentality of this post almost makes think many of you think you are better or special just because you ride a motorcycle. Nobody makes us ride, we do it by choice knowing the risks. As riders we ride with our eyes wide open and we are usually more aware of other riders when we are in our vehicles, but that doesn't make us any better people or any less capable of having something bad happen because we make a mistake, have an accident or a crash! I don't see anyone here ready to hang a person on a motorcycle who injures another person on a motorcycle because they make a mistake while riding and cause a crash/accident. Same set of circumstances, just different vehicles Put your ropes away and maybe do something to assist in the education process instead of wanting to jail someone or add more ruination to their live then they have already added to it all by themselves. Dropping a gun isn't necessarily a misuse of it, it isn't a good thing.. .but... I am sure we have all dropped something dangerous with out any ill intentions. Most guns these days won't go off if dropped, even if they are cocked and locked..... bad analogy if you ask me
  2. I bet there were more circumstances than the fact she simply ran the stopsign.
  3. There is a reason situations like most of those mentioned are called ACCIDENTS!. There was no intent to harm by their action, there was no deliberate or gross negligence. We all have caused things bad to happen that we didn't intend on happening, but they did. We committed the error on ACCIDENT! If there is CRIMINAL violation that causes the bad thing to happen then the penalty should be stiffer. Most traffic violations are infractions (depending on the state), not a misdemeanor or felony (i.e. speeding, failure to yield). So what needs to happen is for folks to take a breath and put the lynching ropes away and look at the situation without the emotion. I don't see people wanting to prosecute everyone that hits a pedestrian or does something that is deemed and ACCIDENT! We chose to ride a motorcycle knowing the dangers and the risks, just as we do in allot of other things in life. While we do what we can to avoid the other guy, sometimes S*H*I*T* happens. We don't look to hang other motorcyclists that are found a fault in an accident. We all drive a car too and we can make a mistake and cause and ACCIDENT! I think the fines would be the same if it was another vehicle involved in the incident with the same result. While it is sad when a motorcyclist dies, it too is sad when anyone dies before their time. We aren't really any different of more special because we CHOOSE to ride on two wheels. Take a breath and step back off of your high horse or soap box and look at the real world.
  4. Have seen that they have been released to the market. They are said to have a bit different shape and a flip down sun visor. Has anyone bought one or tried one out? It is about time to replace the helmet I bought with my 05 (an original SYMAX) and am considering it as the replacement. [ATTACH]15575[/ATTACH] Here is the url of anyone wants to go to the HJC website http://www.hjchelmets.com/
  5. and have them go to look at the bike with you, or just go by, give it a ride and a once over and get back to you!
  6. he probably billed for the labor not the light bar..... Since the light bar is an add on yamaha may not pay them for te labor to install it since the light bar isn't a stock item, it probably isn't covered by the warranty.
  7. I noticed oil on my kickstand tip (which lays against one of those tubes) after about 5k miles. I asked the dealer about it and they said it was "normal". I have had the oil changed 2-3 times since, still does it. Last week when Rich 99 and Lone Eagle came to my house for our trip to Fort Collins, I noticed that both of their bikes (99 Venture and a 2006 RSTD) had "marked" my garage floor with the same type of "drip"). That leads me to believe that it is truly a common thing. Not a mechanic by anymeans, just my observations.
  8. And they will fit inside the Yamaha passing lamp housing?
  9. I never have a hard time taking things a part................... It is the putting them back together right that I SUCK AT!!!:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  10. Sherry, I was glad I could make it over to be there to honor the memory of Tom. It was a privilege to finally meet you and see your family. I would like to be able to come over for the Memorial Service, but work won't allow it. Know that M and I will be there in spirit and thinking of you and your family. I am sorry that I missed you in the chat when you came in. Everyone was glad they got the chance to hear from you and to see your sense of humor shine through. We will be there (it seems that some are there all the time ) and waiting to hear from you again. Be strong and know that your large dysfunctional family with riding and eating disorders will be here to help you along. Don't be afraid to seek out shoulders to lean on, you have about 2500 relatives here, all with 2 to use. Tom and Melissa
  11. Looks like it would get in the way when the passenger gets on and off the bike. I would think some thing that would hang below the rail would be better suited. M just puts the bottle inside her jacket if she wants to have something to drink.
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