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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Harvey Ryberg


  • Location
    Superior,WI, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    90 Royale
  1. Thanks again to all. I guess what got me interested in speedbleeders/vacuum was making it a one man job more than making it faster. How much do speed bleeders cost and does anyone know of any problems with them. They look fairly simple and as long as you're running clean brake fluid thru them......
  2. I used to sell sub-micron oil filtration systems about 20 years ago and I asked the head guy from an oil sample testing lab what kind of oil he used. He said "whatevers cheapest at K-Mart". He said there's almost no difference in how they lubricate and the best way to extend engine life was to change the oil more often. A car or truck oil filter (and I imagine motorcycles too) are 11-13 microns because they would have too much backpressure if they were any finer. The wear particles that do the most damage are 3 microns or less. Unless you install a sub-micron bypass filter, changing your oil more often is the best investment for engine longevity you can make. A guy at my local Yamaha dealer told me just make sure you use motorcycle oil or you'll have clutch problems.
  3. Well, I'm starting to feel better about the bike, but not the local Yamaha dealers. I get the feeling that they don't know much about the 1st gen. As far as the valves go, can you hear obvious noise when they need adjustment? All my air cooled 4's you could tell when the valves were off just by listening. Is there a general consensus about when they should be done? Thanks again.
  4. If I have a v-max differential, it fits perfectly & looks brand new. I did notice that some, but not all of the bolts on the heads have signs of having had a wrench on them. The motor runs absolutely perfect, starts right up and if its over 55-60 degrees i can shut the choke off right away and it never dies. I do get a little popping on deceleration at high RPM, but I figured that's probably one of those gaskets (doughnuts?) in the pipes.
  5. I'm planning to change everything I can, as long as it isn't beyond my pay grade (ignorant but not stupid). I've done brakes and rebuilt calipers before with good luck. This week I'm going to clean it down to the frame, partly because I think one of the most important skills for this bike will be learning to get the body parts off & on quickly. Thanks again for your help.
  6. Howdy to all and thanks in advance for your help. I have a 90 vr with 13k on it that pulls the front wheel off the ground on a smooth shift into 2nd gear. That isn't normal is it? When you look at the weight to HP ratio and then factor my big ass on it, this doesn't seem likely to me. All my other bikes have been lighter with shorter gears & about the same HP and this one is definitely quicker. I've talked to people at 2 local Yamaha dealers and they seem at least as puzzled as I am. I need to get the valves etc. done in a couple thousand miles and wondering if there's anything they need to know about and how I can find out more about it. Can anyone recommend a shop anywhere in my area? I live near Duluth MN. The guy I bought it from had it about 5 years and put 3k on it, bought it in Colorado & says he doesn't know anything about the history. Thanks again.
  7. Howdy to all and thanks in advance for any help you can give me. I bought a 90 Royale with 11k on it last Memorial Day,with the idea I would take a couple trips on it and make a few thousand on it selling it. By the 2nd day riding it I was hooked. What a nice piece of machinery. Since I'm never going to sell it (it's like brand new) I figured I better learn how to work on it. I've spent quite a few hours studying on this sight and found it to be a great resource. My first question is: speed bleeders vs vacuum pump. I've found posts on here in favor of both. My rear brake peddle feels plenty firm but doesn't work as well as my other bikes and there's plenty of pad left. I'm guessing bleeding is the place to start. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
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