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Everything posted by DkKnight

  1. Here are a few pictures of the bike in the garage. Will try to get some of it with a better background when weather permits. It has been crappy weather here all day [ATTACH]27492[/ATTACH][ATTACH]27493[/ATTACH][ATTACH]27494[/ATTACH][ATTACH]27495[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27496[/ATTACH]
  2. I have completed a trade for my 05 Venture and picked up my new to me 03 Fully loaded BMW K1200LTC. The bike is pacific blue and has anything and everything I could want on it. The new owner of my bike was given the information regarding this site and hopefully will register an gleen a wealth of information from all of you. If my memory serves me right he is a former roadstar owner and is familiar with Yamaha's in general. We met in Susanville at the Black Bear diner, had lunch and swapped pink slips, keys and headed home. His name is Randy Thomas so if you see him come on give him a warm welcome and please don't treat him the way you did me. Unlike me, he is a really nice guy! The BMW handles like a dream and I actually like the slow speed handling of it better than the RSV. The seating and handlebar positions will take some getting used to. There are alot of gadgets onboard to figure out too. I will post pictures soon! :ice_thy-vi101212101Jack - Thanks for the lead on the bike. It took us several months to get to today due to weather and schedules but it is a done deal. I will keep sticking my head in from time to time, I know M lurks here all the time. To be honest I haven't been hanging out on any sites of late other than duck hunting and dog training sites since I have recently purchased a male chocolate lab that has just finished his first stint of waterfowl training and is due to go back mid May for the final 3 months of training. I will be hunting him in the upcoming season.
  3. You are man with far too much time on his hands and his mind in places it shouldn't be.
  4. I wouldn't eat them either if they were dick fingers..... heheheheheheheh ....... you said DICK!:doh::doh:
  5. Heck we even resort to the MOJO decoys to help make them think it is safe..................... What a kick in the pants it is to watch them just float down toward a plastic dug with rotating plastic wings. DUMB BIRDS!
  6. I need all the help I can get to kill the dumb birds. If I thought I would survive a 10 gauge I would try one of them! They really deserve it because a good number of the wanted into the pond so bad they circled and tried to drop in a second time. As for the black meat... I find people who actually will cook and eat it. I have eaten it a couple of times and find it is a learned taste. It is kind of good marinated, skewered and cooked on the BBQ.
  7. I picked up 2 single shot .22 rifles today. 1. A Remington Targetmaster 510P in really good shape. Has peep sights and very little wear any place. I found out they were manufactured from 1939 - 1968. Up to that time no serial numbers were required, so it is impossible to know how old it really is 2. A Ranger Single shot .22 M-34 rifle. Very good shape, stock finish is still glossy with very few dings. Research showed that they were manufactured for Sears by Marlin. Will be taking them apart in the next day or so... or maybe after I get back from Arkansas at the end of the month. Will take them out and shoot them then. On another note, Went duck hunting yesterday. My partner and I shot 13 ducks total. 8 for me and 5 for him. I even got 2 doubles. We spilt the kills to make sure we shot had the right numbers of the various birds to make the Wildlife folks happy, 2 Drake Mallards 1 Hen Mallards 2 Drake Shovelbills 2 Hen Shovelbills 4 Drake Gadwall 2 Hen Gadwall Morning flight only gave us 3 birds, slow afternoon got us 2, the big run was the evening flight which came in large groups getting us the last 8 in the final hour and a half. Wish we could get a bird for every shot fired...:bang head: would have about 35 birds ! Only my second season hunting and am loving the hell out of it. Started last season with a Remington 870 express 12 gauge. Moved up some this year with the purchase of a Benelli Super Black Eagle II ... What a sweet gun. Yesterday was the third outing for the season. First day 0, Second day 1, Third day, 8 nice progression. Would be nice if I can limit each time. What a day it was :hurts::hurts:
  8. I'll bet it was quite a sight considering it was a girl v girl fight. Probably a lot of yelling and slapping. It is sad to see a man taken down and clipped by a girl. Guess if it had to happen it was best it was the OLD FART since he needs to be taken down a notch or two now and then. He was well overdue seeing how he got all hoyttie toyttie once it found out he was going to work for the FBI and all. That is his story, notice how he never posted any pictures of his FED DO ? :confused07: He was ashamed! The man has no team spirit. M even offered the shirt off her back during the auction to get him to let us snip it off. That is yet another demonstration of his OLDNESS Think of the money we could have raised that day and then it could have been the perpetual auction item at ride-ins, instead all we have of Steve is his ATTITUDE:rasberry:, which by the way is pretty poor and nobody wants, especially if we would have to pay for it. Good thing this is a free site huh?! Steve is like eating a big blob of peanut butter, he takes forever to get rid of and every once in a while we just have to put up with another taste of him to remember what we really didn't miss. Kinda like dog poo... gets stuck on your shoe and takes forever to get rid of the remnants and the smell. By the ways Steve, how the hell you been? I missed having you here to kick around!
  9. You can also try the state attorney general or better business bureau sites to see if they have any complaints about this company open. Price seems way to low and as others have said may be the doorway to the bait and switch routine etc. I always think if it sounds to good to be true it probably is. I got mine from MEGAGPs. Heard good things about them via word of mouth and some research. Paid more but I was confident in the place up front.
  10. :stirthepot:Can we adopt the same policy on religious posts? Religion is the politics of spiritual beliefs and has a handful of parties that spar for position and to one another all the others are wrong. I bet if I quoted the Koran or Torah I would catch a lot of flack and/or have the post deleted forthwith So really what is the difference? "Can't We all just get along?" - Rodney King 2001
  11. I wish my garage had nice carpet and sofa in it like the one in your picture. Damn fine way to treat your bike and yourself!
  12. Damn! You guys are over thinking the entire process. The question about the weights is legit, but worrying about the possible loss of a weight. I think that if you lose a weight you will know it, as the stuff probably doesn't have enough weight in one place at one time to make the adjustment. Good place to go for the answer would be to email the company and ask them. Put it in, try it out and go from there. You will make each other crazy if you keep going with it here!
  13. I guess for folks like you that need that type of instruction they could be.... But that is actually recoil absorption pad incorporated into the stock. This configuration is suppose to reduce the recoil by up to 49% they say. I would think it would be a real plus if you are shooting 3.5 mags out of it.
  14. Thought I would check to see if there are any other Benelli Shotgun owners in the crowd. I have admired and drooled over the Super Black Eagle II for the past year. Yesterday I went out and bought the left handed model in the APG4 camo configuration. I haven't got to shoot it yet, hopefully tomorrow evening a friend and I will go out and I will try it out on clays. Duck season opens on the 11th here and I really want to have a good feel for it before then. http://www.benelliusa.com/firearms/large/sbe2CTApg12Ga.jpg Last year was my first season and I used a right handed Remington 870 Express, which in it's own right is a good solid and rugged gun... Completely different class of gun though. I managed to shoot 1 Goose and 22 ducks... one of them even a banded wood duck! Hopefully this season will be as much fun and I will knock even more of them down!
  15. What gives? I have noticed lately that my signature is slowly disappearing All you can see is the Avatar and just the top of my signature
  16. I love mine... All it takes is a bottle brush and a rag to clean the vents if the dirt bothers you enough. I have a "bike Brush" that is bigger and haven't given it a try yet. It is an opinion think. We all have them and to each their own. I like the look and functionality of the vent more than I do the round cut out ones. IMHO of course!
  17. WIMP!
  18. Gerbing heated leather gloves. Pricey but warm!
  19. Having been to a few of the VR events I have seen a fair number of BIG and I mean REALLY BIG FOLKS, some riding 2 up. All that being said. I think the word A LOT says it all!
  20. How do you transfer the remaining warranty on an RSV to the new owner, any cost?
  21. Not a done deal yet, but I have a guy from Seattle flying in on the 18th for my bike. We have agreed on a price and that I will consider the bike sold. He has his airline and hotel reservations made and I will pick him up at the airport on the 18th. If all goes well he will be on his way home with his new bike on Thursday. Once cash is in hand and/if I get a thumbs up report from Scott-Tooldood and/or Klaus-Kbert777 that the k1200LT that I have an agreed upon price on in the Las Vegas area; I will be heading down there on the 20th to ride my new 2005 LT home When that all happens, I will still lurk here, but will also be browsing the BMW Luxury Touring site for the same types of information I found here. I will keep you posted and add pictures as well. I want to continue to make the rides with you bunch of misfits, as I haven't met a better group of degenerates in a long time. I will just be doing it on a different bike. Will update as things change
  22. Brian, buy my bike and I will throw in the Garmin and the mount!
  23. What is the trick to getting better volume out of the... what is the difference between the soft and hard. I have the 550 and only know of the adjustment on the screen
  24. I have louder pipes and listen to music
  25. I might have just the bike you are looking for!
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